Are You Related to Pocahontas & John Rolfe?

If you or any of your extended family members are descendants of Pocahontas and John Rolfe, you’ll want to read this recent article from Popular Archaeology: Archaeologists rebuild 1608 church where Pocahontas was married.

article about Pocahontas in the magazine Popular Archaeology
Credit: Popular Archaeology

The June 2013 issue of Popular Archaeology details the story of the archeologists who found the original site of the church in Jamestown, Virginia, where Pocahontas and John Rolfe were married 401 years ago, on 5 April 1614.

Archeologists are rebuilding a replica of the church on the site. Here is a companion Youtube video showing how this rebuilding is being done: Experimental archaeology: bringing Jamestown’s early church to life.

Tracing Pocahontas Descendants

The marriage between Pocahontas and John Rolfe worked to form a unity among the English settlers and Native Americans during the course of their matrimony. Their son, Thomas Rolfe, was born in Virginia in January 1615. In 1616 the family traveled to England and stayed for 10 months. In March 1617 they set sail to return to Virginia, but as the ship was heading down the river Thames, Pocahontas fell sick. She was taken ashore in Gravesend, England, where she died. Her son Thomas also fell ill, but recovered and continued living in England with family members. She was buried there on 21 March 1617 in Saint George’s Church cemetery.

photo of a statue of Pocahontas in Saint George’s Church, Gravesend, Kent, England
Photo: statue of Pocahontas in Saint George’s Church, Gravesend, Kent, England. Source: Wikipedia.

According to Wikipedia:

Pocahontas and Rolfe had one child, Thomas Rolfe, who was born in 1615 before his parents left for England. Through this son, Pocahontas has many living descendants.

Two of Pocahontas’s descendants have become First Lady of the United States, both First Lady Edith Wilson and First Lady Nancy Reagan.

photo of First Lady Edith Wilson
Photo: First Lady Edith Wilson. Source: Wikipedia.
photo of First Lady Nancy Reagan
Photo: First Lady Nancy Reagan. Source: Wikipedia.

Did you know?

Pocahontas was known by many different names during her lifetime. She was a Powhatan Native American and it was common for Powhatan Indians to have several names. Pocahontas’s other Powhatan names included Matoaka and Amonute.

According to Wikipedia:

Pocahontas was captured and held for ransom by English colonists during hostilities in 1613. During her captivity, she was encouraged to convert to Christianity and was baptized under the name Rebecca.

She was then used as a model for the rest of the English settlers, showcasing the success in turning Indians into “civilized” settlers.

The Pocahontas genealogy highlights a rich history. This unique family line ties together a violent relationship between the American settlers and the Native Americans. The marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe brought a period of peace between the two conflicting groups.

Do you know if you are related to Pocahontas?

If so – tell us how.

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349 thoughts on “Are You Related to Pocahontas & John Rolfe?

  1. I have found my ggggrandmother< Nancy Bowling Sizemore in the book by Brown and Myers, Chappel as a late addition on page 39 listed not by name but by number 12a. it appears that she may have been a daughter of John Bolling the third married to Mary Jefferson. She is listed by name on page 144 as 12a Nancy Bolling. Again on 175 as John Sizemore 12a and Nancy Bolling 12a. can you tell me if she is actually a descendend?

      1. i cant figure out how to actually comment but,

        i come from natives up until 1611. one of pocahontas’ sisters (unknown name) is my ancestor. her and Japasaw I-Oppassus had a daughter named Ka-Okee, who married Col Thomas Pettitus.

        1. It’s Col. Thomas T Pettus, 1598 – 1663. who was married to Ka Okee “Jane” Patawomeke, 1613 – 1670. Ka Okee is the daughter of Pocahontas and Kecoum.

        2. Actually that is not accurate. I am related about 7 times over one direct line to Matoaka (Pocahantas) and two seperate lines to KaOkee and according to DNA is is likely that KaOkee’s mother was a sister of Matoaka’s. The claim that KaOkee is Matoaka’s daughter has never been substantiated. In fact the story that originally came out about Matoaka and Kocuum having a child before her kidnapping was told with the child being a son. Neither claim has ever been proven and is most likely myth. I do strongly believe that KaOkee was her niece by comparison of DNA chromosome charts with other relatives.

          1. Well, you wouldn’t be the one to determine whether the information is accurate or not. I feel like we have to rely on the ” sacred traditions ” held by at least three prominent Virginian indigenous nations who say that it’s true and that karaoke was Pocahontas’s daughter from her first marriage with kacoum. They know the story of their own families, and they wouldn’t have any reason to lie about it. Either all of the evidence is overwhelming proving that coyote was Pocahontas’s daughter. She was raised with the Patawomeck chief Japasaw and Pocahontas’s sister, her uncle and aunt, their niece, they were her guardians, she was held in secret to keep her safe. That is the sacred tradition of the elders of the Sovereign Nations. That’s the record holding all superior claims, for how can an adversary determine their own story and tradition ?and that’s the truth. The fact is that the line that descended from the man she truly loved and married of her own will’s offspring are alive and thriving. Even her last words she spoke, after mysteriously falling ill… she mentioned the child left behind. Her marriage to kacoum is documented recorded eyewitness testimony. They didn’t keep paper documents back then, it was carried orally through memory. What a coincidence that today publicly referenced material predominantly speaks of her second child from the people who abducted her, who were initially after her inheritance and position of power through her father. Which seems the wretched goal may have been achieved.. with so much pride you all have, when your the offspring of the people who abducted and abused her and forced her to convert to christianity. The ones who caused death, disease and suffering amongst the indigenous population. The emergence of her true indigenous line shall be redeemed through the spirit of the ancestors.

            1. I am the 11th GGD of Matoaka, directly through Ka’ Okee. I firmly believe and support your stance and thoughts on the lineage of Matoaka. The Powhatan people have also supported this for hundreds of years and still strongly believe this.

            1. Hi Cousin. I too am a descendent of Pocahontas thru the Claypool side. About my 12Th GG too. My Mom’s Mothers maiden name was Claypool. I got the info thru the Hello ~1

          1. Same here . She is about my 12th Gr Grandmother thru my Claypool side , See Justin Claypool’s response below.

      2. I found that Pocahontas is my 12th great grandmother and I donot see no contact or even how to reply!!! But I was amazed!!!

    1. Pocahontas (Matoaka) (Rebeca) Rolfe (Powhatan Indian Princess) (1595 – 1617)
      Is my 10th great-grandmother
      Thomas Rolfe Col (1615 – 1675)
      Son of Pocahontas (Matoaka) (Rebeca) Rolfe Powhatan Indian Princess
      Jane Rolfe (1650 – 1676)
      Daughter of Thomas Rolfe Col
      John Fairfax Bolling Major (1676 – 1729)
      Son of Jane Rolfe
      John Kennon Bolling II (1700 – 1757)
      Son of John Fairfax Bolling Major
      James Bolling (1756 – 1804)
      Son of John Kennon Bolling II
      Joseph Bowling (1786 – 1841)
      Son of James Bolling
      Lucinda Bowling (1813 – 1855)
      Daughter of Joseph Bowling
      THENIA GRAY (1855 – 1935)
      Daughter of Lucinda Bowling
      Mary Adeline Murray (1874 – 1950)
      Daughter of THENIA GRAY
      AlMedia “Media” Sparks (1906 – 1982)
      Daughter of Mary Adeline Murray
      AlMedia “Media” Sparks Moore (1906 -1982) Is my Grandmother

          1. I peeped my family history and it says jane rolfe was born 1655 and died 1676, died at 21 and never married or had kids lol

            1. I have 5th great grandmother named hallenah smith jordan said to be Powhatan Indian. Does anybody know if there is a pochantas connection?

        1. wow. I just found this link. After years of tedious research. I wonder how to confirm this completely.

          Jane Rolfe 1650-1677
          10th great-grandmother
          Col John Fairfax Bolling 1676-1739
          Son of Jane Rolfe
          Sally Bowling 1710-1789
          Daughter of Col John Fairfax Bolling
          Henry White 1724-1802
          Son of Sally Bowling
          Mildred White David 1755-1798
          Daughter of Henry White
          Charity David Brooks 1776-1860
          Daughter of Mildred White David
          Kiziah Brooks Nichols 1803-1887
          Daughter of Charity David Brooks
          Charity Nichols Eoff 1827-1909
          Daughter of Kiziah Brooks Nichols
          Nancy Caroline Eoff Claxton 1845-1920
          Daughter of Charity Nichols Eoff
          James Newton Claxton 1876-1960
          Son of Nancy Caroline Eoff Claxton
          William Dee Claxton 1905-1997
          Son of James Newton Claxton
          Ranzie Lee Claxton 1932-2006
          Son of William Dee Claxton
          Denice Marie Claxton
          You are the daughter of Ranzie Lee Claxton

        2. I am also related to the Collins and the Halls.
          I have many of their pictures and a letter in my possession written by the Halls. You must be related to Monquel Hall and Eva Collins, and Meta Hall.
          I alos think I have pictures of the Sparks as well.
          I am also a descendent of Colonel James Moore of the revolutionary war.
          I have a book written about him that was written when they found money in a Philadelphia bank belong to hi,
          My Great Grandmother was a Watts before marrying my Great Grandfather Pruitt. They lived on the eastern Shore. I am really excited to find this post.

          1. Hi Linda, I am a Hall descendant. My mother Viola Louise Hall (later changed by a judge to Louise V. Lasater) always told me we were descendants of Pocahantas and that the Hall’s have a book written about it. I have never found the book. Can you please tell me how the Hall family is related? Grandpa was Floyd Hall. I know the Hall’s came into the United States through the Carolina’s NOT Ellis Island. (according to my mother).
            Janet Lasater

      1. My mother says we have a family history book tht was traced back and ended with her. I am unsure which side of my mother’s family though. My papaw or my mamaw. However I only reply to you asking if you are a Anderson by blood or marriage because my mamaw was also a anderson. My papawsside has 15 brothers and sisters they are mullins.

      2. My Distant Cousin and Ex-Spouse is supposed to be a Great-Granddaughter to Powhattan, by way of Pocahontas Sister.
        My Great-Great Grandfather+, was Capt. Hugh Mason of Plymouth Colony and was A Cousin to Dorothy Mason-Rolfe, Spouse of John Rolfe Sr. and Mother of John Rolfe Jr. that Married Pocahontas.
        Strange as it might be… My Father-in-law, worked in The White House under President Ronald and First Lady Nancy Reagan

        1. How marvellous. My 12 x great grandmother was Dorotht Mason who married into the Rolf family and sailed to America. Unfortunately, they left my side of the family in England. Fabulous to have American relatives, however distant.

      3. Pocahontas is my 11th great grandmother. My name is Lucinda Alice Styers Ayers (Styers is my father’s last name but my Pocahontas line is from my mother Glenda Alice Elder ). My mother’s father was Ota Newton Elder, Jr. His mother was Lucinda Alice Gum Elder. The lineage then goes up the chain through 4 Cross families, then there’s the Murray and Bolling families. Jane Rolfe Bolling married COL John Fairfax Bolling. Jane is my 9th GGM. Her father was LT Thomas Rolfe (my 10th GGF whose mother was Pocahontas (my 11th GGM (who was married to John Rolfe. I hope all of this makes sense. I live on the VA coast near Williamsburg.

      4. My 8th Great-Grandfather, Col Robert Bolling married Jane (Rolfe), granddaughter of Matoaka Pocahontas. They had one son together who was Maj. John Bolling….my 8th Grand-Uncle. He is the Great-Grandson to Pocahontas. They are considered “RED BOLLINGS” because they are directly related to Pocahontas thru her only son, Thomas Rolfe. I am therefore also her direct descendant.

        1. I am also a descendant of the “red Bollings” aka Bowling.
          My book of ancestors goes back to Pocahontas and the marriage of her granddaughter. More recently my ppl were from a place called Bowlingtown in SE Ky once part of Virginia. Info on
          English ancestors goes back much farther.
          I have had ppl ask me what tribe I am from several times in my life. I would think the connection to her would be weak and other Native ancestors exist. I wish i knew more facts and not hearsay.
          Sounds like we are related,.

          1. Hi! I am also descended from Eastern KY on my mom’s side, Breathitt County. We are also “Red Bowlings” from the Watts to the Fugates to the Bowlings. We are also members of the Melungeon race that developed from our ancestors of European, Turkish, Portuguese, African and Native peoples that included Pocahontas. She is my 11-great grandmother. I believe Bowlingtown was located where Buckhorn Lake is now?

      5. There were no “princesses” in Native American culture. It is a misnomer.
        Current tribal member here.

        1. Thank you, and as a research for well over 25 years, I can honestly say.. tracing the family members back to Pocahontas, I would love to see their documentation.. After all of these years we still have our family mystery.. Our family traces back to William Hockaday, and his son Warrick, who were members of the white settlement who were known as protectors for the Powhatan tribe, after the war in 1760. Now our mystery comes from Warrick’s wife Mary Molly, who was known in the family as Native, yet researchers years past could never find detail info to deem her Native but legal activity in the early family lead them to believe she had to be English.. Yet, she traveled in early 1800’s with her daughter and grandchildren to Mississippi, settled on the Choctaw reservation, and was listed on the Armstrong Rolls as Mary Molly, widow of Tashapitacho.. So, now we have a name of a Brave.. but was this Warrick’s Powhatan name, which could well make him half Native, or was it a name of honor given to Warrick for being a protector, and lastly why would Mary Molly be allowed to settle on Choctaw land in Mississippi if she were not Native, and why would she have to accept citizenship in the US to remain and not be walked to Oklahoma, aka trail of tears.. after all by 1830 Mary Molly was over 100 years old. I can assure all, its very difficult to prove who is who from 1600 – 1700’s involving Native Family members.. After all it took many years to prove , that our Austin family were descendants of the Saponi Tribe through Hanna Love in NC..

          1. I am related to Princess Matatishe Winanuske she is my 10th great grandmother. I thought that she is or was Pocahontus’ sister and also related to Mary Molly Hockaday ? possibly her grandmother? it looks like Princess Matatishe Winanuske was either married or hooked up with John Brooks according to my tree. But I definitely am related.

      6. Amazing Scott family Jefferson Scott 2 time grandson amazing information this person is right Thu indain pammkey Howell family it’s says her real ppl Anderson are family to us I have grandmother named Anderson also bass chavis Harris Scott brown indain ties to her real ppl tied to her Thu enrollment to tribe cloins to

      7. It shows that I’m related to Pocahontas, that she is my 12th great grandmother. How can I see the full relationship?

        Thank you,
        Holli (Madison) Queener

      1. My brother just found out they are our 12th great grandparents too so I guess we are technically cousins! Hi stranger!

    2. Pocahontas and John Rolfe are my 10th great grandparents; Thomas Rolfe> Jane Rolfe > Major John Fairfax Bolling > Judith Bolling > Randolph DuPriest > Frances DuPriest > Mary Polly Carter > Rebecca S Miles > John W Mayhew > John Mayhew > Sharon Kelly Mayhew > Kerry Phillips (me).

      1. Pocahontas and John Rolfe are my 10th great grandparents, I reckon some or a lot of us on this site are related.

      2. I am also related to these people down through Frances DuPriest. I ran into issues regarding Judith DuPriest. I was told she was a child of a later wife and therefore was not related to the Rolfe family. They are referred to as the blue Bollings. The red Bollings are blood relatives of Pocahontas. I would love to know any historical data that you have on Judith Bollings, would love to find out if I was given wrong information. Thanks ( we must be related, I’m in North Carolina but that side of the family was in Virginia)

    3. My documentation shows Pocahontas and John Rolfe would be my 9th great-grandparents on my dad’s side.

    4. Im a descendant of Pocahantas aka Rebecca. She was first married to a native man and had children for him before she married Mr.Rolfe. Im a descendant of the first family of Pocahantas.

        1. No. She had a daughter with Kocoum named Ka-okee Patawomeck, whom I am a descendent of, and who never actually had a mother because the English kidnapped Pocahontas.

          1. This is my line also, I descend from Ka Okee “Jane” through her daughter Christian Pettus (with Theodore Pettus, Thomas was not in the US till 1639 she had 4 children by then) Christian married John Martin, I descend from their daughter Anne Martin (with Edward Watts) had Anna Watts who married Abraham Moredock they had 1 daughter Rachel Susannah Moredock – they were killed by Indians when she was young, Rachel m. James Skaggs ( of the Longhunter Skaggs of VA & KY) I descend from 2 of their daughters, Susannah m. Richard Whitt, their son Hezekiah m. Rachel the daughter of Chief Cornstalk.

            1. I recognize this in my line as well I’m on page 70 descendant of captain John Luther I’m a12th of him also

      1. Same here. Ancestry dot com shows:
        Pocahontas and Kocoum Okee had a girl named Ka Okee “Jane” Powhatan Pettus.
        Jane had a daughter with CHIEF WHIPSEWASSON WAHANGANOCHE ARROYAH POWHATAN KING OF POTOWOMEK named Ontonah “ Mary” Arroyah Wahanganoche (Pettus).
        Mary married Lt. Colonel Henry Meese and had Grace Frizer Meese.
        Grace married Captain John Ashton where the remaining records show English family names. I am tied to these through my Sartor family tree in Smith County Mississippi.
        Are these records accurate? Don’t know for sure, but most others I have read focus on Pocahontas marriage to John Rolfe. I’m guessing that it’s partly because the records are more reliable. I suspect that the native American records are not as clear, but I am no expert.

