Tracing Famous ‘Mayflower’ Passenger Peregrine White’s Family Tree

Newspapers tell the story of the everyday lives of our ancestors. From articles about famous Mayflower descendants to more mundane, daily news, use newspapers to uncover unknown stories and facts about your ancestry. We used GenealogyBank’s extensive collection of newspapers spanning nearly 400 years of American history to trace the family tree of Peregrine White – the first Pilgrim born in the U.S! 

The historical newspaper article in the upper right is an obituary of Peregrine White, “the First Englishman born in New England.” He was born on board the Mayflower in the Cape Cod Harbor in November 1620! Peregrine White’s obituary appeared in the Boston News-Letter (Boston, Massachusetts), 24 July-31 July 1704, page 2. The newspaper article below it is about a family reunion, including four generations of Peregrine White descendants, who gathered in McMinnville, Oregon. This family reunion newspaper article was published in the Oregonian (Portland, Oregon), 30 May 1915, Section 3, page 9.
Peregrine White’s descendants were understandably proud to have such a famous ancestor, Mayflower ship passenger and the first Pilgrim born in New England, in their family tree. They could be considered famous Mayflower descendants. This past summer, when Mary Alice (Haskell) Morey (1928-2011) died, her obituary prominently mentioned that she was a direct descendant of Peregrine White.Her obituary was printed by the Natick Bulletin & TAB (Natick, Massachusetts), 22 July 2011, page 18. Read her complete obituary in GenealogyBank.
With over 250,000 newspaper articles at GenealogyBank related to the Mayflower you can learn so much more about Peregrine White and his descendants, as well as discover the other Pilgrims on board the Mayflower and their descendants. Research Mayflower ship passenger lists and explore our Pilgrim ancestors’ lives with newspaper articles about Plymouth Colony. Maybe you have ancestors who arrived on the Mayflower too?


83 thoughts on “Tracing Famous ‘Mayflower’ Passenger Peregrine White’s Family Tree

  1. Peregrine White is a relative of mine. He is why I started my family tree which now has almost 20,000 members!

    1. I recently was presented a letter that was written by my great-aunt in the 1970s. In the letter my Aunt Myrtle Stanton whose mother’s maiden name was White wrote about being related to Peregrine White. Would be interested in anyone related.

      1. Hi there,

        We’re also related; we’re fairly sure we’re from Peregrine’s side and not his brother Resolved’s. Our last name is still White.

        1. We are also from Peregrine’s side and his daughter Sara White Smith whos daughter Huldie Smith Lambert had my great grandmother Bessie Lambert Voorhees my mother’s grandmother .

      1. Hi Cousin Sarah –
        Are you a member of the Mayflower Society? Do you have your family tree online? Do you post about it on Facebook?

        How are you getting your interest in the Peregrine White family history out there so that you can share information with other Peregrine White cousins?

        Responding to our posts like this is an excellent way to be in contact with your cousins.


        1. I have been told for years that I am descendant of Peregrine White but I’ve been unable to make the connection. Do you have any information that shows migration to South Yarmouth on Cape Cod, MA

    2. Am I in your family tree? John Wayne Worley DOB 11/17/1943 twin, father; Don Marquis Worley, mother Virginia Maurine Kinney (her mother’s maiden name: Mary Jane White).

    3. Hello. I am also a descendent of Peregrine White, by ways of his son, Daniel. Peregrine is my 9th great grandfather. I am always excited to share and link family history with others.

    4. I am also a descendent! My grandmother on my father’s side was Alice white- her daughter (my aunt) has traced our family ancestry back to Peregrine! I am a coursen- from my grandfather (her husband’s) side. 🙂 So interesting!

      1. Hello, Cousin Judith!
        Are you related to the Whites through the Howe name?
        My family has House and Young in the line to Peregrine White.

  2. We have just discovered that my husband, Rex is a 9th Great-Grandson of Peregrine White & in trying to discover more about this lineage have come across his 2nd Great-Grandmother by the name of Pauline Evelyn Mullins, and was courios if she might also be a decent of the Mayflower Mullins?

  3. My grandma was Vonnie white(her dad harold floyd white)from champville w.v.a. I traced grandpa to grandpa on macavo right back to peregrine white.born 1620 on the Mayflower.very cool!

