Roll Calls are a regular feature of family history sites.

With the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the Mayflower coming up soon in 2020, let’s compare notes and see who your Mayflower ancestors are.
Families have written about their Pilgrim ancestors for hundreds of years and their stories have been recorded in America’s newspapers.
Here are just a few of the thousands of Mayflower cousins that I have found in GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives. We’ve included the name of the newspaper and the exact page where you can find an article about that cousin.
Please add your Mayflower lineage here and help us build a more complete record of all of the descendants of the Mayflower passengers.
Fuller, Ernest Michael (1916 – 2006)
Mayflower Ancestor: Samuel Fuller
New Canaan Advertiser (New Canaan, Connecticut), 26 January 2006
Fuller, John Douglas (1920 – 2006)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Fuller
Reedsburg Times-Press (Reedsburg, Wisconsin), 2 August 2006
Wisconsin State Journal (Madison, Wisconsin), 1 August 2006
Fuller, Virginia (1906 – 2007)
Mayflower Ancestor: Samuel Fuller
Register (Yarmouthport, Massachusetts), 17 May 2007
Barnstable Patriot (Barnstable, Massachusetts), 18 May 2007
Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Massachusetts), 11 May 2007
Fylnn, Doris Jean (1922 – 2011)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Howland
Highland Park News (Highland, Illinois), 19 May 2011
Fyre, Alexis E.
Mayflower Ancestor: Stephen Hopkins
Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 26 October 1913, page 29
Gable, Emily (1933 – 2017)
Mayflower Ancestor: James Chilton
Lexington Herald-Leader (Lexington, Kentucky), 14 April 2017
State Journal (Frankfort, Kentucky), 12 April 2017
Gage, Maxine (1919 – 2005)
Mayflower Ancestor: Nye Family
Telegraph (Nashua, New Hampshire), 20 February 2005
Gale, Sydney
Mayflower Ancestor: Joseph Rogers, Thomas Rogers
Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, Washington), 24 December 1922, page 66
Galloupe, Charles William
Mayflower Ancestor: Peregrine White
Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 30 March 1896, page 10
Gandy, Sue (1927 – 2017)
Mayflower Ancestor: Elizabeth Warren, Richard Warren
Delta Democrat-Times (Greenville, Mississippi), 20 July 2017
Garland, Cecile
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, Washington), 24 December 1922, page 66
Garland, Robert
Mayflower Ancestor: Priscilla Alden
Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, Washington), 24 December 1922, page 66
Garland, William
Mayflower Ancestor: Priscilla Alden
Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, Washington), 24 December 1922, page 66
Garnett, Paul Vincent (1920 – 2004)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Doty
Times Union (Albany, New York), 1 February 2004
Garrett, Martha (1925 – 2014)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Doty
Santa Ynez Valley News (Santa Ynez, California), 15 May 2014
Garrett, Martha (1925 – 2014)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Doty
Lompoc Record (Lompoc, California), 13 May 2014
Garrison, Helen
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, Washington), 24 December 1922, page 66
Garvey, Edward B. (1942 – 2010)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut), 18 January 2010
Record-Journal (Meriden, Connecticut), 18 January 2010
Gasslander, Alma (1892 – 1989)
Mayflower Ancestor: William White
St. Paul Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minnesota), 6 March 1989
Gates, Sylvia (1925 – 2016)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Brewster
Daily Item (Lynn, Massachusetts), 15 June 2016
Gay, Isabel Frances (1916 – 2004)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Doty
Times Union (Albany, New York), 16 August 2004
Geers, Mary Ann (1920 – 2015)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Philadelphia Daily News (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 31 March 2015
Geitner, Edith (1920 – 2007)
Mayflower Ancestor: Stephen Hopkins
Columbian (Vancouver, Washington), 18 April 2007
Gentile, Gretchen A. (1916 – 2003)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio), 3 May 2003
Gentry, Janice (1952 – 2010)