        1. Ancestry trees are not always accurate.

          It was my understanding that Pocahontas only had a male child with Kocoum who was not names. Where is the primary source information that she actually had not only a male child who lived, but also a daughter? Never read about this.

          It is also alleged that John Rolfe was not the father of Thomas Wolfe, but instead Sir Thomas Dale who allegedly raped her during her captivity.

      1. I am Related on the Curtis side my great grandmother Grace Belle Carty (Curtis) Her father John William Curtis

    5. My mothers grandfather Paternal side, which would be my great grandfather has a branch that leads to the Powhatans shawnees, the line goes like this: grandfathers of the Ray surname then to marriage of Mary Benge of the Ray surname, then to the Thomas Benge father of Mary Benge, Thomas Benge the son of Cherokee Elizabeth Watts, Eastern band Cherokees,, then goes to her mother Ruth Alice Epps 1690 and her father was Chief Amatoya ,He was the son of Thomas Corn Planter Pasmere Little Carpenter (the immigrant) he was the son of Cleopatra Powhatan (which was Pocahontas’ sister. my 11th great grandmother and Pocahontas my 12 great aunt. Cleopatras son was most likely called the immigrant due to the fact that she and her sister would travel to England back and forth. the father to both sisters and my 12th great grandfather would be Chief Wahunsenacawh,Powhatan leader of the Powhatan People of Tsehacommacah (Tennessee), (An Alliance Of Algonquian speaking people). 1545-1618

      1. CODIS computer that all the atDna test companies use found that Amatoya indeed only adopted children like verbalized by Dragging Canoe who stated that he had no children.

      2. Cherokee citizen here. All the genealogies going thru Kacoum or others are fake, derived from old novels, movies, and who knows what else. Pocahontas’s only documented descendants are from the Rolfe/Bolling side. Family lines that go from Powhatan to Shawnee or Cherokee or Choctaw names also make no sense. The Powhatan had little to no trade or other interactions with the Cherokee or Choctaw. It frankly makes no sense. Eagle Plume, Scent Flower, and Cornblossum are offensive stereotyped names (Cornstalk was a Shawnee and Cornsilk is a Cherokee name still in use today). WikiTree has put a lid on these fake genealogies, but Ancestry, FamilySearch and others allow these myths to proliferate. Here’s my blog on the topic:

        1. Why so negative? There are documents that say Pocahontas was married to the Indian, Kocoum, who was the younger brother of Chief Japasaw. It would be natural for her to have a baby with her husband. So, KaOkee, the Indian daughter of Pocahontas, married and Englishman by the last name Pettus. John Rolfe, the English husband of Pocahontas, was related to the Pettus family and they visited them while they were in England. The painting of Pocahontas was found at the Pettus family home. She told them about her daughter, KaOkee, and gave them information about where she was living. She asked them to look for her if they came to Virginia. Her daughter was a closely guarded secret among the Powhatan tribe because of fear she would be kidnapped as he mother had been. That is why there is very little information about her before she married Pettus. Pettus and his brother got into trouble in England over a murder case, but they were acquitted. Still, they were in danger from the mans family. So they left England and came to Virginia. The one brother didn’t feel safe even in Jamestown so he went in search of the village where KaOkee was said to be living. Pettus and KaOkee were married and given property that adjoined Chief Wahanganoche, a cousin of Pocahontas. They ended up having several daughters and one was given in marriage to Wahanganoche mainly because he needed a wife who carried the royal blood. The story goes on from there but I think the point has been made. Yes I am related to Pocahontas through her Indian daughter, KaOkee.

          1. I believe that is correct , my cousin Bill could verify that. He once was the Tribal Historian of our tribe.

    6. I don’t know much, but I was told by my dad that pocahontas was our 12 great grandmother

    7. I’m a descendant through my paternal great grandfather, Rivers Henderson Buford. His mother was Martha Bolling Rivers Buford who was the gg granddaughter of Pocahontas and John Rolfe.

  2. Brian- I don’t have access to the book you are referring to. I can’t confirm the dependency for Nancy (Bowling) Bolling. What you want to do is start with what you have already confirmed with sources, started with the most recent information going back. If this matches with what is in the book, you can confirm the information with what you have researched.

  3. I believe myself to be related, but will need to do further research to confirm my findings. Earlier genealogy research led me to John and Rebecca Rolfe, through their descendant Thomas, and his daughter Jane Bolling. It has been several years however since I established that, and will need to revisit the family tree by going back through the various lines to find that again. My interest was rekindled after sending in my DNA to 23 and Me recently, and finding out I’m 0.1% Native American Indian. The generations between myself and my Indian ancestor according to 23 and Me put me squarely in sync with being a descendant of Pocahontas. It’s an exciting and educational find to discover, for sure.

    1. What a brilliant find. Good to know your tree has affirmation with DNA. I have found during my 9 years research into my family, down all lines. That this line down to John Rolfe and Pocahontas is the best researched. Down one of my lines, I have only got to 5 x great grandparents. Best wishes for future research. Helen

      1. It would be interesting to look at her 5th – 8th cousins to see what names popped up. Ethnicity is not proof she is related to Pocohantas, only a possibility. I would be more curious to know whether she is descended from Pocohontas/Rebecca’s English or Indian family? And, particularly the English side to determine if Dale or Rolfe surnames show. There is some question as to who Thomas Wolfe’s real father is.

    2. Your posting is interesting. Through 23andMe DNA testing I know that I do have 0.5 percent Native American ancestry. The only connection with Pocahontas that I can find so far is through marriage (not 100 percent proved but I think it’s probably true)) between my ancestor John Wall and an Anne Poythress. We know Thomas Rolfe married Jane Poythress, who I believe may be the aunt or great-aunt of my ancestor. Still looking for a blood tie to Pocahontas–or at least to her tribe–but it surely takes some digging!

      1. Hi so I have names that lead back to Pocahontas if this helps
        I’m related to her through her daughter she had four children before she was taken and married to John Rolfe. Her first husband was Indian and her daughter was a toddler when she left. Her name was kaokee and she had a daughter kaziah and then it goes down from there email me if you’d like any information I have.

        1. Hi I just found out I’m related to Pocahontas she would be an Aunt and a Grandmother to me . It’s complicated two sisters married brothers. Moms side
          Chief Japasaw Iopassus Patawomeck of Passapatanzy

          Chief Japasaw Iopassu..1565–1622 LV7G-HSTFather Sister of Pocahontas ..1590–1615 Mother
          Chief Wahanganoche1615–1664 • LLMT-7XPFather
          Keziah Powhatan1635–1690 • LVZH-8DSMother
          Eleanor Bryant1660–1720 • GQ69-S2RMother
          Annie Gallup1700–1793 • LYKB-LD9Mother
          Charles Duncan1751–1818 • LCTX-BW5Father
          Dillard D Duncan1795–1862 • MQ73-7FNFather
          Henry Clay Duncan1827–1893 • 27C3-SPTFather
          Elizabeth Ann “Belle”Duncan1851–1928 • 9N81-8HDMother
          Nannie Belle Porter1880–1924 • L1Q4-HZPMother
          Pearlie Lee Sacre1901–1946 • L1Q4-SBSMother
          Valma Christine Rich1928–1985
          Star Stivers1956–Living • LLW4-D3ZMe

          Pocahontas Amonute Matoaka of the Powhatan

          Kocoum of the Patawomeck1590–1613 Pocahontas Amonute Ma…1595–1617 • LKF1-HNGMother
          Ka-Okee Patawomeck1612–Deceased • L87Z-7GNMother
          Keziah Powhatan1635–1690 • LVZH-8DSMother
          Eleanor Bryant1660–1720 • GQ69-S2RMother
          Annie Gallup1700–1793 • LYKB-LD9Mother
          Charles Duncan1751–1818 • LCTX-BW5Father
          Dillard D Duncan1795–1862 • MQ73-7FNFather
          Henry Clay Duncan1827–1893 • 27C3-SPTFather
          Elizabeth Ann “Belle”…1851–1928 • 9N81-8HDMother
          Nannie Belle Porter1880–1924 • L1Q4-HZPMother
          Pearlie Lee Sacre1901–1946 • L1Q4-SBSMother
          Valma Christine Rich1928–1985 • LBGV-8V1Mother
          Star Stivers1956–Living • LLW4-D3ZMe

          1. So very many of us Bryant cousins got together, from
            Eleanor Bryant1660–1720 and ran our gedcom kits to 100s of Elkins, Sullivan, and Martin cousins; many have multiple lines back (endogamy) and we put our signature SNP work into the fb public page called Native Bryants Historical Society Page. Using ISOGG standard genetic geneology, we compared our signature SNPs we found to our distant cousins on a variety of Powhatan lines, including the ones who just have the Rolfe lines so to ferret out whose segments match, when, how much, and how did that compare to to various ones 10 gens back on the X or 23 to Wahunseneca using the same processes with group chromosome browsing following phasing to those with complete genomic representations and vetted trees from the various lines. It was a ten year project. For myself, I have every kind of Bryan and Bryant and had to spend years to see who was bringing the BRCA 1 and 2 and 25 mutation as it was very much coming down through Keziah Bryant genetic cousins as we found out from working together. I have seen that the same mutation come through enough of the Rolfe ONLY line cousins to Matoaka to have to say that besides the land deeds of Keziah coming down from Ann Meese and ending up in the possession of Ann Gallop via the same land that was from Wahangonoche, adding that land trail of gift deeds to the SNP that is WITHOUT ANY DOUBT a signature SNP at 1 145 for the Bryants and 10 4 for the Martin /Fugates that lines up so neatly, plus the mutation of the tracked families of the Brca genetic bank reporting Bryant descendants and the ROLFE ONLY VETTED paper line of Matoaka descendants, I am convinced that the Mattapony and Patowomeck Elders were speaking exact truth on the line.

          1. Elinor Owens is your 7th great grandmother.
            → Virginia (Goodwin) McClendon
            your mother → Malissa Mae (Epperson) Goodwin /Herbalist; Trader of Lumber for Navajo Rugs
            her mother → Eliza Epperson
            her mother → Henry Mauzy Morehead
            her father → Nancy Polly (Duncan) Morehead
            his mother → James Duncan
            her father → Joseph Duncan
            his father → Ann Duncan
            his mother → Elinor Owens
            her mother

        2. Where are you getting this information from? She hadn’t been married to Kocoum long enough to have had 4 children when she was captured in 1613. Pocahontas only lived until about 21 years old, married between 13-14 years old (sometime after 1610), and had her first son before her capture. So, when did she have time to have four children? Pocohantas died in March of 1617.

      2. That is my ancestor as well. I am descended from John Wall and Anne Poythress as well. The Powthress’s married into the Bland family. Richard Bland married Mar y Bolling, daughter of John Bolling and Elizabeth Blair. It is through the Bollings that the connection comes to Pocohantas.

      3. I am of the Robert Coleman family of Virginia through my Great Grandmother, Emma Coleman Bagwell. I remember our distant cousin, Gov. J.P. Coleman, having written in his book about our Coleman genealogy that we somehow descend from Jayne Poythress, though I cannot remember exactly how. Seems there was also a Jane Roe involved in the story somehow, and I know there is deep connection between my Coleman ancestors and the Roe family of early colonial times that still endures today. Maybe related, maybe not – but I do remember “Plemon”(Governor James Plemon Coleman) not being the type of man who would put something in writing if he knew it was wrong. That fact alone does not make him right, but I just believe he did all his homework on the subject.

      4. I am also related to Anne Poythress. My grandmother was Ednar Gilliam whose ancester William Gilliam married Anne Poythress.

        Ednar’s mother was also Laura Ashby whose ancestors were Bailey Shumate and Mary Dotson from two very successful frontier families. I have ancestry thru line dna matches for all of there relatives. Mary can also be documented back to Charles Dotson from Jamestown. Her grandmother in most geneology trees is Jane Eagle Plume who was the wife of John Dotson and the sister of Pocohantas. Past Charles the line is undocumented so not 100% so unproven but seems to be assumed.

        Perhaps you are related to the Gilliams as well as Anne Poythress? In any case, dna on ancestry profile would not show up for someone 10 generations ago. you probably have a native american relative closer to your age.

    3. There is a Nancy named in what I have about the Bollings. And something about Nancy Bolling Reagan being a child and not having been named in the will. I can’t further verify any of that yet.

  4. Good luck with your research Pam.
    Take it step-by-step, document each generation – and see where the research takes you.

    Are you going to post your line/conclusions online? If so, what online family tree site are you going to use?


  5. To bad Matoaka and the rest of the Native American people were unable to civilize the European Hordes that invaded their homelands. If The Europeans were as civilized as they say, they would have assimilated to the natural and wholesome life ways of the Autochthonious People who’s lands they invaded. Especially the way some white Americans decry modern immigrants of not doing. Pure hypocracy !!

    1. You think the NA tribes were civil to each other? Ha! Don’t go thinking they lived amongst each other in harmony. Those immigrants who came to this land back then (Native Americans migrated here too, you know) made it what it is today.

      Oh yeah, most who identify as Native today have, more often than not, white European ancestry.

      1. NA americans existed here some 20,000 years having migrated first to canada back down to the central america then to north america. Do your research. You knew very well what the comment meant, it was to say that the land was stolen through death, violence, and enslavement and that your reference and anyone in history to say another culture is uncivilized is actually coming from blood thisty barbarians.

        1. If a person has done research on the settling of North America twice, or more, then they know well how tentative the many claims are. Even big claims, like when the saber tooth tiger lived, vary from study to study. Enjoy it all. Among the thousand ideas there grow general accuracies, some of which show the past as it was. Positing a Garden of Eden is wishful thinking, magic stories to talk and become instructional models. What is wrong for sure is to label one group or another with negative tags. Were the scurvy ridden, unbathed, mariners arriving from the east the Savages? No? No! Were the oyster roasting locals upriver from Chesapeake Bay the Savages? Only if observed by racist savages from other places, from other times. A great deal of what happened in the early 17th century was amazingly well done. Our job is to choose what is best, adapt and model and develop, not just leave a smudge, but build culture. Amen.

      2. Peace! What is interesting here, is that many Europeans are claiming to be “Native” but are using a Patriarchal lineage. We are a Matriarchal society! My family is Indigenous. We predate the Invaders from the North, which means, my Ancestors saw the invaders crossing into our Territory. The Mongols, then invaded and they were violent aggressors. Eventually, there was a mixing of blood due to rape (WAR) and marriage (PEACE). By definition and written documentation from several sources, including several European explorers diaries, Americans are listed as “many of the various Copper color races”. So, NO EUROPEANS were NOT considered Indigenous or Native to the Americas. Instead, the Europeans in recent years has been called “New Americans”. I AM a descendant of the “Ancient Ones”. My Matriarchal lineage alone is comprised of over four indigenous nations. Yes, we were Algonquin Speakers! My lineage is listed in Architecture, Our Ancient Mounds, cemeteries, diaries, Plantation documents and rolls. Is anyone on this thread listed on the Queens Rolls or any roll for that matter? Anyone on this thread registered with an indigenous nation or Tribal Card?
        Does anyone here have a independent certified genealogical researcher validate your claims to be relate to my Ancestor, Queen Matoaka? I do. Verified independently and several certificates issued from the government of the U.S.A. Please do your proper research. Be proud of your ancestry! I leave as I came, In Peace!

    2. I totally agree!! I don’t have any Native American Ancestry that I know of.. I go back to Mary Chilton and Francis Cooke of the Mayflower and the Van Wickels from New Netherland !1640’s
      . How strange that as a child I always chose to be a Native American in our childhood games.

      1. My 11x’s Gr Uncle came over on the Mayflower, John Howland . He was a servant to a family . When they passed the first winter money was left to him & the other servants. With that money he was able to bring over my 11th Gr Grandfather Arthur Howland. But I am also a descendent of Pocahontas. Thru doing geneaology I have found many other well known ppl as cousins & x’s Gr Grandparents, Uncles etc. It is fun to do & shows how we are (almost) all related . Which to me is yet another reason to be nice, kind to each other. BTW a book was written about John Howland . “The Boy Who Fell Off The Mayflower”……. obviously he got back on… Lol !

  6. Pocahontas is my first cousin thrice removed’s wife’s husband’s 6th great aunt’s husband’s first cousin once removed’s husband’s 2nd wife.

    1. Let’s try it this way:

      1) thrice-removed cousin
      2) wife’s husband or ex-husband’s five-times-great-grandaunt
      3) five-times-great-grandaunt’s husband
      4) husband’s thrice-removed cousin
      5) widower’s second wife

      Pocahontas , then, has no connection to your cousin unless he is descended from John Rolfe.

      1. And, to add to your comment. There is question about John Rolfe being Pocahontas’ father. DNA may be able to prove this conundrum.

    2. My 8th great uncles wife was Pocahontas’s 2nd great grand daughter – so I am related to her through marriage. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Hi everyone, I am finding this ancestry DNA research to be quite fun and Rewarding.

    Here is just a tree branch of how my lineage from Pocahontas relates to me:

    Roshann Chahidi

    Gail Roberts/Hassan Chahidi

    James Roberts/ Dorothy Hardwick

    Dewitt Roberts/Della Roberts

    William Roberts/Nancy Collier

    Granville Roberts/Sarah Evans

    Elisha Roberts/Nancy Bowling

    Elijah Bowling/Sally Anderson

    Maj. John Bowling/Elizabeth Justis Blair

    Col John Bowling/Mary Kennon

    Robert Bowling/Jane Poythress Rolfe

    Thomas Rolfe/Mary Frances Sloman

    John Rolfe/Rebecca Rolfe (Pocahontas)

    1. I may be related to you on more than one side of my family… At William and Nancy. My father’s family came from Wales to Massachusetts. I am familiar with Colliers and my last name is Roberts… The furthest I’ve gotten is Isaac J. Roberts and Odessa V. Woods. They came to north Mississippi from Tennessee. Most of my direct family is deceased and I have no real way to go any further… William is a family name… My father’s first name is William, as was my grandfather’s… If you have any information, please contact my facebook account. Jordan Roberts.

