Roll Calls are a regular feature of family history sites.

With the 400th anniversary of the arrival of the Mayflower coming up soon in 2020, let’s compare notes and see who your Mayflower ancestors are.
Families have written about their Pilgrim ancestors for hundreds of years and their stories have been recorded in America’s newspapers.
Here are just a few of the thousands of Mayflower cousins that I have found in GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives. We’ve included the name of the newspaper and the exact page where you can find an article about that cousin.
Please add your Mayflower lineage here and help us build a more complete record of all of the descendants of the Mayflower passengers.
Bent, Dorothy Florence (1921 – 2007)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, Edward Fuller, Stephen Hopkins, Richard Warren
Times Argus (Montpelier-Barre, Vermont), 14 February 2007
Berger, Robert L. (1913 – 2006)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Fuller
Westport News (Westport, Connecticut), 4 August 2006
Berman, Mildred (1905 – 1993)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 6 December 1993
Berry, Claire Marie (1926 – 2012)
Mayflower Ancestor: Henry Samson
Olympian (Olympian, Washington), 23 December 2012
Seattle Times (Seattle, Washington), 22 December 2012
Besser, Patricia (1920 – 2005)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Howland, Elizabeth Tilley
Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 13 November 2005
Best, Millicent (1925 – 2004)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Brewster
Weston Forum (Weston, Connecticut), 15 July 2004
Westport News (Westport, Connecticut), 16 July 2004
Best, Virginia S. (1927 – 2007)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, Priscilla Mullins
New Haven Register (New Haven, Connecticut), 28 February 2007
Betner, Harriet (1917 – 2008)
Mayflower Ancestor: Richard Warren
Main Line Life (Ardmore, Pennsylvania), 16 July 2008
Betts, Evelyn Jean (1915 – 2007)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, John Carver, Priscilla Mullins
Daily News (Longview, Washington), 31 December 2007
Beverage, George Dewey, Sr. (1898 – 1997)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Doty
Portland Press Herald (Portland, Maine), 4 September 1997
Bixler, Elsie Faxon (1907 – 2003)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Chattanooga Times Free Press (Chattanooga, Tennessee), 5 October 2003
Blackburn, Helen B. (1911 – 2013)
Mayflower Ancestor: Francis Cooke
Sun Chronicle (Attleboro, Massachusetts), 26 September 2013
Blackmar, Alden H. (1906 – 1987)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Howland
Providence Journal (Providence, Rhode Island), 28 July 1987
Blair, Everett (1923 – 2015)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, George Soule
MetroWest Daily News (Framingham, Massachusetts), 7 January 2015
Milford Daily News (Milford, Massachusetts), 7 January 2015
Blake, Joyce ( – 2006)
Mayflower Ancestor: Myles Standish
Sarasota Herald-Tribune (Sarasota, Florida), 11 August 2006
Blanchard, Helen Gertrude (1899 – 1985)
Mayflower Ancestor: Edward Winslow
Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma), 26 October 1985
Blatchley, Edward Chapell (1927 – 2006)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden
Delaware State News (Dover, Delaware), 12 March 2006
Blatt, Richard L. (1940 – 2006)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Chicago Sun-Times (Chicago, Illinois), 28 September 2006
Chicago Tribune (Chicago, Illinois), 28 September 2006
Glenview Announcements (Glenview, Illinois), 5 October 2006
Morton Grove Champion (Morton Grove, Illinois), 2 October 2006
Northbrook Star (Northbrook, Illinois), 5 October 2006
Bloom, Raymond Roll (1927 – 2003)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford, Edward Doty, Richard Warren
York Daily Record (York, Pennsylvania), 13 February 2003
Blossom, Wayne W.
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, Priscilla Mullins
Boston Journal (Boston, Massachusetts), 8 August 1907, page 7
Bodfish, Robert Ware (1896 – 1991)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden
Sunday Republican (Springfield, Massachusetts), 20 January 1991
Boggs, Sarah Alice (1924 – 2006)
Mayflower Ancestor: Richard Warren
Herald-Journal (Spartanburg, South Carolina), 2 January 2007
Bogue, Elizabeth
Mayflower Ancestor: William Brewster
Seattle Daily Times (Seattle, Washington), 24 December 1922, page 66
Bolt, Alice (1913 – 2004)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Brattleboro Reformer (Brattleboro, Vermont), 10 June 2004
Bordewieck, Robert William (1923 – 2013)
Mayflower Ancestor: Adelaide Woodward
Norwell Mariner (Norwell, Massachusetts), 16 May 2013
Patriot Ledger (Quincy, Massachusetts), 8 May 2013
Bornkessel, Hazel (1903 – 2001)
Mayflower Ancestor: Francis Cooke
Providence Journal (Providence, Rhode Island), 7 September 2001
Bosomworth, Lucile (1917 – 2010)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden, William Brewster, John Howland
Herald & Review (Decatur, Illinois), 5 April 2010
Boswinkle, Elizabeth (1921 – 2004)
Mayflower Ancestor: Robert Bartlett
Daily Press (Newport News, Virginia), 11 February 2004
Bowden, James G. (1927 – 2003)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Billington, William Brewster, Stephen Hopkins, Thomas Rogers, Richard Warren
Santa Maria Times (Santa Maria, California), 12 August 2003
Bower, Dorothy M. (1919 – 2008)
Mayflower Ancestor: Richard Warren
Weymouth News (Weymouth, Massachusetts), 2 July 2008
Bowersox, Thelma M. (1927 – 2010)
Mayflower Ancestor: Doty Family
Courier (Findlay, Ohio), 24 November 2010
Bowersox, Thelma M. (1927 – 2010)
Mayflower Ancestor: Doty Family
Bluffton Icon (Bluffton, Ohio), 23 November 2010
Bowman, Anstin Lord
Mayflower Ancestor: William Brewster
Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 30 March 1896, page 10
Bowman, George Ernest
Mayflower Ancestor: William Brewster
Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 30 March 1896, page 10
Boyd, Charles Stanton (1917 – 2010)
Mayflower Ancestor: Mary Brewster, William Brewster, Susanna White, William White
San Jose Mercury News (San Jose, California), 31 May 2010
Bracken, Thayer (1925 – 2010)
Mayflower Ancestor: John Alden
Contra Costa Times (Walnut Creek, California), 10 January 2010
Bradford, Edwin B. (1922 – 2016)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Midland Daily News (Midland, Michigan), 25 July 2016
Bradford, Gamaliel, Jr.
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Boston Herald (Boston, Massachusetts), 30 March 1896, page 10
Bradford, Henry J. (1925 – 1993)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Union-News (Springfield, Massachusetts), 13 May 1993
Bradford, R.B.
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford, William Brewster
Morning Journal and Courier (New Haven, Connecticut), 19 January 1898, page 5
Bradford, Robert
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio), 8 June 1941, page 79
Bradford, Robert F. (1903 – 1983)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Philadelphia Daily News (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), 19 March 1983
Bradford, William (1922 – 2007)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Maine Sunday Telegram (Portland, Maine), 13 May 2007
Bradford, William M. ( – 1996)
Mayflower Ancestor: William Bradford
Chattanooga Times Free Press (Chattanooga, Tennessee), 19 May 1996
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