Yesterday the Summer 2016 issue of the Mayflower Descendant arrived in the mail. It is a terrific, must-have publication for genealogists. I encourage you to subscribe and read every issue.

The first article, “William and Lydia (Swift) Young of Windham, Connecticut: A John Howland and Richard Warren Line” by Jeffery Allen Record and Christopher Chandler Child, immediately got my attention.
A “John Howland line.” I am a John Howland descendant – so these people are my cousins. I wanted to read this article and add the information to my family tree.
I don’t just wholesale add each of these well researched and documented individuals – I also verify each person, retracing the steps the authors took, and look for contemporary accounts in GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives of the events in their lives.
I immediately found an article confirming the marriage of Thomas Fitch Young and Lydia Tilden in Lebanon, Connecticut (see pages 128-129 of the Mayflower Descendant article).

I also found this second article about their marriage.

With GenealogyBank’s solid coverage of Colonial American newspapers – back to 1690 – GenealogyBank is my go-to source for verifying all of my Mayflower family lines.
Related Mayflower Articles:
MY father was Harvey (nmi) Hall born in Butte, MT Aug 18 1904 (PHD u. of California 1931. His father, Horace Mark Hall was born in Warrenton, MS in 1854 (MD at Northwestern 1884. There is far more family tree available. My oldest son is John Howland Hall jr born in Talahassee. I was born in New York City August 7 1938.
William and Lydia (Swift) Young of Windham, Connecticut: A John Howland and Richard Warren Line
Is this publication still available.
Charles A Young
I am a descendant of Elder William and Mary Brewster as well as John and Elizabeth Howland. They are each my 11x Great grandparents.