    2. I am Sherry Yancey. On my father’s side, my 8th generation grandfather married Jane Rolfe, who is the granddaughter of Pocahontas. (Her parents are Thomas Rolfe, (son of Pocahontas) and Jane Poythress.) Col. Robert Bolling Sr. (my 8th gen. grandfather) and Jane Rolfe had a son together~~~~~ who is my 8th generation Uncle……….Col. John Bolling. It is so fun to make discoveries in our ancestry.

    3. How did you find this? From one of those DNA tests? My grandma told me when I was young that we are related to John Rolfe. I never asked more questions. I am interested now and too late to ask her.

    4. Hello,

      I have somewhat of the same ancestry however the wife of Thomas Rolfe is very different on my end.
      Pocahontas- John Rolfe
      Thomas Rolfe- (m) Elizabeth Washington
      Jane Rolfe- (m) Robert T Bolling
      John fairfax Bolling –
      John Kennon Bolling- (m) Elizabeth Blair
      John w Blair Bolling – (m) Mary Jefferson
      Francis bowling- (m) John m Bowles
      John Bowles 3- (m) Millie Carolyn pate
      Priscilla Bowles- (m) John G Webb
      Dursdemona webb- (m) Robert s Scott
      Margaret p Scott- (m) Curtis bunion dove
      Curtis Murray dove – (m) pearl ann Carr
      Gertrude Curtis dove
      Traci (daughter of Gertrude)
      Tammy ( daughter of Traci)
      Lily (daughter of Tammy)

  8. Hi there! I believe I am related to Pocahontas and John Rolfe as well, but have come up against a few significant snags in my search! My line descends as such: Pocahontas&John Rolf > Thomas&Jane Poythress > Robert Bolling&Jane Rolfe > Following the John Bollings down to James Bolling&Letitia Gillespie > Catherine Bolling&John Amis > Lucinda Amis&John ‘Mucker Jack’ Baker. Following this is where I get somewhat uncertain. Their daughter Mary ‘Polly’ Baker, 1826-1890 born and raised in Owsley County Ky had three children out of wedlock. I have found multiple sources saying that she had my 2nd Great-grandfather John Todd Baker in 1854, but have been unable to confirm who his father is. Although it does not affect this lineage, I cannot feel certain about it with information missing. However, moving on, John Todd Baker has a daughter with Rachel Sandlin, producing Rebecca Sandlin, b. 1888, who marries my great grandfather Jeremiah Roberts. The rest down to my father I am certain of!

    1. This is my lineage from the bolling side down.
      Pocahontas- John Rolfe
      Thomas Rolfe- (m) Elizabeth Washington
      Jane Rolfe- (m) Robert T Bolling
      John fairfax Bolling –
      John Kennon Bolling- (m) Elizabeth Blair
      John w Blair Bolling – (m) Mary Jefferson
      Francis bowling- (m) John m Bowles
      John Bowles 3- (m) Millie Carolyn pate
      Priscilla Bowles- (m) John G Webb
      Dursdemona webb- (m) Robert s Scott
      Margaret p Scott- (m) Curtis bunion dove
      Curtis Murray dove – (m) pearl ann Carr
      Gertrude Curtis dove
      Traci (daughter of Gertrude)
      Tammy ( daughter of Traci)
      Lily (daughter of Tammy)

    2. Mine line is, Pocahontas-Jane Poythress-Mary Molly Bolling-John Teneretta Baker(he had several wives-1 being 100% cherokee)-Reuben Lemar Baker-John Tyson Baker- Ella V. McGee-Rose Baker- J. Condon-me.

  9. Marissa- I would recommend searching the Owsley County Kentucky history they may mention John Todd Baker or Mary “Polly” Baker in their history. If they have a Historical Society they may have information about the family being a decedent or have a genealogy on the family. The library may have historical newspapers about the family as well. Try contacting the Library or Historical Society. They may be able to give you information, as well as City Hall, our the County Court records. Tax records sometimes will give parents names and or spouses names.

    1. My name is Bobby Baker, my father was Gary Baker, his father Buell Baker. A few years ago (2009 or 2010) I came across an address to get free family history done by the Church of Latter Day Saints out of Salt Lake City. They would send me packages about every two weeks; a manilla envelope with a well displayed list my family tree consisting of many names per page and about three pages if I recall correctly going back to a Sir Robert the First. Included would be any pictures they had on file of family members, coat of arms, family mottos, family inheritance papers with deeds, and property passed on to the next generation, etcetera. I would go through the names finding the earliest names mentioned and write down those names and send them back to them where they would send me my next set of info. by the time I stopped I had a 3 ringed binder consisting of about two inches of paperwork. Unfortunately I gave this binder to my mother to hold for me in safe keeping and she had a injury that cause her to lose some of her memory and the binder has been misplaced at her home. (Although she is now moving and selling her home it may be found shortly and if so I will scan and send this information to you as soon as it is if it is found.) What was said was amazing. It appears we share the same family bloodline, you and I, to what extent I don’t know. However, I know this Matoaka was one of my G. grandmothers and John Rolfe a G.grandfathers. Without my paperwork I can’t give the order in which the connections in the branches form so some parts of this that I’m revealing may or may not apply to you. I learned that I come from English Royalty, Scottish Royalty, French Royalty, Norman Royalty, one North American Emperor in charge of 66 chiefs the greatest North American Emperor ever (Matoaka’s father), That my family went back to the Viking Kings all the way back to a legend that said I was descended from the one eyed king Odin, and this legend claims Odin was a God, Also one of my g.grand mothers was Morgan Le Fay, who was a goddess known as Morganna the Fairy,; eventually the Viking names abruptly changed and became Hebrew or Biblical names going back to Seth. Some of the names the paperwork claims relation to was De Williams, Atkins, Amis (which means friend and were the Huguenots. But were first the Frodshams and were a Kingdom in France the Frodsham castle is in ruins. De Blairs of Scotland have a famous ghost story in relation to them. George the first and second were relations in France. The English bloodline is known as the White Rose. It is said that the king loved his first knight so much, Sir Robert the First, that he gave Sir Robert the First, our coat of arms, a castle with three White Roses in the front yard of it, as well as his oldest daughter to marry. It’s a little unclear however, Sir Robert the First, seems to either have been being under the care of this king for another king who was Sir Robert the First, father or Sir Robert the First, was the illegitimate son of this other king. I never got a clear answer on this information. It seems that our Baker bloodline is not like the other Baker’s we seem to be a different branch or something. There is so much more that it was amazing to me that the Church of Latter Day Saints out of Salt Lake City had so much information on our family and there is so much more I have not even began to break the surface to what they sent me. There was one story about our French bloodline that was like Romeo and Juliet, where this daughter of one of our French Kings bloodline g.grandmothers ran away to marry one of our White Rose G.grandfathers; her name was removed by her father from the royal book. The French bloodline that did this had a family motto that was “Fame is Greater than the White Rose” to say how much they hated one another. Our family was the first to be allowed to manufacture guns in America and we designed the gun that won the One Hundred Years War. There is so much information on our family because of our royal connections. When I read the names your related too, I knew instantly that you are of my White Rose Bloodline, we are a very very very special Bloodline that connects many secrets that are unreal it’s beyond belief. Our family started the Knights Templar among other things. I hope this helps you. I’m having problems with my email and may have to open another one. However, here is a number for those of you this information applies to, I can be reached here at 513- 715- 8590. When I get another email up and running or mine fixed I will change this number perhaps I’ll leave it up a month unless people who are not of our bloodline begin to harass, then I will change the number. Remember, almost all this information was given to me by the Church of Latter Day Saints out of Salt Lake City. We are the White Rose if you understand the significance of this then you understand we our the Holy Grail Bloodline.

      1. I know the information you have shared Bobby and e-mail me at and put your name Bobby Baker in the Subject Line, so I know it is from you. And add it is concerning “The White Rose.” Thank You! Dewowah

        1. it is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in SLC you can also sign on to family that is the website you can sign up for and acct even if you to not belong to the Church. Each Mormon church also has Family History Centers for all to use.

      2. i think we are cousins , just looking at who you descend from , my name on facebook is layla ozdemirs , i am a brit but my great grandmother was american , i have done my dna because i was adopted , imagine when it looks like you are the descendant of jesus , let alone kings …. merovingian descent too , i have this information via dna , BUT THESE NAMES LISTS HERE OF DESCENDANTS OF ROLFE LINE, I GOT A LOT OF THESE NAMES , i know i am directly De Orleans too and Bourbon , as d]orleans is the children of the kings , i get hat from my Harvey line , if you have dna we can compare then i can give you the list of kings i descend from and the list of royal cousins i have , its fairly long as i come from habsberg , danish toyals , and english royals , richard the 3rds descendant too , i have the crucked back to prove it , though nothing like his , thank god , apparently i also descend from greek and romans if you go far enough back , not just any , but the rulers , i guess this is how my line became royal , though looking at mytrueancestry i can not swear that apparently my line was royal way before the birth of jesus

  10. My ex husband John Toland is an ancestor thru his Mom Elizabeth Bolling Toland. Found on Ancestry. He is direct grandparent decendant

  11. Does William Roberts born 1800 have a son Benjamine Roberts born 5/3/1826 who married Ann Reed Everington born 12/18/1826
    who had the following children Mary Ann Martha Roberts born 1849, Ann Roberts, Henry Roberts, Thomas Roberts. then Mary Ann Martha Roberts born 1849 married James Day born 1849, they had the following children , Brynina , Bringham, Harvey, Martha, Seth,George, Joseph Henry Day, Then Joseph Henry Day born 1870 married Levena Elizabeth Lawson born 1877they had the following children Benjamine Day, Alise Day, Joesph Ray Day, James Robert Day, Luvena L.Day, John Day born 1909 , MaryA. Day, Ada Day, Elbert Day, then John Day married Dorothy Wilma Sills, and they had one son Joseph Lloyd Day.

    1. My family name is Roberts and William is a traditional name in our family. Most of my father’s family is deceased and I only have traces back to my great grandparents. Isaac Jefferson Roberts and Odessa Viola Woods. They were both born in the late 1800s or early 1900s. If you know any of these names or know someone who might, I’d love to know more.

  12. Joy- Searching newspapers can give you hits as to what families are related to Pocahontas. It would often be mentioned in an obituary if they are decedents. The best way to confirm the relationship is start with what you already know. You first want to confirm the Bunch family relation, then go backwards confirming each relation. Try not to jump any generations. You can also Google the decedents of Pocahontas or John Rolfe.

      1. Relationship between 
        Matoaka “Pocahontas” Rebecca Powhatan 
        & Gerald Montgomery Snead

        * Matoaka “Pocahontas” Rebecca Powhatan 1595-1616
        * 10th great-grandmother


Thomas Pepsironemeh Rolfe 1614-1675
        * Son of Matoaka “Pocahontas” Rebecca Powhatan


Jane Rolfe 1650-1675
        * Daughter of Thomas Pepsironemeh Rolfe


Jane Bolling 1674-1714
        * Daughter of Jane Rolfe


Jane Powhatan Clack 1694-1748
        * Daughter of Jane Bolling


Matthew Hubbard III 1720-1779
        * Son of Jane Powhatan Clack


Elizabeth Faitha Hubbard 1744-1832
        * Daughter of Matthew Hubbard III


Joseph Apperson Lett 1779-1854
        * Son of Elizabeth Faitha Hubbard


Elizabeth Angeline Lett 1808-
        * Daughter of Joseph Apperson Lett


James H. Bowers 1829-1902
        * Son of Elizabeth Angeline Lett


William J. H. Bowers 1864-1909
        * Son of James H. Bowers


Eula Grey Bowers 1895-1978
        * Daughter of William J. H. Bowers


Gerald Montgomery Snead
        * You are the son of Eula Grey Bowers

        Gerald Montgomery Snead is my father.

  13. John Rolfe m. Pocahontas (Son)
    Thomas Rolfe m. Jane Poythress (Daughter)
    Jane Rolfe m. Robert Bolling (Son)
    John Bolling m. Mary Kennon (Son)
    John Bolling II m. Elizabeth Blair (Son)
    Benjamin Bolling m. Pattie Felts (Son)
    Benjamin Bolling II m. Sarah Hancock (Son)
    Benjamin Bowling III m. Prudence Callicoat (Son)
    John Crittenden Bolin m. Eliza Ann Forrest (Son)
    Abraham Forrest Bolin m. Winniefred Flanagan (Son)
    William Winfield Bolin m. Bessie Gossage (Son)
    Garvin HoraceBolin m. Joyce Maxine Popplewell (Daughter)
    Linda Cheryl Bolin m. William David Voils (Daughter)
    Kasey Lynette Voils m. Robert Allen Hoskins (Daughter)
    Katherine Joyce Hoskins

    1. Kasey –
      Thank you for taking the time to record your family line here.

      Have you also put your family tree online – using the well known family tree sites?
      It is another good way to preserve your family stories and details for years to come.

      All the best with your family history research,

    2. Hello,
      Looks like we follow the same lineage almost all the way down through the bollings here’s my email

      Pocahontas- John Rolfe
      Thomas Rolfe- (m) Elizabeth Washington
      Jane Rolfe- (m) Robert T Bolling
      John fairfax Bolling –
      John Kennon Bolling- (m) Elizabeth Blair
      John w Blair Bolling – (m) Mary Jefferson
      Francis bowling- (m) John m Bowles
      John Bowles 3- (m) Millie Carolyn pate
      Priscilla Bowles- (m) John G Webb
      Dursdemona webb- (m) Robert s Scott
      Margaret p Scott- (m) Curtis bunion dove
      Curtis Murray dove – (m) pearl ann Carr
      Gertrude Curtis dove
      Traci (daughter of Gertrude)
      Tammy ( daughter of Traci)
      Lily (daughter of Tammy)

  14. I have been told by several family members that my great grandmother Susie Bolling (who was married to James Powell) is a descendant of Pocahontas. Anyone know anything about this family member?

  15. Can someone tell me who the heck is Benjamin Boling? Do you know about the controversy surrounding him? I may be related, but the mystery of Benjamin is giving me mixed leads.

    1. I’m also from the Benjamin Bolling line and have researched it quite a bit recently. He was considered a “Blue” Bolling. This term was due to the fact that there was no recorded history that he and some other supposed siblings were the children of Maj. John Bolling and Elizabeth Blair. From what I read, it seems DNA testing confirms the Blue Bollings were NOT related to Pocahontas. As well, I read the only indication this group of supposed offspring was because of personal documents that were someones recollection and not official census or tax documents from that time. Check out the link below for some brief info about the Blue Bollings. I have always been told I was related and even got a printed Family Tree sent to me by family… However, when I researched on my own, I discovered this mystery about the Blue Bollings. Although very interesting, I’m convinced we are not descendants and I can no long claim this unique heritage.

  16. I also have been tracing my family tree and believe I am related to Pocahontas. I think all of you should read the Indian history, not the one you learned in school regarding this woman. She had an (Indian) husband before marrying John Rolfe and a child, a daughter. She was kidnapped and according to Indian history was raped and had a child out of wedlock. John Rolfe may or may not be the father of Thomas Rolfe.
    Additionally, her tribe has recently (2015) become federally recognized.

    My Family Tree

    America R. Bolling -gg
    James Bolling – ggg
    Jeremiah Bolling-gggg
    Benjamin Bolling-ggggg
    Maj. Benjamin Bolling-ggggg
    John Bolling-gggggg
    Maj John Bolling -gggggg
    Col. Robert Bolling -ggggggg married Jane Rolfe -ggggggg
    Lt. Thomas Rolfe-gggggggg
    Pocahontas Matoaka Powhatan-ggggggggg

    1. Good to hear from you cousin.
      There have been several replies about the Maj. Benjamin Bolling connection.

      I hope that you post your lineage to an online site like FamilySearch or Ancestry – along with – your sources and documentation so that others can benefit from your documentation and conclusions.


    2. I never knew any of this, thank you for sharing this. I just read the true story and tears are running down my face.

  17. I am so confused. I’m doing my family tree, on, and when I get to a “Rebecca Jane Bolling,” my 9th great grandma, who is married to a “Michael Pendergrass,” my 9th great grandpa, Rebecca’s parents are listed as Robert Bolling and Jane Rolfe. But in doing research, I haven’t been able to find any information about Rebecca being an actual daughter of Robert and Jane. Could it be that the Pendergrass line is incorrect and that Michael Pendergrass did not marry a Rebecca, supposed daughter of Robert and Jane (Rolfe) Bolling? Grrrrr… I don’t know where the mistakes could be… the Pendergrass line seems to be correct and in order… and all the sources I’ve come across have stated Rebecca as a daughter of Robert and Jane.