Mayflower Ancestor: Stephen Hopkins
Harrison Daily Times (Harrison, Arkansas), 18 May 2010
Gephart, William A. (1925 – 2012)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, Priscilla Mullins
Daily News (Batavia, New York), 10 February 2012
Gilkeson, Mabel Mary (1916 – 2016)
Mayflower Ancestor: Myles Standish
North Platte Telegraph (North Platte, Nebraska), 4 May 2016
Gilman, Kathryn (1925 – 2014)
Mayflower Ancestor: Peter Brown
Cape Cod Times (Hyannis, Massachusetts), 25 May 2014
Gilreath, Doris I. (1909 – 2004)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Doty
Sun (Wheaton, Illinois), 20 August 2004
Gilson, Edgar De Witt
Mayflower Ancestor: Richard Warren
Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, Washington), 24 December 1922, page 66
Githens, Merle ( – 1996)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Howland
Daily Press (Newport, Virginia), 5 March 1996
Gittings, Gladys L. (1917 – 2002)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Howland
Press of Atlantic City (Atlantic City, New Jersey), 9 October 2002
Glancy, Joanne (1928 – 2015)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, Francis Cooke, Stephen Hopkins, Priscilla Mullins, Richard Warren
Salem News (Beverly, Massachusetts), 23 June 2015
Newport Daily News (Newport, Rhode Island), 20 June 2015
Glass, Marianna (1946 – 2008)
Mayflower Ancestor: Peregrine White
Main Line Life (Ardmore, Pennsylvania), 10 September 2008
Main Line Times (Ardmore, Pennsylvania), 11 September 2008
Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut), 7 September 2008
Glidden, Elizabeth A. Cressey (1901 – 2006)
Mayflower Ancestor: Hinckley Family
Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine), 17 July 2006
Godfrey, Margaret Lucie (1917 – 2010)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Republican (Springfield, Massachusetts), 19 October 2010
Godshalk, James Bond (1915 – 2013)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Howland
Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 16 May 2013
Burlington County Times (Burlington, New Jersey), 13 May 2013
Intelligencer (Doylestown, Pennsylvania), 13 May 2013
Golab, Joseph F., Jr. (1939 – 2014)
Mayflower Ancestor: Thomas Rogers
Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 28 December 2014
Goodell, Ralph H.
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, Priscilla Alden, John Howland
Kansas City Star (Kansas City, Missouri), 23 November 1978, page 20
Gooding, Lena (1917 – 2010)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Brewster, Mary Brewster
Peoria Journal Star (Peoria, Illinois), 15 January 2010
Goodloe, William C. (1920 – 1997)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden
Seattle Post-Intelligencer (Seattle, Washington), 21 January 1997
Gordon, John Reed, Jr. (1925 – 2015)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Fuller
Peoria Journal Star (Peoria, Illinois), 20 December 2015
Gorham, Bradford (1935 – 2015)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Howland
Providence Journal (Providence, Rhode Island), 21 October 2015
Goslee, Regina Louise (1921 – 2012)
Mayflower Ancestor: Francis Cooke
Sun-Journal (Lewiston, Maine), 29 June 2012
Gould, Eleanor J. (1910 – 2000)
Mayflower Ancestor: William White
St. Petersburg Times (St. Petersburg, Florida), 25 January 2000
Gould, Irma A. (1907 – 1990)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Brewster, Myles Standish
Union-News (Springfield, Massachusetts), 7 March 1990
Goutremout, Frances L. (1911 – 1999)
Mayflower Ancestor: Samuel Fuller
Watertown Daily Times (Watertown, New York), 3 October 1999
Gowdy, Madelyn F. (1909 – 2002)
Mayflower Ancestor: Governor Bradford
Providence Journal (Providence, Rhode Island), 7 March 2002
Graham, Martha (1894 – 1991)
Mayflower Ancestor: Myles Standish
Buffalo News (Buffalo, New York), 2 April 1991
Tulsa World (Tulsa, Oklahoma), 2 April 1991
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Georgia), 2 April 1991
Daily News of Los Angeles (Los Angeles, California), 2 April 1991
Graulty Terry, Dorothy (1919 – 2009)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, Priscilla Alden
Hartford Courant (Hartford, Connecticut), 7 May 2009
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