      1. Yes – Chapmanville is in Logan County, West Virginia where they lived.

        Thank you for writing in to help –


        1. Have you ever heard of any Peregrine White descendants in SC? I ask because I recently inherited 3 pieces of fragile, old China, one of which has a typed piece of paper in it. The paper seems to say that the pieces I have are like those donated to an unnamed museum by Hannah E Thompson of Abington, Mass. It goes on to say that the China is “said to have belonged to Susannah White, mother of Peregrine White.” An article from Woman’s Day magazine, August 1962 speculated that, according to RT Charleston, of the Victoria and Albert museum, this China was “probably made in Liverpool, c 1760.” This seems improbable, but if my China indeed has any historic value or a connection to Peregrine White, I’d certainly like to donate it as well. My mother’s maiden name, by the way, was Eliza White, from Abbeville SC.

  4. How do I access this tree? My ggrandfather, William, was said to have been a descendant of Peregrine White, but I can’t find the documentation to prove or disprove. William was born in Dutchess County, PA (according to maps, Dutchess County is in New York) in 1788. This info came from William’s obituary. Any help will be appreciated.

  5. My grandpa has a our family tree and it shows us as direct descendants! To Gail White, I used and ended up with the same exact tree as my grandfathers. Maybe that will help you

  6. I am also a decendent of Peregrine White! I am related to Ursula White whose father was William White II, brother to Peregrine. I am fascinated with geneology and would be honored to keep up with my distant family. Please contact me if we are related!

    1. My mother’s maiden name was Ursula Marie White, born in South Yarmouth 1927. Her father was Charles H. White and suppose to be descendant of Peregrine, however I cannot find the connection.

      1. Dan Gould,
        I use FamilySearch, which is free. That is where I found that Peregrine White is my 8th Great Grandfather. If you have two or three generations above yourself to enter there, likely the connections will show up, because famous families’ info is mostly already entered.
        I wish you well, and enjoyment, in your search!

  7. I have found out through research completed by my cousin that we are direct descendants of Peregrine. She has a book that she has completed that traces the White family all the way back into England. I live in Charleston, WV.

  8. My 8th great grandfather was Peregrine White. I have confirmation from the Mayflower society. So cool!!!

    1. I am also suppose to be descended from Peregrine, but have been unable to find the connection. I can only definitely trace back to my grandfather Charles H. White from South Yarmouth, MA. There are two other Peregrine Whites buried in a local South Yarmouth Cemetery.

  9. Hi all,
    I’ve found Temperance White on my ancestral tree. Daughter of Daniel White and Abigail Turner. I am having a difficult time pinpointing Temperance’s birth date, ranging from 1748 to 1770. Also, I’m trying to verify that she married Roland Burton Ware…
    Thanks for your help!
    – Rick LeVang….

  10. Rick LeVang –
    You want to work backwards from the known to the unknown.
    Her tombstone states that she was “aged about 73” years old when she died in 1844 – which would give her an estimated birth year of 1771.
    Her husband Roland Burton Ware’s cemetery record is here:

    You will want to focus on the newspaper, probate, church and government records for her parents; their siblings; Temperance and her siblings; and all of their descendants for the next 2-3 generations. By pulling in all of the surviving original records from this time period you will be able to confirm by the evidence gathered if she was in fact a daughter of Daniel and Abigail (Turner) White.

    Note that you need to do this thorough search, beginning with her parents and their siblings – to find the clues, facts that will confirm your family tradition. You want to take this step by step and gather the records to confirm the accuracy of your family’s family tree.


  11. my maiden name was white…I trace back to a Joseph White b. 1807 in Ohio…am curious if I might be descended from Peregrine White. One of my other ancestors was Samuel Fuller, son of Edward and Ann Fuller, also Mayflower ancestors. Any information on Joseph or back further would be appreciated.

    1. Elizabeth- There are many articles about the Peregrine White family in the newspapers and his descendants. The best way to verify if Joseph White is a descended would be to start with what you know about Joseph with marriages, obituaries, family bible or church records they may have said something about him being a descended of Peregrine. It is always best to start with what you know and then go back. I suggest that you research Joseph and see if they have a family tree for him online that connects with Peregrine White.