    Kim Cathey – me
    *James G. Cathey/Charlene Brown – dad and mom
    *Hardin Cathey/Mary Elizabeth Thompson – grandpa/ma
    Elias Newton Cathey/ *Mary Jane Brown – 1st g grandparents
    *William John Brown/Ferbie Pendergrass – 2nd gg
    John Gilbert Brown/*Margaret Peggy Laws – 3rd gg
    Aaron Laws/*Pheriba Pendergrass – 4th gg
    *William Titus Pendergrass/Rebecca Ensley – 5th gg
    *William Pendergrass/Martha “Patti” Jobe Attwater – 6th gg
    *Robert Raleigh Pendergrass/Elizabeth H. Manly – 7th gg
    *John Pendergrass/Anne Jane Pleasants – 8th gg
    Michael Pendergrass/*Rebecca Jane Bolling?????? – 9th gg
    Robert Bolling/*Jane Rolfe – 10th gg
    *Thomas Rolfe/Jane Poythress – 11th gg
    *John Eustace Rolfe Jr./*Pocahontas Matoaka “Rebecca” Powhatan (Princess) – 12th gg
    John Rolfe/Dorothea Mason – 13th gg

    1. Kim, we are definitely related as I am a direct descendent of William and Martha Pendergrass who are my 5th great granmdparents. I have them back to 1610 in County Mayo Ireland as such with ancestors back to 1169.

    2. I know you posted this a year ago. I have a Rebecca as well in my family tree and Pendergass. Goes like this the Stephanie at the bottom of the list is me.
      Pay close attention to names

      Pop’s side through Nettie May
      I’ve spent all morning checking this out and it appears to be real.
      I’ll also send later some stories I found on Ancestry

      15GG Ensenore Algonkian 1516-1570 – Father Scent Flower 1517-1600 – Mother
      14GG John Rolfe Sr 1562-1594 – Dorothea Mason Rolfe Redmayne 1559-1645 Chief Wahunsonacock Powhatan Jun 17 1545-Apr 1618 – Father Matatishe Winanuske Nonoma Powhatan 1570-1618 – Mother
      13GG John Thomas Rolfe 1585 Princess Pocahontas Matoaka Rebecca Powhatan 1595-1617
      12GG Thomas Rolfe 1615
      11GG Jane Anna Powhatan Rolfe 1650-1676
      10GG Rebecca Jane Bowling 1675-1714
      9GG John Pendergrass 1685-1715
      8GG Robert R Pendergrass 1711-1782
      7GG William Pendergrass 1730-1804
      6GG Mary Pendergrass 1762-1816
      5GG William W Shaw 1792-1850
      4GG Washington S Shaw 1812-1873
      3GG Moses Harvey Shaw 1836-1870
      2GG Camillia Valentine Shaw 1869-1905
      1GG Nettie May Holliday 1890-1974
      GF David Clinton Leonard 1914-1974
      Mom Linda Jean Leonard 1950-xxxx
      Scott, Laura, Stephanie (me)

    3. Rebecca Jane Bolling’s mother was Anne Meriweather Stith not Jane Rolfe from my research.

  18. When my father passed away in 2012 I found paper work that his grandparents had of our family tree back to the 1700’s
    One of the family on my fathers said was Family of James G. Collier Burried in Beech Creek Cemetery.The paper work states James G.Collier Born Feb 24th 1812 Died Oct 23 1896. Born in Blakely Ga. Parents were Benjamin C. Collier and (Margret Lane a descendent of Pocahuntas) was married in Ga. Sept 27, 1832 to Eliza Ann Stewart she died in 1843 then he married her sister Elizabeth Wynn Stewart June 14th 1843 our grandmother was his second wife, the Stewart girls parents were John Stewart born Aug 21,1780 died Oct. 8 1840

    I really wish I knew how to upload a photo because its pages and pages of births and deaths and marriages.

    I am not quite sure how Margret Lane is a descendent of Pocahuntas but I find this all fascinating.

  19. For those who are related to this young woman who was taken away to England.
    Don’t you think it’s about time that she comes home to her native Virginia homeland and her family?
    There are plenty of contributors of D.N.A. to help locate her remains. This is the time to show that you really care about this person and not just proclaim your descendancy.
    With the recent changes in the Royal House, the possibility is there to petition them to help repatriate this young woman home.
    It would be her final gesture of goodwill and a completion of her journey. Her ancestors are waiting for her.

    1. I would love for her remains to be brought home. However her burial place The King James church has since been rebuilt over leaving many of the graves unknown and hidden under the new building.

  20. I was looking through my family tree with my mother and found that we are related to John Rolfe. I am going to investigate more.

    1. Good luck with your research Barbara,
      Take it step-by-step, document each generation – and see where the research takes you.
      When you’re ready – please post your line/conclusions online here.

      All the best,

    2. I am also related to John Thomas Rolfe. I have traced his line down to my grandfather. I have tried to document almost all of the WILLS, identifying his children. I would love to get in touch with you if you are still doing this research. My grandfather’s last name was Ralph.

  21. 13 GG Powhatan
    12 GG Pocahontas-John Rolfe
    11 GG Thomas Rolfe
    10 GG Jane Rolfe
    9 GG John Bolling
    8 GG John Bolling JR
    7GG Jared Bolling
    6 GG Louisana Bolling
    5 GG Samuel Ratcliffe
    4 GG Ellen Ratcliffe
    3GG Georgia Skinner
    2 GG Lucie Selecman
    1 GG Lucy Pierce
    Grandfather Everette Hamilton Moore JR
    Mother Dana Minder
    Me Douglas Minder

  22. My last name is Roberts… William is a family name… The furthest i have is my great-grandparents, Isaac Jefferson Roberts and Odessa Viola Woods… And her mother, Iantha Taylor… Which would both be born in the early 1900s. I’d like to have more to add to my family tree… My mother’s has a long surviving family name traced back to one man in the 950s, and it doesn’t feel right just know the expanse of hers if I could know his… Most of my direct relation is deceased. If you know anyone who would know these names and knows anyone further than that, I’d much appreciate it.

  23. My parents made my middle name Pocahontas because I am directly related to her. I’m so happy that I found all these relatives on the web!!!!

  24. Hi all. So… I am a Rolfe. I am a real newbie at this family research. I have found out that my family lived in Hayes, Middlesex, which is a part of London. From my grandfather it goes: Thomas = Henry = John, which gets you back to 1799. Past John things get much harder… at least for me. By 1799 my family was very poor, so if there is a connection to the famous John Rolfe, then somebody lost a lot of money in the 1700s. In any event half the people on my tree are named either John, Thomas, Arthur or William.
    Best to all, David

    1. It was found that Thomas married an Elizabeth Washington in London in 1732 they had a daughter Anne Rolfe (she stayed in England) she married a man named Elwyn I believe and they had 3 boys and 4 girls. I found a book online with this information:
      John Rolfe died in Virginia in 1622, either from a lingering illness or during an Indian raid. According to his will, son Thomas could not inherit his father’s rather sizable estate before reaching age twenty-one unless he married prior to that time. In what may have been at least a partial response to this stipulation, seventeen-year-old Thomas married Elizabeth Washington in England in 1632. In 1633, Elizabeth died giving birth to a daughter, Anne, who later married Peter Elwyn, and they had at least three sons and four daughters. The Elwyn’s inherited several of Pocahontas’ personal possessions.
      In 1635, Thomas Rolfe, now twenty-one years old, returned to the Virginia colony in North America. It is at this point the record gets murky and the serious detective work begins. As previously stated, the official Bolling histories have long maintained their version of events is the only true one–that Thomas had but one child by Jane Poythress, a daughter also called Jane [circa 1650-1676], and that she married Colonel Robert Bolling [1646-1709], and they were the root parents of all of Pocahontas’ descendants. But that would mean that during Thomas’ entire adult life [by some accounts he died circa 1675, by others circa 1707], he had only one child (The Bolling’s were apparently unaware of his daughter Anne by the Englishwoman, Elizabeth Washington). Given the way things were done in those days–have as many children as possible to help earn a living and ensure the preservation of the family name–that seems very unlikely. Indeed, there is a large amount of circumstantial evidence suggesting Thomas Rolfe sired several, perhaps many, North American children, and that he did it by several wives. He had a son who went by Powhatan whose name was Thomas Powhatan Rolfe Jr born about 1660 and a daughter Anna born about 1650/55 possibly with a cousin named Oconoco.

  25. I am a descendant of Pocahontas; she is my seventh great grandmother. My nana always told me growing up about her and how we were related, I told the kids at school but they never believed me because they thought she was just a Disney character at the time. I take great pride in knowing I’m related to such an amazing and inspirational woman.

    1. That’s terrific Sarah.
      I encourage you to document and add your family tree to the online ‘Tree’ sites – like FamilySearch and Ancestry.
      Putting your documentation and conclusions online will make it easy to permanently show who her descendants are over the generations.

      Keep up the good work.


  26. Edgar Loyd Robbins, III ( Me)

    Edgar Loyd Robbins, Jr 1918-1971

    Edgar Loyd Robbins, Sr 1898-1962

    Samuel F Robbins 1862-1938

    Charles Steed 1841-1938

    Sallie Redding 1811-1852 Sally was also called Sarah

    Joseph Redding 1754-1815

    Anne Palin 1728-1778

    Dorothy Ann Relfe 1687-1733 Dorothy was also called Susannah

    Thomas Rolfe, Jr 1645-1714

    Thomas Rolfe, Sr 1615-1675

    Matoaka Pocahontas Powhatan 1595-1617

    1. Good work Eddie. Thank you for sharing.

      Have you put your family tree to the online ‘Tree’ sites – like FamilySearch and Ancestry?
      Your should add your documentation and conclusions online to make it easy for your descendants and cousins to permanently find your family lines.

      Keep up the good work.


  27. My line:

    Pocahontas married John Rolfe
    Son: Thomas

    Thomas married Jane Poythress
    Daughter: Jane Rolfe

    Jane Rolfe married Col. Robert Bolling
    Son: Major John Bolling “of Cobbs”

    Major John Bolling married Mary Kennon
    Son: Col. John Bolling

    Col. John Bolling married Mary Elizabeth Bland Blair
    Son: Archibald Bolling

    Archibald Bolling married Sarah Cary
    Daughter: Anne Bolling

    Anne Bolling married Joseph Cabel
    Daughter: Elizabeth Robertson Dixon Cabel

    Elizabeth R. D. Cabel married James Pollitt
    Daughter: Virginia James Pollitt

    Virginia Pollitt married William McClain
    Daughter: Rebecca Dixon McClain

    Rebecca Dixon McClain married Dr. Rufus Calvin Bowman
    Son: Rufus C. Bowman

    Rufus C. Bowman married Nan Logan
    Son: George Logan Boeman

    George Logan Bowman married Rosemary “Peggy” Holmes
    Son: Stephen McClain Bowman

    Stephen McClain Bowman married Diane Vansciver
    Jenny Pearson (Bowman)
    Robert Bowman
    Stephanie Bowman (me)

  28. Through tracing on my mother’s Burks side, her Burks ancestor married Niketti (my 9th gg), daughter of Cleopatra (my 10th gg), sister of Pocahontas (my 10th great aunt), so Thomas would be a 10th great cousin.

    1. Good to hear from you cousin –

      I encourage you to put the details of each person’s birth, marriage & death dates and places on one of the online family tree sites. Those sites also let you upload photos, documents and stories – so that all of the information you have gathered will be easily accessible for generations to come.

      Good work.

  29. Stephanie,
    Thank you for recording your Pocahontas & John Rolfe family tree online.
    This will make easy for you to be in contact with your cousins.

    I encourage you to put this, along with the details of each person’s birth, marriage & death dates and places on one of the online family tree sites. Those sites also let you upload photos, documents and stories – so that all of the information you have gathered will be easily accessible for generations to come.

    Good work.

  30. My family tree goes back to Pocahontas, but I am 75 years old and looking now to the future rather than to the past. I did read all the comments and found one particularly interesting since I can confirm what was said through reading a recent book written by the Indians picked to pass down the history of what actually happened to Pocahontas. It is hard to believe what was written since it is different from what is read in history books about her. I have the book and if anyone is interested in reading it, I can share with you the name of the book. The author of the book said that they decided it was time to reveal the truth about her after keeping it among themselves for so long. She was a remarkable person and anyone who claims her as an ancestor can be proud of his or her connection to her. Our connection goes back so many years that I would be surprised if our DNA would show there to be any Indian blood in our heritage from her as our relative. It is good, however, to know that I am connected to such a famous person.

    1. Carolyn, Being a realative of Pocahantas , thru the Bolins side I would be very interested in the book that you have mentioned, I would appreciate the name of the book,thanks Sandy Jones

    2. what is the name of the book that goes into the indian side of pocohontas’ life history, i am a decendant of pocohontas from the Hughes side of family. thank you.

  31. I have a tree on Family Search. One day while trolling through the branches I came across the name Fleming. I remember my grandma talking about her grandma Fleming. I kept looking for Flemings and through Family Search I eventually ran into Pocahontas.

    My dad: James Berlin Upton
    His mother: Anna Louise Jones
    Her mother: Della Margaret
    Her mother: Eliza Jane
    Louisa Jane Fleming
    Her dad: Robert Fleming
    His dad: John Fleming
    His dad: Capt. Alexander
    John Fleming
    His mother: Mary Boling
    Her father: Major John Boling
    His mother: Jane Rolfe
    Her father: Thomas
    His parents: Capt. John Rolfe
    and Rebecca Pocahontas

  32. She is my 11th great grandmother, through her first marriage with Kocoum Japasaw Stream, their daughter Ka Okee Jane Stream/Christian Pettus/Mary Martin/Randolf Fugate I/Josiah Fugate/James Fugate/Indiana Fugate/Mary E. Said/Hulda E. Edwards/Mamie Evalyn Hamren/Donald Mercer/Colleen Mercer/me. Used Family Tree app to find the info.

    1. Cool kocum is my 13th grate grandfather and pochontas is my 13th grate grandmother. I didnt even know untill i reserched my grate grandmother ‘s father on my daddy side. Very intresting to me. I knew a little about pochontas from books like her name means little cheif. That she had a son. Now i know about her life before she went to james town or england.with john rolfe.

  33. Is this family tree as found on Family Search correct or does it have errors in the connections between Thomas Rolfe and Mary Reynolds (1767-1840)?

    If the tree is correct, then I am a descendant of John Rolfe and Pocahontas. If I am, then there is a very strange coincidence. I grew up in the town of Rolfe, Iowa, in Pocahontas County, Iowa.

    Can someone who has access to the book check out if the connection is a true connection or a phantom connection in a family tree? As for family trees, real and phantom, I am supposedly descended from Charlemagne at least 6 times over from 4 different children through my maternal grandmother. In addition, I am descended from Modred, King Arthur, and Pendragon. Talk about phantom family trees!

  34. Here we go:
    Thomas Rolfe
    John Bolling
    Jane Bolling
    Mary Randolph
    Mary Cary
    Mann Page
    Frederick Winslow Page
    Jane Walker Page
    Mildred Nelson Walker Page
    Orten Everett Duling (my father)

    1. Correction cousins: Jane Rolfe was Thomas Rofle’s daughter. She married Robert Bolling. Their son is John Rolfe.

  35. She is my I don’t know how many great grandmother on my mother’s side we have a family tree and have known since I was very little and can’t wait till my son’s are old enough to tell them the family history on both the quandt side and haller such is kalapuya indian

  36. Hi All,

    Just ran across this feed doing some genealogy research. I too am a descendant of Pocahontas. Here is my line:
    Chief Wahensonacook (some say Paquiquineo was his father)
    Thomas Rolfe
    John Barnett Sr
    John Barnett Jr
    David Barnett
    Narcissa Barnett
    Elizabeth Magness
    Seaborn Tabor…absolutely LOVE that name!
    Elizabeth Tabor
    Alice Clem
    Lillian Snodgrass
    Donald Sharp
    Rhonda Davis

    I too am related to quite a lot of the same people that many of you are. It’s just so hard to tell if the information is accurate or not. The Pettus, Fugate, Five Mankillers, Moytoys, Eagle Plume…amazing how they are all interrelated to be honest.
    I am trying to put my lines together and see where they cross and how the families are connected. Hope you all have a wonderful New Year!

    P.S. My line is on Family Search and Ancestry.

    1. Hi Rhonda I have this line also, Thomas Rolfe Sr. possibly with his cousin Oconoco had other children 1. Thomas “Powhatan” Rolfe b. c 1660 and 2. Anna Rolfe b. c 1650/55 who married William Barnett their son was John Barnett Sr ( my line ). My tree is on (Sparks/Baker). If you need any help let me know! I’m currently in a few DNA groups and I match with all Pocahontas descendants – from Kocoum and the Bolling’s as well as Chief Cornstalk descendants (another group) we all descend from the Royal houses of Europe also!

      1. Hi Rhonda and Bridgitte, I am too a descendant of Matoaka and John Rolfe through Anne Rolfe and William Barnett. Here is the line from my Ancestry family tree:

        Matoaka 1595-1617
        12th great-grandmother

        Lt. Thomas Pepsironemeh Rolfe 1615-1675
        Son of Matoaka

        Anna Rolfe
        Daughter of Lt. Thomas Pepsironemeh Rolfe

        John Bernard Barnett 1683-1756
        Son of Anna Rolfe

        Joyce Barnett 1784-1859
        Daughter of John Bernard Barnett

        Wilmouth Owen 1735-1832
        Daughter of Joyce Barnett

        Grace “Gracy” GRIFFIN 1760-1820
        Daughter of Wilmouth Owen

        Micajah Owens 1790-1893
        Son of Grace “Gracy” GRIFFIN

        Charlotte Owens 1828-1908
        Daughter of Micajah Owens

        Nancy Charlotte Walker (L) 1866-1944
        Daughter of Charlotte Owens

        James Gadson Lacey 1886-1962
        Son of Nancy Charlotte Walker (L)

        Mary Anniebell/Annabelle Lacey 1910-1985
        Daughter of James Gadson Lacey

        Harmon Ellis Cook 1944-2011
        Son of Mary Anniebell/Annabelle Lacey

        Christine Marie Cook 1974-
        Daughter of Harmon Ellis Cook

        Me (1995-)

    2. I am related though David Barnett”s daughter Priscilla . I am trying to find David”s parents only to find several different lines listed for the same person. I see loads of mistakes. When a mom is born 1742 and has a child in 1745 something is wrong. People do not proof read! It is very frustrating . I hope you have David”s correct line.Please email me what you know.

