As genealogists we are comfortable researching our family tree, moving from ourselves back in time – and also taking the limbs of each generation down through the siblings back in time – down to our day.

Often families publish their findings as family histories, and groups like the National Society Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims (NSSDP) issue lineage books documenting the lineages of their members back to their Mayflower and Colonial ancestors.
Genealogy Tip: If you are researching Pilgrim John Howland’s family, use the Howland lineages printed in a NSSDP lineage book as a roadmap to fill in your family tree.
In this example the NSSDP has included a brief lineage for one of their members, Rev. Richard Keene Smith, Jr., showing his line back to Pilgrim John Howland.
Armed with this information, you want to research each person and prove/disprove the facts. Once you know the facts you can add them to your family tree.
This is a good technique for changing up your routine and taking a different approach to systematically gathering information on your extended family.
Genealogy Tip: Use the “roadmaps” contained in society lineage books to find and add more cousins to your family tree.
Try it – it works.
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