  12. Temperance Ware, wife of Roland Ware, is not the daughter of Daniel White.

    Please refer to the following website: Read note for Temperance White on page 28 which says that she was unmarried when she died.,+marshfield,+ma&source=bl&ots=yuMQkpoJO_&sig=pLa6kJ5ewa5sqjInzTLRTM5D2cg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjks9K747HXAhUN-lQKHT10BYgQ6AEIOTAE#v=onepage&q=temperance%20white%2C%20marshfield%2C%20ma&f=false

  13. I had been told for years that I was a direct descendant of Peregrine White. My mother’s maiden name was White living in South Yarmouth, MA. Her father’s (my grandfather) name was Charles H. White. He died at the age of 42 in 1940. I have yet to find the connection back to Peregrine White from the Mayflower. However in Pine Grove Cemetery in South Yarmouth there are two Peregrine Whites with the inscription od direct descendant of Peregrine from the Mayflower. I have no family members to contact to try and make this connection, all have passed. Can someone help me with my quest??

  14. Hello. I am related to Peregrine White but didn’t know who he was. My Mom said she heard our family came on the Mayflower but never knew for sure because all Grandparents had passed when children were young.

    1. It is terrific that the old newspapers can help family discover, gather and connect family members across hundreds of years. Here is a link to an earlier posting where you can see a digital copy of his actual obituary notice published in 1704 – in GenealogyBank. See:

      Imagine that – newspapers have survived that span the generations from the Mayflower down to today.


  15. Hi, I’m being told that I am a descendant of Peregrine White. My great, great grandmother was Cecilia E. White, but she was born in St. John’s New Brunswick, Canada, and immigrated to Massachusetts in 1870. Is it noted somewhere if Peregrine had descendants that went to Canada and then came back to the U.S.? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks.

  16. A good way to find out if you are a descendant of Peregrine White is to start with what you know about Cecilia E. White. Start with what you already know and move to the unknown. Does Cecilia E. White have a family tree chart? If you don’t have a family tree chart, I would suggest that you try Googling Cecilia E. White to see if you can find a family tree online. Searching an obituary also may have information about whether she is a descendant of Peregrine White.

  17. i have the same story – my great grandmother had a lineage done back in her day – supposed to have gone from Perigrine White to her sister. My ggrama’s parents were Charles Levy Hathaway b 1851 and Alice Daniels B 1857. There is supposed to be a book in Massachusetts library somewhere.

  18. I am a descendant of Peregrine White as well; his son Daniel White is my lineage. Peregrine–Daniel–Cornelius–Benjamin–Benjamin–Benjamin–Henry–Benjamin (this family really liked the name Benjamin) –Benjamin–Hathaway–Parker–me! Side note: one of the Benjamins married a Hathaway of the “Hathaways of America.” I am very proud of my family history!

  19. Anyone related to John Clarence White and John Sammons White? Lived in Orange County, NY. John Sammons White had several children; Edson White was one of them. Any connections to trace back from the two Johns would be greatly appreciated.

  20. I am trying to make a connection via Jonathon White, son of Peregrine White. Some of his grandchildren migrated into W. VA. I am trying to confirm Sarah White, my 2nd great grandmother, and her father, Peter, are descendants. They lived in Tazwell and Buchanan Counties near or on White Mountain.

    1. Dear Julia,

      You have many resources at your disposal to potentially help you find whether or not your roots go back to Peregrine White, through Jonathon’s line.

      One of the greatest places to start is Caleb Johnson’s Mayflower History “Mayflower Genealogy” page ( His site has biographical data on every single passenger aboard the Mayflower (yes, even Peregrine–who was born on the ship near the end of its journey).

      There is another great article at ( which gives you even more resources to help you trace descendants of Mayflower passengers.

      Another resource to check into would be The Pilgrim William White Society ( They have people in the White family who look into the roots and branches of their family tree. They should have plenty of resources for you to look into & potentially tie yourself to them.

      I hope that these resources help you, and I wish you well in your researching!

  21. Hello, my name is Thomas A White (1961 – Present), My father is David E White (1938 – Present), his father was Eugene Gordon White (1917 – 1994), his father was Gordon Bennett White (1890 – 1974), his father was George Henry White (1861 – 1938), his father was Henry Arthur White (1822 – 1891), his father was William White (1788 – 1843), his father was James Arthur White (1755 – unknown), his father was John Wesley White (1736 – 1781), his father was William White, (1710 – 1766), his father was Jonathon Bassett White (1658 – 1736), his father was Peregrine White (1620 – 1704). I have information that goes back to England and the White’s in that country. It gets sketchy, but I have traced it back as far as Herold the Dane. Around 860.