  37. I am a distant cousin of John Rolfe’s. My grandmother’s sister took a DNA test and her lineage was linked back to John Rolfe.

  38. Hello. I’m doing research into my heritage and according to a family tree on Pocahontas and John Rolfe were my 13th great grandparents on my maternal grandfather’s side. I’m not sure how true this is as this is as far as my research has gotten so far, but I’m hoping to look more into it in the near future.

  39. This is how I am descended from Pocahontas according to the relationship tool on the Family Search site. I only found this today and have previously only done research back from myself through Emanuel Hill. Everyone prior to him is based on what other Family Search users have posted and I have not verified those connections myself.

    John Rolfe m. Pocahontas
    Thomas Rolfe m. Jane Poythress
    Jane Rolfe m. Robert Bolling
    John Bolling m. Mary Kennon
    Jane Bolling m. Richard Randolph
    Elizabeth Frances Randolph m. Joel Halbert
    Hannah Elizabeth Halbert m. William Hill
    Thomas Smithers Hill m. Catherine Shropshire
    Jehu Hill m. Martha “Patsy” Carlin
    Emanuel Hill m. Brazenia Byce
    Mary J. Hill m. William S. H. Payne
    Dewey Garron Payne m. Lydia C. Cochran
    Living Son Payne m. Living Spouse (My Parents)
    Living Daughter Payne (Me)

      1. This is my family tree. You are the closest to me so far.
        Rebecca Rolfe Pocohantas matoaka 1595-1617
        14th great-grandmother
        Thomas lieutenant Rolfe Pepsironemeh”, “Prince of Powhatan” 1615-1675
        Son of Rebecca Rolfe Pocohantas matoaka
        Jane Rolfe Paupauwiske 1650-1676
        Daughter of Thomas lieutenant Rolfe Pepsironemeh”, “Prince of Powhatan”
        John fairfax Powhatan johannas Bolling 1676-1729
        Son of Jane Rolfe Paupauwiske
        Jane Bolling 1698-1766
        Daughter of John fairfax Powhatan johannas Bolling
        Francis Randolph
        Daughter of Jane Bolling
        Elizabeth Jones 1715-1780
        Daughter of Francis Randolph
        William Anson Halbert Sr 1744-1808
        Son of Elizabeth Jones
        James Ira Halbert Sr 1778-1860
        Son of William Anson Halbert Sr
        Mary Ann Halbert – Blackwell 1801-1890
        Daughter of James Ira Halbert Sr
        James Halbert Blackwell 1822-1866
        Son of Mary Ann Halbert – Blackwell
        James Thomas Blackwell 1852-1934
        Son of James Halbert Blackwell
        Harvey Elton Blackwell 1879-1967
        child of James Thomas Blackwell
        Deloris or Deloras Salome Blackwell 1904-1990
        Daughter of Harvey Elton Blackwell
        Gertrude W. Manning 1926-2012
        Daughter of Deloris or Deloras Salome Blackwell
        Jack Manning
        Son of Gertrude W. Manning
        Morgan Kahhan
        You are the daughter of Jack Manning

      2. Hello. My name is Tom Hill. In looking through this blog I have found your post. Quite amazing as I trace my ancestry back to Pocahontas almost identical to yours. My third great grandparents that fit this line are ROBERT HILL and MARTHA HALBERT. Martha is a daughter of Joel Halbert and Francis Randolph. Francis being said daughter of Richard Randolph of Curles. ( the question is. Is Francis actually a daughter of Richard and Jane . ). One source BRODIES says this is true. Some of the other researchers say it is only family lore. I hope we can one day prove all of this. Let me know what you think. Tom Hill in Nebraska.

    1. Hello. My name is Tom Hill. In looking through this blog I have found your post. Quite amazing as I trace my ancestry back to Pocahontas almost identical to yours. My third great grandparents that fit this line are ROBERT HILL and MARTHA HALBERT. Martha is a daughter of Joel Halbert and Francis Randolph. Francis being said daughter of Richard Randolph of Curles. ( the question is. Is Francis actually a daughter of Richard and Jane . ). One source BRODIES says this is true. Some of the other researchers say it is only family lore. I hope we can one day prove all of this. Let me know what you think. Tom Hill in Nebraska.

  40. This is what I have been working on. William Boling is listed as a blue Boling so I’m not sure of the accuracy?

    John Rolfe 1585-1622 + Pocahontas 1595

    Thomas Rolfe 10 Oct 1650 – 27 Jan 1676 + Jane Poythress 1630- 1655

    Robert Bolling 1646-1709 + Jane Rolfe 1650-1676

    John Rolfe Bolling 27 January 1676 – 20 April 1729 + Mary Kennon 29 June 1677- 29 June 1727

    John Rolfe Bolling 20 January 1699- 1757 + Mary Elizabeth Bland Blair 4 April 1712- 22 April 1775

    William L. Bolling 5 Apri 1731- 5 April 1776 + Amelia Randolph 1712-1775

    Jeremiah Boling + Nancy Batson

    James Boling + Sallie Boling

    Clarence Andrew Boling + Ruby Davis

    Jack Boling + Vera Delaney

    Donna Boling

  41. I have been told my another tree researcher that I am related to Pocohintas, by my Elwin ancestors from Norfolk UK. I have only managed to get back to my 2 x grt grandfather, James Elwin, born in Cantley c1801.

    1. Hi Sheila,
      We are also descendants of Peter Elwin 1623-1695 from Thurning, Norfolk through his daughter Anna 1665-1676 who married George Anguish 1672-1737. George’s grand-daughter Mary Anguish 1764-1827 married blacksmith Joseph Stout 1763-1831 and they are buried in St Mary’s Churchyard, Cantley, Norfolk. Their grandson William Merrison Stout 1817-1872 moved to Limehouse, London and his grandson, my grandfather Frederick Walter Stout 1884-1952 migrated to Western Australia with his parents and siblings.
      Last year we visited Cantley again and also Thurning, Norfolk. Next year I’m visiting Virginia, US to see the rebuilt church where Rebecca and John Rolfe married and to visit related history centres.
      I would be interested to find out more about your James Elwin born about 1801 Cantley, Norfolk. We didn’t see any Elwin memorials in the Cantley churchyard. There are wall and flagstone Elwyn memorials in Thurning and also Booton which we didn’t visit.

      1. Hi Margaret, I still haven’t got further back than my JAMES ELWIN, born Cantley about 1801. He was a Baker and looking on Freemen of Norwich website, his father could also be a James Elwin, also a Baker.
        My James worked and lived at Ketts Hill Bakery in Norwich. He married Mary Ann Althorpe in 1830 in Norwich.
        Still researching him, so many James Elwin’s born in Norwich area.

  42. rincess Matoaka of the Powhatan (1595 – 1617)
    10th great-grandmother
    Thomas Rolfe (1615 – 1675)
    Son of Princess Matoaka of the Powhatan
    Jane Rolfe (1650 – 1676)
    Daughter of Thomas Rolfe
    John Fairfax Bolling (1676 – 1729)
    Son of Jane Rolfe
    Martha Bolling (1713 – 1749)
    Daughter of John Fairfax Bolling
    Mary Polly Aldridge (1740 – 1825)
    Daughter of Martha Bolling
    David Miller (1775 – 1845)
    Son of Mary Polly Aldridge
    Lydia Miller (1802 – 1870)
    Daughter of David Miller
    Rufus Alexander Bingham (1833 – 1910)
    Son of Lydia Miller
    Thomas Alexander Bingham (1863 – 1945)
    Son of Rufus Alexander Bingham
    Lee Bingham (1888 – 1981)
    Son of Thomas Alexander Bingham
    Rosa Bingham (1931 – 2015)
    Daughter of Lee Bingham
    Roger K Duncan
    You are the son of Rosa Bingham

  43. I am descended from Maria Holmes married to Henry Johnson.She is regarded as a direct descendant of Pocahontas. Does anyone know of such a connection?

  44. I feel pretty confident I am related through Mary Bolling and John Fleming, but I keep seeing different names and/or lack of children names. I am a Fleming and my family traces back to that area and seem to lead back to her but lines cross with the John’s and David’s. Can anyone verify how many children they had together?

    1. Not sure if you have found anything or still investigating but I am attempting to chase the same thing. I believe my line (Fleming as well) goes back potentially a step or two above the point in Fleming tree above Col. John Fleming who married Mary Bolling. So not direct blood line but remoted related.
      My family (Fleming) goes back to James and Susannah Fleming (b. 1725- d. 1800) (interestingly married at 51 and had children until they were 57 so some of this info I am finding seems hard to believe)
      I have been unable to find definitive steps past James and Susannah.
      I did find a Susannah that was a daughter of Mary Rolfe (Bolling) Fleming Listed as born 1727 and half-sibling of all the Mary and John Fleming children but not sure I can trust that. Only place I have seen this..
      I was wondering if you found anything additional.

    1. Roberta,

      Yes, my research is showing that it was–and still is–a common practice for Native American intermarriage.

      “More than half of all Native Americans don’t marry other natives.” [Tristan Ahtone, “Native American Intermarriage Puts Benefits At Risk” in NPR at (accessed 14 May 2019).]

      “David Wilkins, a professor of American Indian Studies at the University of Minnesota, says that intermarriage has always been the norm. ‘It just shows that Native individuals, due to the small population size of most indigenous communities, frequently find that they have to reach outside of their local community to find a partner suitable for marriage — hence the high degree of intermarriage,’ says Wilkins.” [Ibid.]

      There are reasons for this intermarriage, among which include the establishment of trading/political relationships. “Algonquian Indians frequently intermarried between tribes, which allowed two kinship networks to create a new trading relationship.” [Jesse Dukes, “Without Native Americans, Would We Have Chicago As We Know It?” in WBEZ91.5CHICAGO at (accessed 14 May 2019).]

      For more reading on Native American identities (and how intermarriage contributes), you may find this article interesting: Ryan W. Schmidt, “American Indian Identity and Blood Quantum in the 21st Century: A Critical Review” in Hindawi’s Journal of Anthropology, at (accessed 14 May 2019).

  45. If there is anyone that has dna proof that they are descendants of Pochontas, I would love to compare my dna.
    I have 183 pages of documents validating Pochontas is my 10th grandmother, but I want more proof.
    Thank you very much

    Mel Bond, Pastor

    1. How did you prove your DNA. What company did you have it pulled through?

      Thanks, JP ..see my comment below yours.

    2. Dear Mr. Bond,

      According to autosomal DNA my husband, Christopher James Bond, is a descendant of Pocahontas. I am doing DNA with 3 companies and the common surnames pop up that are links to Pocahontas but I am unable to establish a trace using Ancestry. I would be very appreciative if you could send me what you know of your line. I am very willing to share information. Please know that I am a genealogist
      (work part time in a library in a genealogy department and have been a DAR Registrar for over 15 years). Unfortunately, I cannot travel due to
      age and health issues. However, I still enjoy research!
      Thank you!
      Barbara Bond

    3. Hey Mel, On you can join a Native American DNA Project and compare your DNA to others in the group, I first joined the group in Facebook and then through, we ALL have matching DNA it’s very interesting! I descend from Pocahontas and Chief Cornstalk of the Shawnee so I’m in both groups and have met many, many cousins.
      I hope this helped you!
      Good luck!

  46. My mother and I did our genealogy many years ago before I am being told that Pocahontas is my 12th great aunt through Princess Cleopatra Scent Flower. We arrived on the Mayflower and were in Virginia. Later most of the family shows up in Tennessee. I believe the last name is through Dodson on my mothers side which is Pippin (probably O’Pippin) since our DNA showed mostly Scottish and Irish decent. We will be doing 23 and me and I hear that one is better. We showed no Indian with even though we have it on both sides tell the descendants. I heart that Ancestry goes back really far to find the DNA links so it might not show up. We will see. If anyone knows a better way to find out let me know.
    Thanks JP

    1. Jennifer, Native American ancestry tends to “wash out” within 5 generations. Supposedly I am also descended from John Rolfe and Pocahontas through my maternal grandmother who never knew of the possibility of having NA ancestry. My maternal grandfather knew he had NA ancestry. His closest NA ancestor was much closer. 23andme indicated no NA ancestry for my mother or myself. I was not surprised.

  47. This is what I have been told: John Rolfe M Amonute Matoaka Pocahontas: Thomas Rolfe M: Jane Poythress. Jarrett BowlingM: 1762 Jane Rolfe M: Col Robert Bolling Henry. 178?
    John Boling M:Mary Kennon Charles Spence 1810
    John Jr. M:Elizabeth Blair William Jerry 1855
    Benjamin M: Fencher Daniel Boling 1902
    Benjamin Jr. M:Winfred Garrison (above). Darrell Boling (Me). 1946. That would make Pocahontas my10th

  48. Hi I am a descendant through Emmaline Pendergrass (Pendergraft):

    Thomas Rolfe and Jane Poythress
    Col. R Bolling and Jane Rolfe
    Rebecca Bolling and Michael Pendergrass
    John Pendergrass and Ann Pleasant
    William Pendergrass and Mary Raleigh
    William Pendergrass Jr and Milah Coulter
    George B. Pendergrass and Katherine L. Starnes
    John E. McGinnis and Emaline Perdergrass (Pendergraft)
    James B. McGinnis and Anna Belle Myers
    George Henry McGinnis and Ella Jones (My Great-Great Grandparents)

  49. Can anyone tell me if they have done ancestry of the Norris family? My uncle Wayne Norris has done it for years and went clear back to Pocahontas as an ancestor. He fell sick and has not been able to finish. Can anyone tell me anymore about it?

  50. Hi. My name is Robert Hoyt. My Aunt on my Mother’s side did a great deal of research, and traced their lineage all the way back to Pocahontas and John Rolfe. She is my 11-times Great Grandmother. There were many inter-marriages of white and native, all the way thru the early 1900’s, in this genealogy, so many tribes are mixed along the way.
    If anyone is interested, we have what appears to be the full line, with many details dating all the way back to 1609, with most all children listed on many other family lines that branch off of this original lineage.

    1. My g grandmansasna Hoyt and g grandpa a cook. Then Moore n sharp. Then mom’s side. We have a Jesse John Thomas Smith Ayers ruggles bohakers n gardener n Greene’s and many more. They said they married 3rd cousins to keep blood line strong. You are the first I’ve met w Hoyt… Not common.

    2. Thomas Rolfe son of John Rolfe and Pocahontas married a Miss Paythess in Virginia and they had one daughter. Do you know the daughters name by chance?

    3. Yes, please share it through your own site or one of the free sites or the membership sites. Please Include your sources and/or links to documents.

  51. I just found out that Chief Powhatan is ny 9th great grandfather. My 8th great grandmother was Cockoeske Powhaton West, and my 7th great grandmother was Susannah Pamunkey. I am honored.

    Does anyone know how to get The Indian roll #????? I am related through William Winston, Toby Jennings West, and Giselle Dabney.

  52. Supposedly I am also descended from John Rolfe. I can guarantee that the ancestors in my line are correct, from 1750 onward, on this genealogy posted on This listing goes on much farther back to Pocahontas and John Rolfe. I don’t have proof that this lineage is completely correct before 1750.

    One thing that is interesting is that I grew up in the town of Rolfe, Iowa. Rolfe was the first town and first county seat of Pocahontas County, Iowa. It is interesting to think that five descendants of John Rolfe and Pocahontas grew up in Rolfe, Pocahontas, Iowa.

  53. Who is Sir Roger Bolin? I’m told he was married to Pocahontas’ granddaughter and thus my family is directly descended. I would love to know if the Bolin family is a direct descendant of Pocahontas. I am told we are and I would like to know for sure. How can I find out?

  54. Pocahontas is my 12th great-grandmother! Very excited to have found that out and excited to learn more about my family history.

  55. Stephanie- The best way to confirm the relationship is start with what you already know . You first want to confirm the Bolin family relation, then go backwards confirming each relation. Try not to jump any generations. You can also Google the decedents of Pocahontas. I did not find Sir Roger Bolin on the list. The spelling for Bolin in Pocahontas line is with Bollin. You can Google Sir Roger Bolin for more information.

  56. I have worked on this with the best of my knowledge. pedigree
    Pocahontas& John ROLFE
    Thomas Rolfe & Jane Poythress
    Jane Rolfe & Robert Bolling
    John Fairfax Boling & Mary Elizabeth Kennon
    Mary Bolling & Samuel Sweringen
    Richard C. Swearingen & Mary Pendly
    Austin Riley Swearingen & Virginia Jane Watson
    Elixzabeth Swearingen & John Lewis Warner Snow
    John James Snow Elizabeth “Jennie” Murphy
    James Morgan Murphy & Elizabeth Jane Yocum
    Samuel Logan Murphy & Annie Elizabet Murphy
    Robert Allen murphy & Julia Woodrum
    Margaret Elizabeth Murphy & Joseph Daniel Kernen

    1. Elizabeth Swearingen & John Lews Warner Snow are my GGG grandparents. My Grandfather, thier great-grandson, is Thomas Snow of Ilinois and they were his grandparents.

