We are all grateful for our mothers—but Tony Cavallo of Lawrenceville, Georgia, has been especially grateful for his mom, Mrs. Angela Cavallo.

Friday 11 April 1982 was a day like any other. Tony Cavallo was in the driveway fixing his 1964 Chevy Impala. Suddenly the jack collapsed and he was knocked unconscious, pinned under the car.
His mother came to the rescue with superhuman strength: with a prayer in her heart she reached down and lifted the car while the neighbor boy, Johnny Edwards, ran calling for help. “I was kicking him, saying ‘Get out, get out,’” while waiting for help to arrive, she said in an interview. Quickly the neighbors rushed to help and pulled Tony to safety.
Wow—with her phenomenal supermom strength she picked up the car and kept it off her son until help arrived. Now that’s the power of a mom’s love!
I think that this story is true, and in the bible the only human that is recorded to have superhuman strength is Sampson! Our Heavenly Father’s spirit came over him, that’s why he could do all the feats of strength he did and he made a Nazerite vow, so he could not cut his hair. He half his strength until he allowed himself to be tricked by Delilah and she had some guys cut his hair while he slept. At the end of the story Sampson prays for his Super strength one last time and he pushes over the two pillars and knocks the whole building over and kills all if the Philistines who were in there and killed all of them along with himself. So mabey in the need heaven and earth all humans will have superstrenghth that we will be able to use whenever we want to.
This story is so inspiring! When I read this, I thought WOW!
Won’t he do it !!!
I was born with telekinesis so anything is possible