    1. I also trace my ancestry to John Wesley White (1736-1781) and then to William White (1710-1766). However, I think the jump from William White of Virginia to Jonathan White (1658-1736) of Massachusetts is very questionable. I would like to be descended from Peregrine White and the Mayflower, but I’m not at all sure this connection works. I can’t find a definitive link that is beyond question. Actually, that transition from Virginia to Massachusetts seems unlikely.

      1. I am in Virginia. What do you find questionable about it? The distance and a complete other region?

  22. Hi New Family! Using, I have just discovered that Peregrine is my 8th Great Grandfather! I am so excited about this! Had no idea my dad’s side of the family went back that far in America. So cool to “meet” all my new family members!

  23. Does anyone have information on Mayflower descendant Consider White, born 12 Aug 1763 in Massachutes, died 6 Jan 1837 in Greenwich, NY? He seems to have been orphaned in childhood and was raised by John White and Prudence Carrier.

  24. An original oil painting of Consider White was donated to the Jocelyn Museum in Omaha, Nebr. It was painted by T. Lawrence in England. Art historians inform us that T. Lawrence never came to North America, so if it was painted in England, this solves the mystery of my family’s connection to William White, father of Peregrine White. If any other Whites have info about this painting or this connection, please let me know. Thank you.

  25. The above mentioned oil painting was donated to the Joslyn Museum in Omaha, NE, in 1985 by Louise Halbert.
    She must have been married to one of my mother’s cousins. If anyone knows anyone related to Louise, please
    let me know. My immediate White family was from Western Nebraska. Possibly Louise Halbert has connections
    to Nebraska.

  26. Hello my grandmother’s maiden name was Geraldine White, who live in the Bronx, NY. My father, her son, Charles has some of the family lineage, including the book of White. We are eligible to be sons of the revolution as well. We are proud descendants of Peregrine White. We would love to contact any of our relatives to learn more about the White Family.
    Thank you.

  27. My grandmother on my mother’s side was Edith Blatchford White who lived in Lynn , Mass. Her son , William White was my mother’s father who served in WW1. They , I am told are descendants of William White, passenger on the Mayflower.

  28. Hello! I have been working on my family tree since Dec, 2019. I have found multiple descendants including the Chiltons and Warrens. I am working on making the connection to the Mayflower Whites. My grand parents and generations before were from Annapolis County Nova Scotia. Andrew White (there were two in NS??) that’s were it gets confusing.
    I will keep you updated. Thank you for the interesting info.

  29. Dear Cousins,
    I am Rob Symer who is verified up to King Hardrada and William and the Plantagents. Thanks to good old Uncle Harry Stanley Ganders, 20 plus
    years professor at Syracause. So, who am i not related to since of these gateway ancestors. I have Rogers and Tilley on the Mayflower plus William White. I appear to descend, on the White line from Peregrine down to my Jeremiah Giles and Mary/Dill/Dille. One of my more prominent lines as of this date/search is Rogers. Rogers goes back to the Conqueror and comes down thru John Rogers ‘The Martyr’ down to my G3 grandmother, Nancy Rogers. The Water lineage is very muddled to say the least. I appear to go back as far as Otho, the FitzGeralds and thus to the White/Wynn,Gwynn, etc. Well just wanted to say howdy to my ‘cousins’. According to the data Peregrine is my 10th grandfather. Thank you for letting me expound.
    I remain,
    Robert Symer (aka Sivertsen, Evans, Pickelsimer, Arp, Giles, Rogers and White.

  30. addendum.
    This is Robert Symer. I forgot to include: Lydia Rogers White 1642 – 1727/Mass. married Captain Joseph White 1636-1706.
    Both of these folks are of my lineage; i.e., Rogers and White
    Kind regards,
    ‘Rob Symer

  31. This is Robert Symer again…found some more (new) info re my descent from Peregrine.
    I note, on this blog, mention of a Consider White. I looked him up and found: Consider is the brother of Reverand Howlanld White 1806 188,
    Reverand Howland is the son of Gideon White 1753-1838. Gideon is the son of Gideon White 1717-1729. Gideon White 1717 is married to Joanna Howland White 1716 1810. I descend from Howland via Elizabeth Tilley 1607 1687 married to John Howland 1620 1592/99.