  57. I am related to Pocahontas thru the following: Louise Gay & Sidney Stubbs, Edward S. Gay & Sallie Ewell, Capt. Edward S. Gay & Catherine Tazewell, William Gay & Judith Scott, Dr. William Gay & Elizabeth Bolling, John Bolling & Mary Kennon, Jane Rolfe & Robert Bolling, Thomas Rolfe & Jane Poythress to John Rolfe & Pocahontas.

  58. Hello,
    If there is any one out there that has had your dna tested and Keziah Arroyah 1635-1690 or Silent Robert Bryant 1657-1704 or Elinor Bryant 1690 – 1735 is in your dna. I would be very much interested in seeing if my dna would match with yours. This would help me greatly in validating my Patawomeck blood line. I have valiation up to Nathaniel Owens 1680-1735. However there is not enough valid proff for Nathaniel to be the son of Elinor Bryant.
    Thank you very much!

    Oceans of Eternal Unconditonal Love in Jesus Christ

    Mel Bond, Pastor

    1. Mel Bond, I saw the Keziah Arroyah. I am a descendent of Chief Nicholas Quishia Cashia. He is my 6th ggrandfather thru my 4th ggrandmother Sarah Cheriah Kizziah(spelling changed to Kizziah/Kezziah). I had my DNA tested thru Ancestry but it is very general and only goes back 150 years. I was able to trace back thru my father’s side and found my 4th and 6th ggrandparents. I saw where Pocahontas was also named Keziah also(not sure how accurate it is. Chief Cashia was Tuscarora though.

    2. Bryant is my mother’s maiden name. I’m directly descended from Pocahontas on my father’s side though. Barbara Elaine Bryant is my mother. Her Father was Jimmy Bryant of Coldwater / DelroseTennessee

  59. She is on my line through john tarper bolling, I did ancestry DNA test and i had a indian blood form virgina area.

  60. My older sister and I were always told we were descendants of Pocahontas. My Dad’s mother’s maiden name was Rolfe and she looked Native American. I’ve just sent off an Ancestry DNA sample. So watch this space. xx

  61. Your comment certainly is an interesting one. I had not heard it before. All the information I have ever read about Thomas Rolfe says he is the son of John Rolfe, although I knew Pocahontas was married to a member of her tribe before her marriage to Rolfe. I know I have 0.5 percent Native American DNA, which may or may not come from Pocahontas or her tribe. I have believed my family to be related by marriage to Pocahontas, however, since a several times great-grandfather of mine, John Wall, married an Anne Poythress. Family lore has us related to Pocahonatas (although perhaps only by marriage, as stated). A DNA distant cousin match to me has the surname of Rolfe, but he has written me that Thomas Rolfe stayed in England. Another interesting story, but I my belief is that he must have come back to America to take over his father’s lands, and I believe there is plenty proof of it, correct???

  62. Pocahontas is my grandmother through her granddaughter Jane Rolfe’s son, John Fairfax Bolling. I was able to trace this back through my maternal great grandmother, Ida Gabbard.

  63. I have some confusion with my line it looks like
    John Boiling and Elizabeth Blair
    James Thomas Bolling -Sarah Blevins
    Katherine (Katie) Bolling
    Lucinda Amis
    Andrew Baker
    Nancy Baker
    Ellen Johnson
    The issue I have leading from my Great Grandma is about the connecting of Katherina and James (Her dad) Boiling to the line. I cant seem to figure out if this is a real line or not. I see that There is a son that times named James and no connecting or evidence after that.
    Thanks, Jill

    1. Col. John Bolling ( not boiling-easy mistake) married the daughter of Thomas Rolfe and a Miss Paythess. The daughters name is apparently unknown but she was born around 1652 Thomas Rolfe was the son of John Rolfe and Pocahontas.

      Col. John Bolling had several daughters and one son. One daughter was named Hannah Bolling and the son was named Major John Bolling

      Hannah is who I directly descend from. But that’s all I know about the Bolling Family and beyond. Good luck !

  64. Hello
    My family have always known who we descend from as it was always passed down directly from generation to generation. I trace my family directly back to Pocahontas and for that matter to Charlemagne and on back to antiquity. There are many proven descendants of Matoaka and just as many unsubstantiated claims. For example, there is no proof of a prior marriage or child before marrying Rolfe and the “blue” line is considered unsubstantiated as well. These are instances of here-say, mistakes and blatant misrepresentation which people eventually believe to be fact. There are those who use Ancestry sites and inadvertently put almost anything on them and then in turn add this same invented information to their own pedigrees——without checking. There are many lineage books which contain accepted and factual information based on first hand documentation and those who kept knowledgable accounts relating to the first founding families, the indigenous peoples and numerous subsequent factual family lines. I encourage many of you here to utilize these resources as well.

    1. Native tradition has it that Matoaka married before Rolfe and it is sad you do not consider that a reliable source. Native oral legends go back centuries and are often true, and that is the case of Matoaka , so do not dismiss it out of hand.

  65. Hello My great grandmother was Phyllis Maria (Rolfe) Langford She was born in l866 in Ramsey, Hampshire, England Her father was James Rolfe and her mother was Harriet Evans. They had 7 children the last one born in America. They arrived in USA in May l905 aboard the Cymric passenger ship from Liverpool England to Boston Mass. My grandmother was Rhoda Langford who married James Chadwick on Sept 28 1912 My Mother was their daughter Barbara Jane. She married Ronald A. Lerned I was born on May 301938

  66. Thomas Rolfe married Miss Paythess in virginia to whom he left an only child. A daughter born around 1652
    Said daughter married Col. John Bolling and had several daughters and one son. The son was named Major John Bolling and one of the daughters was named Hannah Bolling
    Hannah Bolling was married in Caroline County Virginia to James Clements and left an only child Catherine Clements born in the same county bon July 29 1755
    Catherine Clements married Daniel Vaulx on July 13 1772 they had three children William Vaulx, Joseph Vaulx and Mary Vaulx

    Mary Vaulx married Nathaniel Peebles and they had one son
    William Hart McLaughlin
    William Hart McLaughlin married Margaret Eskridge

    Dr. William Hart McLaughlin had two sons. Andrew Martin and James B as well as 4 daughters Susan, Mary, Margaret and Henrietta.

    Henrietta McLaughlin married Lem Gilliam and they had two sons William Pleasant Giilliam and L. Hugh Gilliam born on October 12 1872 in Lincoln county Tennessee

    Dr. L. Hugh Gilliam married Annie J. Nix in Kelso Tennessee and they had two sons Joe Nix Gilliam born July 9 1913 and William Hugh Gilliam born April 22 1912

    William Hugh Gilliam married Mary Virginia Pylant of Elora Tennessee on February 23 1931 they had a daughter Peggy Ann Gilliam born in 1934 and a son William Hugh Gilliam Jr. Born August b14 1941

    William High Gilliam Jr married Karen Sue Latch of Fayetteville Tennessee on November 8 1963 they had two daughters Kristen Brook Gilliam, Holly Ann Gilliam and one son William Scott Gilliam born September 28 1965

    William Scott Gilliam married Barbara Bryant (Mitchell) in Smithland Tennessee von July 17 1988 they had two sons. The first was Levi Scott Gilliam born on May 9 1989 who was stillborn and is buried in Flintville TN Cemetery. The second son Billy Heath Gilliam was born on June 11 1990

    I am Billy Heath Gilliam. A proud and directv descendant of Pocahontas herself

    This was part of a genealogy of The Vaulx Family by Joseph Vaulx that was later completed by my great aunt who was a genealogist in Lincoln county Tennessee.

  67. Hi,
    I am trying to find my N.American Indigenous roots. My True Ancestry gives me Celtic Virginia 1680’s. Is there anyone who can look my DNA from Pocahontas’ descendants. At this point in time, my maternal grandparents are both connected to Pocahontas by marriage. I can take the long route of using her family tree of descendants from Wikitree.
    Thanking you in advance,

  68. Hi, All growing up as a kid hearing stories that Pocahontas is my 11 Great Grandmother. But nots sure havent done DNA testing. Some how it goes throw Sally Sarah Isbell, And Lewis Ragsdale. Can someone help understand is this true.

  69. Hi,
    I believe I am a direct blood descendant from Pocahontas and John Rolfe, they were my Grandparents to the 10th generation if the Ancestry web site is accurate.

  70. How come some sites say Thomas Rolfe and Jane Poythress had one child while others say they had more? What’s the relationship between Barnett and Bolling? Apparently, I’m related to the Barnett side… but it gets confusing since I can’t verify this to be true.

    Is it true that Pocahontas only had one child named Thomas Rolfe?
    Is it true Thomas Rolfe only married one woman named Jane Pythress and the two had only one child named Jane Rolfe?
    Is it true Jane Rolfe married a William Bolling?

    What about Anne Rolfe and William Barnett? Where do they come in? I’m related to William Barnett but this is where it gets muddy. I see some sites that say Thomas and Jane did have more children, one named Anne and it was Anne who married Barnett while Jane married Bolling. However, I see some that say there is no Barnett at all proven. Some say no mention of Anne at all. Some call William Bolling Barnett the same person!

    Can anyone help me?

    1. This is also where I’m at very confusing . My middle name is Bowling I am Christopher Bowling Barnett

      1. Take a look at my reply to Amanda, you obviously descend from this line of Barnett’s and Rolfe’s.

    2. Hey Amanda, This is my line also maybe I can help, Thomas may have married one white woman but he had other children with other women one of them being Oconoco (a cousin) it’s presumed they had Anna Rolfe b. c 1650/55 who married William Barnett b. 1643 Jamestown they had John Barnett Sr (my line). Also, there was a son named Thomas “Powhatan” Rolfe Jr. b. c 1660 he went by Powhatan I don’t have any additional information on him. The Barnett’s in Virginia had many children and John married Katherine Farrar (descendant of William Farrar of Farrar’s Island) there was a book written about this family – I have * next to my line – here’s part of it:
      1. William* Barnett married Anna* Rolfe
      Jane “Anna” Rolfe b. c 1650/55
      Daughter of Thomas* Pepsironemeh Rolfe b. 1615 VA
      s/o John* Rolfe b. 1590 England & Rebecca “Pocahontas*” b. 1595
      And Oconoco “Oi Poi” b. c 1630 Tidewater, VA
      Notes for William BARNETT b. 10 Oct 1643 Jamestown, Colony of Virginia
      William was in VA in 1662

      SOME FARRAR’S ISLAND DESCENDANTS by Alvahn Holmes, privately published 1979, p. 8

      Notes for Anna ROLFE
      SOME FARRAR’S ISLAND DESCENDANTS by Alvahn Holmes, privately published 1979, p. 8

      Children of William* BARNETT and Anna* ROLFE were as follows:
      Generation 2

      2. John2 Barnett* (William1), born 1689; died bef. 21 Sep 1756 in, Goochland Co., Virginia. He married abt. 1718, Katherine* (Farrar) BARNETT, born abt. 1700 in, Henrico Co., Virginia; died 1781 in, Granville Co., North Carolina, daughter of Thomas* Farrar and Katherine* (Perrin) FARRAR.

      UPDATE: 1993-8-17 THE FARRARS by William B. and Ethel Farrar, 1964, p. 16: His will names his wife and their eleven children.

      UPDATE: 1993-01-17 LDS MICROFILM 1033594, ITEM 7: COUPER FAMILY by Wm. Couper, ROYAL, PERRIN, FARRAR, BARNETT. This chart says John* Barnett was born 1689 and died 1756. 16 Dec 1729 he purchased from John Farrar 165 acres (based on a patent issued to John Barnes, Jr. and Wm. Barnes 2 Jul 1716 (DB 1, 157 Goochland Co., VA). One witness was Joseph Farrar. After 1744 this land was in Albemarle Co. and after 3 Jun 177? it was in Fluvanna Co. In 1748 he witnessed the will (in deed form) of his mother-in-law Katherine* Perrin Farrar (DB 5, 409 Goochland Co., VA). By his will (1755) he left his son Thomas the land he (Thomas) was living on; and he left to his son Jesse (his youngest son) the land he (John) was living on. The land sold 18 Oct 1768. See ____ of his note at the left of this box, included the tract bought in 1729 from John Barnett.

      TWIGS AND BRANCHES by Estelle Bass Cosby, 1980, Ardmore Printing, Inc., p. 16: Will probated Goochland Co., VA 21 Sep 1756; Mrs. Ralph Farrar

      SOME FARRAR’S ISLAND DESCENDANTS by Alvahn Holmes, privately published 1979, p. 8: “There seems to be varying interpretations of records of the Farrar-Barnett family which the compiler has not had time to venture into; therefore, the following references have been used: [1] Research of the Rev. Francis Campbell Symonds; 14W(2)258, 360; 16W(2)267-288; [2] Col. William Couper’s charts in 59V126; 1951, THE VIRGINIA MAGAZINE OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY described him as an executive officer of VMI; a prolific writer of histories of VMA, of the Shenandoah and of his family. His family recently contributed to the VIRGINIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY a diary he kept for 50 years. His obituary appeared in the Baltimore Sun dated 16 Feb 1964, from Lexington, VA”.

      UPDATE: 1993-8-17 THE FARRARS by William B. and Ethel Farrar, 1964, p. 16

      UPDATE: 1993-5-31 ADVENTURERS OF PURSE AND PERSON, VIRGINIA, 1607-1624/5, 3rd Edition 1987, p. 278. She is mentioned in her husband’s will 7 Oct 1755-21 Sep 1756 (Goochland Co. Deed Bk. 7, p. 118)

      UPDATE: 1993-01-17 LDS MICROFILM 1033594, ITEM 7: COUPER FAMILY by Wm. Couper, ROYAL, PERRIN, FARRAR, BARNETT. This chart states that Katherine* Farrar Barnett was born 1700, deceased after 1763. Left by will of her father Thomas* Farrar (pr. 1742) a negro woman. Left by will (deed) of her mother Katherine* Perrin Farrar (1748) all of her mother’s estate (DB 5, 409 Goochland Co., VA) and John Barnett witnessed this deed which was to become effective at her mother’s death. Other witnesses were John Bibb and Joseph Farrar. The deed was recorded 17 May 1748. (NOTE: John Barnett was her husband; John Bibb married _______ Farrar; Joseph Farrar was her brother). Date of Deed 6 May 1742. On 18 Oct 1763, she signed deed with her sons, Jesse and Thomas Barnett, who sold 175 acres adjoining John Bibb, et als–part of this land was bought by their father in 1729 from John* Farrar (DB 6 or 8, 370 Goochland Co., VA). Her husband’s will mentions her and eleven of their children. See Notes S-U-V.

      TWIGS AND BRANCHES by Estelle Bass Cosby, 1980, Ardmore Printing, Inc., p. 16 After the death of her husband she and her sons, Jesse and Thomas, moved to what is now Granville Co., NC

      She was still married to Barnett by 15 Jun 1742, the date her father’s will was proved.

      Children of John* BARNETT b. 1689 and Katherine* FARRAR b. 1700 were as follows:
      + 3 i John3 Barnett, Jr. born 4 Jul 1719 in, Hanover Co., Virginia. He married Sarah (McCann) BARNETT, JR.
      + 4 ii Thomas3 Barnett, born 1725 in Goochland Co., Virginia. He married Sarah Croshaw (Graves) BARNETT.
      5 iii Jesse3 Barnett
      6 iv Richard3 Barnett
      7 v William3* Barnett married in Goochland Co., VA Hannah* Fenton and had Mary* b. 1764, Eliza b. 1766, John Fenton, b. 26 June 1768_; William, b. 15 May 1769; Nancy, b. 1 Oct 1771; Thomas, b. 21 Jan. 1774.
      + 8 vi Joseph3 Barnett, born abt. 1732. He married Lucy (Wade) Barnett
      9 vii Edward3 Barnett, Was a Quaker; married Martha ______. They had Jane, an only child, who married John Cantwell and had 10 children.
      10 viii Catherine3 Barnett married on 1 Aug 1756, Whitley. They lived in Goochland Co., VA
      11 ix Sarah3 Barnett
      12 x Mary3 Barnett
      13 xi Francis\Frances3 Barnett (Frances)

      Generation 3

      Mary Barnett* b. 1764 Goochland, VA d. 1820 McDowell, Highland Co, VA
      m. Charter* Mitchell son of Charles* Mitchell and Hester* Mills Goochland, VA.
      Ch: Generation 4
      1. Sarah* Mitchell b. 1781 Goochland, VA
      d. Mar 1818 Dicks Creek, Tazewell, VA
      2. John William Mitchell b. 1782
      3. Thomas Warren Mitchell b. 1786
      4. Martha “Patsy” Mitchell b. 1790

    3. Thomas was married twice his first marriage was to Elizabeth Washington in 13 Sep 1632 in St James Clerkwell, London, she died in childbirth and that had a daughter who was raised by Thomas cousin her name was Anne Rolfe (she stayed in England) she married a man named Peter Elwyn from Booton Hall and they had 3 boys and 4 girls.
      The Elwyn’s inherited several of Pocahontas’ personal possessions. My husband is descended from this linage and has documentation by Somerset house to back this up.

      Thomas second marriage and the most well known one was his American marriage to Jane Polythess, this is where it gets messy though In 1635, Thomas Rolfe, now twenty-one years old, returned to the Virginia colony in North America. It is at this point the record gets murky and the serious detective work begins. As previously stated, the official Bolling histories have long maintained their version of events is the only true one–that Thomas had but one child by Jane Poythress, a daughter also called Jane [circa 1650-1676], and that she married Colonel Robert Bolling [1646-1709], and they were the root parents of all of Pocahontas’ descendants. But that would mean that during Thomas’ entire adult life [by some accounts he died circa 1675, by others circa 1707], he had only one child (The Bolling’s were apparently unaware of his daughter Anne by the Englishwoman, Elizabeth Washington). Given the way things were done in those days–have as many children as possible to help earn a living and ensure the preservation of the family name–that seems very unlikely. Indeed, there is a large amount of circumstantial evidence suggesting Thomas Rolfe sired several, perhaps many, North American children, and that he did it by several wives. He had a son who went by Powhatan whose name was Thomas Powhatan Rolfe Jr born about 1660 and a daughter Anna born about 1650/55 possibly with a cousin named Oconoco.

  71. I found out today through, that I am the 8th Grandson of Pocahontas and John Rolfe. This also means I am in Thomas Jefferson’s family tree.

    My dad’s grandfather was Robert Bolling,
    His father was Robert Bolling,
    His father was Robert Bolling IV,
    His father was Robert Bolling III,
    His father was Robert Bolling II,
    His father was Robert Bolling I,
    His father was John Bolling, Jr.,
    Son of Colonel Robert Bolling and Jane Rolf Bolling,
    She was the grand-daughter of Pocahontas and John Rolfe.

  72. Reading the posts above, I am surprised that there is no mentions that Thomas Rolf moved to North Carolina and had two sons, Thomas and William according to the Virginia Genealogical Society Quarterly Volume 23 Number 3. They settled in Pasquotank, NC and had thirteen Land Rights including Mary Jennings and her father, John Jennings. Thomas Rolfe held the office of Justice of the General Court and Provost Marshall. I am researching all of this in North Carolina because my 3X great grandfather was Charles Relfe (abt 1820-1847). He married Cordelia Davis in 1840 in Perquimans, NC. I have copies of their marriage certificate and his Will. I find their two children in the 1850 census living with Elliott and Mary Brothers (Charles’ sister I suspect). There is no sign of his wife Cordelia. My 2X grandfather, their child Dorsey, is found in the 1860 census living with relatives and in 1870 is married. If any of this can help someone, I am pleased.. If someone can help me, I would be delighted. T

    1. Hey Frances, If you download your RAW DNA to you can join a DNA group on Facebook I joined “Powhatan Descendant Connection and Research Group”, “GEDmatch kit numbers that has Native American”, “Genealogy and DNA-23andME, Ancestry, FTDNA, and GEDmatch”. These groups have people in them who “match” DNA with you and you can meet cousins and find more information on your ancestors.
      I’m finding that I descend from Thomas Rolfe through his daughter Anna b. c 1656 who probably had an Powhatan mother possibly Oconoco
      (a cousin) and through Pocahontas 1st marriage to Kocoum their daughter Ka Okee (“Jane”) who was born 1612 she married Theodore Pettus I descend from their daughter Christian (named for Theodore’s Grandmother and sister) who was born in 1636.
      Good luck in your searches!

      1. Thank you for the reply. I am on GEDmatch and am in the Powhatan Descendant Group. I am not that familiar with the DNA and actually do not know what I am looking for or at.

        I’ll keep at it. Thanks

  73. I’m related to Nancy Regan ,via her Anglo Saxon ancestors,but my biological father has Shawnee and Pawnee but, I’m also new to this geneology thing,yet Nancy Regan is related to my mom who’s related to quite a few notable people.but my father Pat campbell is predominantly half Anglo and Cherokee but I’ve traced his family all the way to the powitans so far and pocahontas is related to me by both parents who ironically were distant cousins without knowing it..I’m also the 7 the great granddaughter of Nancy ward who is considered the pocahontas of Tennessee,so I’m blessed and proud to call these women my ancestors Please excuse my lack of punctuation my eyesight is not the greatest and I’m still quite new to this but have done thorough research as much as a new be can do

  74. I am an ADNA proven descendant of Pocahontas, but am still trying to find my line(s). I have DNA matches via MyHeritage, Ancestry and FTDNA to proven Powhatan nation members. I am currently linked to Thomas Wolfe as a distant cousin via my maternal grandfather. I believe my direct line is via Pocahontas’ Bunn line of descendants. I have many ‘cousins’ in the USA who are famous, infamous and part of the general population. This line of my ancestry is one of many that I am currently working on a number of genealogical sites.

  75. Pocahontas is my 13th grandmother ❤

    Princess Matoaka of the Powhatan 1595-1617
    13th great-grandmother
    Thomas Rolfe 1615-1675
    Son of Princess Matoaka of the Powhatan
    Jane Rolfe 1650-1676
    Daughter of Thomas Rolfe
    John Fairfox Bolling Major 1676-1729
    Son of Jane Rolfe
    Elizabeth Bolling 1709-1766
    Daughter of John Fairfox Bolling Major
    Henry Gay
    Son of Elizabeth Bolling
    Ellen Gay 1724-
    Daughter of Henry Gay
    Lydia Duncan 1742-1797
    Daughter of Ellen Gay
    John Duncan Jr 1822-
    Son of Lydia Duncan
    Matilda Duncan
    Daughter of John Duncan Jr
    Obedience O’Bannon Sandefur 1808-1890
    child of Matilda Duncan
    Alexander Hamlett “Ham” Sandefur 1836-1897
    Son of Obedience O’Bannon Sandefur
    Leander Alexander Sandefur 1884-1956
    Son of Alexander Hamlett “Ham” Sandefur
    Ily Wesley Sandefur 1912-1977
    Son of Leander Alexander Sandefur
    Lewis Pat Sandefur 1947-2009
    Son of Ily Wesley Sandefur
    Hayley Dawn Sandefur
    You are the daughter of Lewis Pat Sandefur

  76. Chief Wahunsenacawh Powhatan
    MY 12TH Great Grandfather,
    Pocahontas Matoaka Amonute Powhatan
    KaOkee Powhatan
    Chief Wahanganoche
    Mary Wahanganoche
    Capt. John S. Ashton
    Col. Henry Ashton Sr.
    Japasaw I-Oppassus Chief Passapatanzy

  77. Thomas Johnson
    William White Jr.
    Albina Mensco White
    MY 3RD GREAT-GRANDMOTHER Margaret Jane Palmer
    Eva B Johnson
    Everett Shaffner
    Judy Shaffner MY MOTHER

    1. Elizabeth Ashton
      MY 6TH GREAT-GRANDMOTHER, Married Thomas Johnson, My 6th Great Grandfather. Their daughter Mary . Calvin White
      MY 4TH GREAT-GRANDFATHER, Son of William Jr.

  78. My name is Sean and I’m from Yorkshire England. The Bolling family came originally from Bradford Yorkshire and they were my cousins through my Lister grandparents and Robert Bolling was my cousin that married Jane Rolfe. I have spoken with many cousins that have come up in my dna results and I’m hoping that I can visit Virginia soon.


  79. Hello I just did my family tree and this is quite interesting. I am a direct descendant of pocohantas I think. I wasn’t looking for this. I only was tracing my family from Louisiana up the lines to find our native lines. I always thought I was only Choctaw. Now keep in mind many of my grand parents and great grands I actually knew when I was a kid and I know the lines all the way up to a lady named Blanche Burnett. So now I followed it farther and it goes to a Martha brister then to a Mary Anne hockaday to warrick hockaday that married Mary tashapiathacho. Then her mom and dad are w tashapiathacho and wife matatishe nonoma. Metatishe nonomas dad is Powhatan potowomeck and his dad is winsunamacock Powhatan and it goes even farther to Algonquin so this is what my tree is telling me and we are trying to get our dna results back to see if it matches this but what does this mean for us? We would be direct decendants thru all of our gramas and great gramas.

  80. My dna tells me I am a direct descendant of Pocahontas and John Rolfe. However I am a little skeptical. I wish there was some way to absolutely know this fact.

  81. Hello

    I live behind the beautiful Bolling Hall, East Bowling, Bradford, England, UK now known as Bolling Hall Museum, the former home of the Bolling Family.

    Do you know if any of Pocahontas’ descendants lived at Bolling Hall.

    Look forward to your reply.

  82. Some genealogy records from “The Underwood Families of America” show that 4x grandmother, Ann Simpers married Jesse Boulden. They had daughter 18 April 1812 named Ann Boulden , who married Joseph Ginn Underwood of Cherry Hill, MD. It says Ann Simpers was a Rolfe & is said to have been a descendant of Pocahontas.
    Does anyone have this same line back to Pocahontas? Thank you in advance.

  83. I ran across an old newspaper article my mother saved. Unfortunately, the date is cut off. The article was about a woman named Catherine Barnes who was a descendant of Pocahontas. Then it mentioned the only other living descendants at the time with the name Pocahontas. The names are: Pocahontas Tinsley Adams of Washington, D.C.; Anne Pocahontas Bassett Stanley of Stanleytown, VA; Pocahontas Wight Edmunds of Halifax, VA; and Pocahontas Gay Lamb of Richmond, VA. My gg-grandmother was named Pocahontas Virginia Bassett and she Married Peter Wray, and she named one of her children Pocahontas. I have never been able to find a connection to my family but find it interesting to have family with the name Pocahontas. But this article caught my attention because I can trace my family to the Bassett family. I can search more myself but was wondering if anyone else had the Bassett name in their family line and knows of a connection to Pocahontas from there. Thanks in advance for any help!

  84. All i know is that my family are the Rolfe family that were living in Kent, England in the 1600’s, i am trying to find out about a John Rolfe who left England, I am trying to find out who his wife was.

  85. She was one of my many many great grandmothers, when I tell others most don´t believe me but I know and they don´t listen.

  86. I discovered my link to the Red Bollings thru The links went like this:
    John Thomas Rolfe + Motoaka Pohawtan (Rebecca) -> Thomas Rolfe + Jane Poythress -> Jane Rolfe + Robert Bolling 1 -> John Fairfax Bolling + Mary Elizabeth Kennon -> Col John Bolling II + Mary Elizabeth Blair -> Elizabeth Bolling + Benjamin Wright -> Elizabeth Wright + Joseph Cash -> Abraham Case (name change) + Sarah Hogue -> Sarah Case + James M. Buckner -> James M. Buckner Jr. + Helen B. Cady -> H. Eileen Buckner + William L. Duncan -> Colleen M. Duncan

  87. Edith Bolling Galt-Wilson is my Great-Grand Aunt on my father’s side. My Grandmother is a Bolling .. So I have Direct Descendancy to Pocahontas

    Am working on my family tree at this current moment and currently traced back to Matoaka ‘s (Pocahontas) Grandparents

  88. I am a little shocked that I have not seen Spencer Clack’s name mentioned here, although I see many names that are old Sevier County, TN settler’s names.
    Spencer Clack was on the first Continential Congress to make TN a state, among many other good things that he did to help establish a community. He was a Revoluntionary supplier and he was a 5th ggchild of Pocahontas. I believe he was actually named after the town of Spencer close to where she lived in Va and I think I am correct in saying that he was actually born there, but not completely sure. His mother was a Boling. His daughter Rhoda married James Randles and from there straight down the Randles line to me. I was very surprised when I learned that I was a decendant of Pocahontas. My Mother would have loved to have known this. If she did, she never told me.

  89. I am a 13th generation great granddaughter of Pocohontas and John Rolfe, through the Bowlings and the Hensley/Hensleigh families of Hensley, England. I can trace my genealogy to James Bowling/Bolling, 1757 and the Hensley family to 1147 in England.

  90. I am Pocahontas great to the 11th granddaughter. Had a family tree professionaly researched. Can’t type the whole shabang but my Grandmother was a Veal.

  91. Please read, or at least skip to the end! I would love if someone could offer me some advice or help! Thanks!

    I never knew my dad’s biological father and dad didn’t know anything about his family heritage. So I got digging on Ancestry. I can’t remember the exact route I took but I started with my biological grandfather, Edward Spencer Gile, then to his father and went from there. Eventually, I hit my 6x great-grandfather, William “Blackwater Bill” Bolling. The name peaked my interest so I followed his line. He led me to my 11x great-grandmother, Princess Matoaka “Pocahontas” Powhatan (aka: Rebecca Rolf).
    I thought I had screwed up somewhere so I made a completely new tree and started from scratch. It still led me to her. But my DNA tests didn’t show any Native American. So either she’s just so far back in my ancestry that it doesn’t register or I screwed up twice?
    I would really love to have a completely neutral source check over my family tree to make sure I didn’t miss anything or see if there is a DNA test I can do that would prove I truly am her descendant. I have always felt a draw to her (Disney version as a child and the real, historical woman as an adult). So if I can really prove she is my 11x great-grandmother, that would be huge for me. If anyone has any suggestions, advice, help they can offer, anything, I would be so grateful! Thank you in advance!

  92. I am related thru Metoaka Bolling. Pocahontas Matoaka Rebecca Powhatan 1595-1617
    12th great-grandmother
    Thomas Rolfe “Powhatan” 1615-1680
    Son of Pocahontas Matoaka Rebecca Powhatan
    Jane Rolfe “Powhatan” 1650-1676
    Daughter of Thomas Rolfe “Powhatan”
    John Bolling 1676-1729
    Son of Jane Rolfe “Powhatan”
    John Kennon Bolling II 1700-1757
    Son of John Bolling
    Metoaka Bolling 1729-1775
    Daughter of John Kennon Bolling II
    Thomas John Sullivan 1756-1839
    Son of Metoaka Bolling
    Thomas Jefferson (Pappy Tom) Harvey Sullivan 1775-1855
    Son of Thomas John Sullivan
    Loughton Sullivan 1844-1898
    Son of Thomas Jefferson (Pappy Tom) Harvey Sullivan
    Thomas Wilson “Wilse” Sullivan 1868-1895
    Son of Loughton Sullivan
    Burl Earnest Sullivan 1887-1950
    Son of Thomas Wilson “Wilse” Sullivan
    Artie F Sullivan 1908-1976
    Daughter of Burl Earnest Sullivan
    Dewy David Edwards 1931-2000
    Son of Artie F Sullivan
    Debra Earlene Woolery (Stephenson/Edwards) 1953-
    Daughter of Dewy David Edwards
    Desray Angelene Laguna-Parsons
    You are the daughter of Debra Earlene Woolery (Stephenson/Edwards)

  93. I was told by my paternal grandmother Dulcie W. Rolph (Rolfe) that I am a 19th cousin to Pocahontas through the marriage to John Rolfe. I looked through various lineages and noted that the name Rolfe had been changed to Rolph along the line. I just finished reading a book called Pocahontas by Grace Steele Woodward (1969) giving excellent details of Pocahontas’ life. I visited her burial place at St. Georges Church in Landsend, England in 1985 and Jamestown, Virginia in the late 1980’s. Does anyone have a lineage tree showing the links containing Daniel Wellesley Rolph and my grandmother Dulcie Winnifred Rolph? D.W. was born in 1868 and Dulcie in 1897? Isn’t researching family histories fun?

  94. Here is how I descend from Pocahontas, she is my 10th ggg

    Pocahontas Powhatan Rebecca Matoaka 1595-1617
    10th great-grandmother

    Lt Thomas Powhatten Smith Rolfe 1615-1675
    Son of Pocahontas Powhatan Rebecca Matoaka
    Jane Poythress Powhatten Rolfe 1620-1676
    Daughter of Lt Thomas Powhatten Smith Rolfe
    Col John Fairfax, I Bolling 1675-1729
    Son of Jane Poythress Powhatten Rolfe
    Maj. John Bowling Bolling 2nd 1700-1757
    Son of Col John Fairfax, I Bolling
    James Thomas Powhattan Bowling (Bolling) 1756-1804
    Son of Maj. John Bowling Bolling 2nd
    Nancy Rachel Bowling 1808-1877
    Daughter of James Thomas Powhattan Bowling (Bolling)
    Granville William Roberts 1831-1913
    Son of Nancy Rachel Bowling
    William G. Roberts 1858-1943
    Son of Granville William Roberts
    Dewitt T. Roberts 1889-1961
    Son of William G. Roberts
    James Lee Roberts 1918-1952
    Son of Dewitt T. Roberts
    Gail Roberts 1942-2014
    Daughter of James Lee Roberts
    Roshann Chahidi
    You are the daughter of Gail Roberts

  95. My x11 great grandmother was named cleopatra Shawno Shawnee. Daughter of Chief
    Wahunsonacock Powhatan. This has been traced through a line of Anderson’s. Sir captain Richard Anderson married cleopatra. I am trying to sort out the tree. If anyone else is also related to Richard Anderson please contact me. My email is and my Instagram is Jude.274

  96. I made an earlier mistake, I do not know how to correct the above error so I will start over.
    Here is the corrected link from me to Pocahontas

    Pocahontas Powhatan Rebecca Matoaka 1595-1617 11th great-grandmother

    Lt Thomas Powhatten Smith Rolfe 1615-1675
    Son of Pocahontas Powhatan Rebecca Matoaka
    Jane Poythress Powhatten Rolfe 1620-1676
    Daughter of Lt Thomas Powhatten Smith Rolfe
    Son of Jane Poythress Powhatten Rolfe
    Archibald Jefferson Bolling 1749-1827
    Anne Everard Bolling 1778-1834
    Daughter of Archibald Jefferson Bolling
    Jane Randolph Cabell 1805-1833
    Daughter of Anne Everard Bolling
    Mary Ann Allin 1827-1908
    Daughter of Jane Randolph Cabell
    Nancy Jean “Jennie” Collier/Colyer 1867-1960
    Daughter of Mary Ann Allin
    Dewitt T. Roberts 1889-1961
    Son of Nancy Jean “Jennie” Collier/Colyer
    James Lee Roberts 1918-1952
    Son of Dewitt T. Roberts
    Gail Roberts 1942-2014
    Daughter of James Lee Roberts
    Roshann Chahidi
    You are the daughter of Gail Roberts

  97. I am a direct descendant by both the unproven lines, through the Ka-okee/Pettus line and the Anna Rolf Barnett line. Guess it’s the old “two birds in a bush” dilemma.

  98. I think I’m related to Pocahontas because my grandmother is so probably but it might be someone else.
    well i’m in third grade so yeah… see-ya!

  99. I have the Pettus/Martin line on my Mothers Beaver/Chester side and I have the Bolling/Rolfe line on my Fathers Rogers/Davis side and if the Dabney/West story is true I would be related to Pocohantas and Kokum.

  100. I am related to Pocahontas and John Rolph threw their son, Thomas. However, too many years have taken too much of my memory. I thank God that my very extensive ancestry is recorded with If interested, it can all be accessed there,

  101. OK, here is my line to Pocahontas
    Rebecca Pocahontas my 11th GGM Paternal
    Thomas Rolfe son of Rebecca
    Jane Rolfe Bolling, daughter of Thomas
    Rebecca Jane Bolling, daughter of Jane
    Anne Clack Courtney
    Mary Courtney Hicks dau of Anne
    Nathaniel Nathan Hicks, son of Mary
    Mary Hicks, dau of Nathan
    Moses Ellis, son of Mary
    Nathaniel Ellis S-Qua-Ne-Tsa, son of Moses
    Robert Howard Anderson Ellis, son of Nathaniel
    Ola Victoria Ellis, dau of Robert, my grandmother

  102. Hi all. I’m currently working on a descendant tree of Pocahontas as part of my Genealogy degree. If anyone here is interested, please send me your link to her and I will add you to the tree (after checking what I can of your link). I’ll share the resulting tree with those who participate so I will accept your agreement to participate as permission to share your names in the tree 🙂

  103. Can someone tell me if this is correct? Pochaontis was my 12th great grandmother. I think i enter the picture from my grandmother Pearl who married Luther H Tilson.

    I’ve looked this up on my ancestry tree. I was in a group on facebook trying to get help and information but they were really rude and called me a liar. It hurt, and for somereason i want to know that it’s true! Can anyone else track the tree down to me being the 12th great grandchild? Name is melissa.

  104. Please could someone help me out with this line? This is what I have so far:
    My grandmother is Sonia Rolfe
    Her mother being Lily Taylor Rolfe
    Her grandfather being Walter Rolfe
    Walters father being William Rolfe
    Williams father Thomas Rolfe
    Thomas Rolfe’s father being Thomas Rolfe married to Hannah Baker
    Thomas Rolfes father being Antony Rolfe
    Anthony Rolfe’s father being Thomas Rolfe married to Ann Killingworth
    Thomas’s father Joseph Rolfe who married Mary Denton
    Joseph’s father Thomas Rolfe who married Ann Eastgate
    Thomas Rolfe’s father Robert Rolfe married to Margaret
    That’s all i have. I can’t seem to find the correct mother and father of Robert. On ancestory it shows it’s pocahontas and john but they only had 1 son who was Thomas.
    I’m confused and any help to make this line would be appreciated 🙂
    Thanks! Savannah

    1. John had only 1 child with Pocahontas before age died at age 18.
      He goes on to marry 3 more times. 1 wife was a short lived marriage with no offspring. He has 1 son with another wife. Then married a 4th time and had a bunch of children. Which rolfe are you looking to match it’s Mother with?

  105. I’m a grandson our records show. I’m an eighth cousin of Edith Wilson . My last name is fromy grandfather’s step father. It’s Allen by the bloodline of my father’s father. Joseph Allen father of Ethan, and Joseph’s son Heber are both my grandfather. I decent from the Roth’s and the Bolling’s like many of the others I see here . I could go on forever talking about the amazing people in this bloodline. A second cousin Stanley Gould and his wife Helen , both literary experts spent twelve years traveling around the states visiting achieves and digging for information and in 2000 at a family reunion went over their work with us. There was always family talk about all this, mostly from very old letters where our relatives would mention who we are related to. It didn’t hit me until I was older , that this is so amazing. In grade school I always felt some kind of importance but I never knew why. So many both Indian and Caucasian had rulers in England and before we sailed to America and after. It’s hard to grasp it all. I have one sister with the same bloodline and there’s many others here in Bradford county Pennsylvania. After the Revolution was over many of the Green Mountain Boys family’s settled here. Ethan bought the land that bordered the land Marie Antoinette was to move to from France. I often wonder what type of America we would be right now if she would have made it . I happy I ran across this site ,and I thank you all.

  106. I’ve a relative born in Arkansas in 1840 named Powhatan Pleasant Lewis. All of his siblings have English sounding names, including a brother who is my direct ancestor. Why was this child given this Powhatan Pleasant Lewis name? I have confirmed that this was indeed a sibling of my direct ancestor and this was his given name. My DNA used to show a teeny trace of Native American, but not with the new advances. Thanks for any insight.

  107. Doing a Geneology search I found out that Pocahontis is my 9th Great Aunt (Her actual full name was “Matoaka Rebecca Powhatan”. I was told by my father we had Native American blood in our family, but I would never of guessed it to be so prestigous as this. It is a great honor for me to know I am related to such a well known & respected figure as Pocahontas.
    (I have my geneology tree & would attach it if I could. Thanks for letting me share.

  108. My Grand mother(maternal) told that we were related to Rebecca Rolfe(Pocahontas/Powatan. I have at least 2% DNA traced to,according to 23 and me, variouslySouth Africa, Asia West African… and on and of NATIVE AMERICAN. Lately it has stuck on Native American. I think maybe because it is from early Seventeenth Century and a distinct tribe-they had trouble placing it. Her maiden name was Barlow from Dakotas….

  109. I am a descendant of Pocahontas. All my life, her name was brought up by close family. Our family traces back to her as well as Richard E. Byrd, the Van Rensselaers of Rensselaerwick, Schuyler VR Brower of Anneke Jans, Charlemagne, Edith Wilson, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Baldwin (signer of the Constitution), King William of Orange, Von Sybrants, Stanislauska of Poland and so many more. I still am piecing together my tree. Once finished, perhaps I can return here and upload a link. I would love to hear from others…

  110. John Rolfe is my 12th ggf however because he only had 1 child with Pocahontas (Thomas Rolfe) She is NOT my ggm. Thomas is my 11th ggu . I am of offshoot of Rolfe w/Joanna Cole who I believe was his 4th n final wife.

  111. Matachanna Princess Matoaka Amonute (Rebecca) Pocahontas (os) Powhatan Rolfe Full Blood American Indian Princess
    BIRTH 17 SEPTEMBER 1595 • Werowocomoco Village, On Pamunkey River York River, Virginia, US
    DEATH 21 MAR 1617 • Gravesend, Kent, England
    10th great-grandaunt

    “Chief of the Algonquian Indians” WAHUNSONACOCK POWHATAN 1545-1618
    Father of Matachanna Princess Matoaka Amonute (Rebecca) Pocahontas (os) Powhatan Rolfe Full Blood American Indian Princess
    Lumbee Native American Croatoan(Hatteras) Maiden 1570-1617
    Daughter of “Chief of the Algonquian Indians” WAHUNSONACOCK POWHATAN
    John Brooks II 1587-1630
    Son of Lumbee Native American Croatoan(Hatteras) Maiden
    John Brooks III 1624-1707
    Son of John Brooks II
    Thomas Brooke(s) 1657-1735
    Son of John Brooks III
    Robert Brooks 1693-1766
    Son of Thomas Brooke(s)
    Thomas Jefferson Brooks Sr. 1710-1796
    Son of Robert Brooks
    Moses Brooks Sr. 1760-1814
    Son of Thomas Jefferson Brooks Sr.
    Sultana Brooks Parker Lawrence Meiss/Meggs 1802-1862
    Daughter of Moses Brooks Sr.
    Martha A Foster Lawrence Clayton 1828-
    Daughter of Sultana Brooks Parker Lawrence Meiss/Meggs
    Francis Marcus Clayton 1860-1917
    Son of Martha A Foster Lawrence Clayton
    Cora Lee Clayton 1898-1971
    Daughter of Francis Marcus Clayton
    Rev. Francis Marion Byrd 1921-1983
    Son of Cora Lee Clayton
    Raymond Marion Byrd
    You are the son of Rev. Francis Marion Byrd

    Capt. John Thomas Rolfe
    BIRTH 6 MAY 1585 • Hecham, Norfolkshire, Watkins, England
    DEATH 22 MAR 1622 • Jamestown, James City, Virginia, United States
    husband of 16th great-grandmother

    Scent Flower 1480-1525
    Wife of Capt. John Thomas Rolfe
    Scent Flower Powhatan Cornstalk Running Stream 1517-1600
    Daughter of Scent Flower
    Scent Flower 1517-1600
    Daughter of Scent Flower Powhatan Cornstalk Running Stream
    Wahunsonacock (Emperor Wahunsomacock Powhattan Powhatan CHIEF HILL POWHATAN) Powhatan Wahunsonacock Kocoum Powhatan (Patawomeck Tribe) 1545-1618
    Son of Scent Flower
    Chief Japasaw (1), aka Opechancanough Powhatan I Oppasus 1590-1620
    Son of Wahunsonacock (Emperor Wahunsomacock Powhattan Powhatan CHIEF HILL POWHATAN) Powhatan Wahunsonacock Kocoum Powhatan (Patawomeck Tribe)
    Father (Chief of Cherokee Nation) Whipsewansson Wahanganoche of Arroyha Winigum 1620-1664
    Son of Chief Japasaw (1), aka Opechancanough Powhatan I Oppasus
    Paul (Native American) Winigum 1650-1700
    Son of Father (Chief of Cherokee Nation) Whipsewansson Wahanganoche of Arroyha Winigum
    Amy (Cherokee) Winigum Bunch 1668-1748
    Daughter of Paul (Native American) Winigum
    John Henry Jeremiah Bunch (Cherokee) 1690-1775
    Son of Amy (Cherokee) Winigum Bunch
    Sarah Allison Bunch 1690-1740
    Daughter of John Henry Jeremiah Bunch (Cherokee)
    Maj. John Bunch Holder 1716-1816
    Son of Sarah Allison Bunch
    Lt. Jesse Elihu Holder Sr 1750-1802
    Son of Maj. John Bunch Holder
    John Harbard(Thomas? Ethridge) Holder 1783-1834
    Son of Lt. Jesse Elihu Holder Sr
    Ann Maria Holden(Holder) 1809-1858
    Daughter of John Harbard(Thomas? Ethridge) Holder
    Cornelia Angela Kimball 1834-1941
    Daughter of Ann Maria Holden(Holder)
    Howard Milton Boullemet 1870-1921
    Son of Cornelia Angela Kimball
    Mary Cornelia May Boullemet Bays 1882-1949
    Daughter of Howard Milton Boullemet
    Lillie May Mazie Wittman 1919-1997
    Daughter of Mary Cornelia May Boullemet Bays
    Raymond Marion Byrd
    You are the son of Lillie May Mazie Wittman

  112. My family line is this ..Ernie Marshall, Joseph Marshall, George Marshall, Mason Marshall, Reuben Marshall, Thomas Marshall, Elizabeth Markham, William Markham, Lucy Champe Fleming, William Fleming, Mary Bolling, , John Bolling m. Mary Kennon Bolling, Col.Robert Bolling m. Jane Anne Rolfe, Thomas Rolfe m. Jane Anne poythress, John Rolfe m. Pocohantas..

  113. Is anyone familiar with the Ware name? Maybe Gladys Ware? She is supposed to be a descendant of John Rolfe and Pocahontas.

  114. Just found out that Pocahontas is my 11th generation great grand aunt! I find this information fascinating and will be reading anything and everything I can get my hands on. How can I research this in more detail? Any suggestions appreciated.

  115. Yes , they say I’m one of their grandsons. Thomas Eldridge and his wife Martha Bolling their son Benjamin Eldridge and Margret Templeton and their son Russel his wife Joanne Allen . There daughter Ruth married Burton Allen . And Allen is my actual sir name by blood . Burton is my great great grandfather . And the Allen name comes from Ethan Allen’s brother Major Herman Allen who was my grandfather . And his father and mother Joseph Allen and Mary Baker . That’s what they tell me . It’s been 13 or 14 generations without much Indian blood added so I’m sure it probably doesn’t show in the test . Maybe I’ll have it done and find out .

  116. I am related to Pocahontas through Thomas Rolfe. My great great great grandmother’s name was Viola Rolfe, who was related to Thomas. at this time, I am trying to find out how this all goes back to Pocahontas. I know that her and John Roth were married and had Thomas. I am having a hard time locating things inside my genealogy through my grandmother’s side, who is a Barnum, who is actually related to PT Barnum. but I know that she always told me that I was related to Pocahontas through her grandmothers side. I think she said so now I am trying to figure out how it all connects. I have also gotten in touch with the Pamunkey tribe to enroll. you have to have a lot of documentation and I don’t. I just have genealogy back to Viola Rolfe. Some have even told me that I have the facial structure of Pocahontas or Makota. If there is anybody out there, that can help me figure this out so I can get more documentation or more proof. I would appreciate you getting in touch with me thank you my email is.jeannie.sizemore@ gmail. com after reading all these comments, I realize I have a lot of cousins out there, so nice to know that we are from such a great woman. Makota was an amazing woman at such a young age.

  117. I’m related through the Eldridge family. It’s 14 generations from Powhatan. 8th cousin to Edith Wilson. My paternal grandfather was an Allen, from Major Heber Allen, Ethan Allen’s brother. And like the one lady was saying, the bloodline goes into many Royal lines. We all are descendants of kings, English and Saxon, probably others. I’m from Bradford County, Pennsylvania. Our tribe is from the Green Mountain Boys. When the war was over they went all different directions. This is the county where Louis and Marie, king and queen of France, had their home built for their great escape. Ethan Allen bought the property that bordered their land. He got here, but he had to turn back with his son Joseph because he came down with smallpox and died on the way back to Vermont. There are thousands of us here with this same bloodline and most of them don’t realize it. We are kind of a tribe, more so in my father’s time than now. It’s my first time talking about it. I didn’t know this was here; I’ll read more when I have more time.

  118. Yes, my DNA shows I am descended from Pocahontas and Kocum, and I am working to find recorded proof of this, which I am slowly gathering sources. Your site is most helpful! I would love to know if there are any “descendants of Pocahontas” organizations…. would be so proud to prove my Native American connections. Thank you!

  119. Here is what I found. Here is an interesting fact about my ancestry I was on and I found this, You are William Linton, a descendant of Pocahontas through your great-great-great-great-grandfather, William Linton. He was the son of William Linton Lewis and Elizabeth Meriwether Gilmer. William Linton Lewis was the grandson of Jane Rolfe Bolling, who was the great-great-granddaughter of Pocahontas. Pocahontas was the daughter of Chief Powhatan, the paramount chief of the Powhatan Confederacy in Virginia. She married John Rolfe, an English colonist, in 1614 and had one son, Thomas Rolfe.This was from

  120. Our ancestor Pocahontas first married Kaocum another Native American as herself and had an infant baby girl, our Native American ancestor, before she was abducted by the English. **This was passed down in our Stafford County, VA tribe. They had a daughter, our ancestor. ** Our Pocahontas was raped many times by her English captures, so you may or may not be the descent of Rolfe who was also a possible rapist, I just know I am happier knowing that Pocahontas married the man she loved not the man spocahontashe had to marry. I will give you this History article to ponder… And by the way our Tribal Historian knows who our family members are… We have always known. Such a tradegy for our Pocahontas who NEVER got to come home and see her family again. 🙁

  121. Don’t believe unless there are sources or records, they all claim things they have not researched and ancestry, asks you is your ancestor, not knowing one say YES! WRONG! Do your research.

  122. I have geneology papers. I’m a direct decendant of John Rolfe through my grandmother on my dad’s side of the family. Her maiden name is/was Barnett. She passed away as did my aunts and uncles and dad many years ago on that side of the family. Now I just have a few cousins still living. I traced it all the way back to John Rolfe and Pocahontas Powhatan and even her parents from the Powhatan tribe in Virginia. John Rolfe is my great, great, great, great grandfather. I totally have proof.

    1. Hi Valerie..I am also related to the same Barnett Line … to Pocahontas and John Rolfe. They are my 9th. G.Grandparents. Could you share any Documentation you have with me? My DNA and my Two Daughters show …Indigenous American Roots. I have many Barnett,Farrar, Pocahontas,Rolfe,DNA Matches on Ancestry..…showing this same line. I also have Connections to the Bolling’s,Wynne,Randolph,Jefferson, Stith, Epps,etc. Virginia. My email is…… Gatchbiz@ Warm Regards,Mary

  123. I have been unable to find much for genealogy for my Grandmother’s side. Her maiden name was Rolfe. All while growing up I heard we were related to John Rolfe who married Pocahontas. My grandmother always claimed we had native American blood in us. But 1 dna test says 1% unknown they can not tell me if its native American or not. My great grandfather was Charles Rolf.

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