    In addition, i note Reverand Thomas Howland White (brother of Consider White) ascends up to Peregrine White.

    In summary, it is a small world. I am a direct descendant of both Tilley and Howland; plus, as previous mentioned Lydia Rogers White who is married to Captain Joeseph White 1636 1707. Again, i have Rogers, Tilley, and White on the Mayflower. I have more ‘cousins’ but the 3 are direct.
    Kind regards,
    Rob Symer
    pls let me know if you disagree or have any add’l info.

  32. Hello! I have been researching my family tree for many years and have hit a brick wall with my 4th great grandfather James R White. He was born in 1824 • Hampshire, West Virginia, USA and died 1888 • W.Charleston, Miami, Ohio, USA. I think he may be related to the Whites from the Mayflower but have not found confirmation. I joined a Mayflower descendants group on GEDmatch and I am a DNA match with a General Society of Mayflower Descendants confirmed descendant of William White so that makes me even more curious. Does anyone know of James R White or if he may be related to William? Thanks for any help or information you may be able to provide.

  33. I just learned today that I am a descendent of Peregrine White as well. He was my 9th great grandfather.

  34. I am 22 generations directly descended from Peregrine White. Our genealogy books and Mayflower Society place us through his oldest son. It’s wonderful to see so many of you connected through this blood line. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.

  35. Through family stories I learned that my family is related to William White from the Mayflower. If you have any suggestions as to how I might find out more information I’d be very interested. How do I go about doing this?

    1. In Wikipedia we learn that William White (c.1580-Feb 21, 1621) was a passenger on the Mayflower and that he was accompanied by his wife, Susanna, son Resolved, and two servants. He traveled in 1620 on the historic voyage. He was a signatory to the Mayflower Compact and perished early in the history of the Plymouth Colony.

      Doing a simple Google search for the name, William White, brought up many helpful resources. Here are just a few of them: (a great site to learn about the Pilgrims as a whole)

      A great book you’ll want to look into is “Plymouth Colony, Its History & People, 1620 – 1691” by Eugene Aubrey Stratton. I would also recommend contacting your local library for more resources on William White as much has been researched and written on Mayflower passengers.

  36. I am still searching for information about Louise White Halbert, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Victor White.
    She is the Great-great-grandaughter of James Consider White (or J.C.White). She donated a famous
    picture of James C. White to the Joslyn Museum in 1985. It was painted by T. Lawrence in England.
    This is the only missing verified info I need to prove my ancestry back to Peregrine White. If anyone
    can help me, I will be VERY APPRECIATIVE. I am on facebook: LaNore Rod Parker

  37. Peregrine White is my 10th great grandfather! My ancestry shows from my father’s side.

  38. My father was Jack White. He was born (1917) in Independence, Missouri. I was born (1950) in Chicago, Illinois. My son is Daniel White. He was born in St. Paul, MN I believe we are direct descendants of Peregrine White.

    Kyle White

  39. Hello! I to am related to Peregrine through his son Jonathan White through to his daughter Esther (White) Drake. Would love to hear from someone with this connection as well. My maiden name is Currie. Thank you so much!

  40. My great, great grandmother is Elzina White. She is the great, great, great granddaughter of Peregrine White. ( thru James her( father), Thomas ll (her grand father,) Thomas l ( her great grandfather) , Daniel ( her great, great grandfather (who was Peregrine’s oldest son. ). She is buried at St. John’s, MI. If you are her relative, please let me know!

  41. I did not know that I am a direct descendent of Peregrine White until I did a DNA test with
    My husband did my family tree on there and we were amazed to see this. I was born and raised in Massachusetts . So, hello to all my cousins on here.

  42. I am a direct descendant of Peregrine White on my fathers side. My cousin researched our family back to the 1400’s and put together a book on our family history with marriage, death, and birth certificates. I am considering doing a DNA test to add to my documentation.

    Hello to all!

  43. My maiden name is White, and I’m searching for a possible connection. Does anyone have information on Job White? He is my 4th grandfather. Many have his father as Roger, but the family Bible page I have says his birth was Aug. 21, 1781. Havo no idea who his parents were. Any help appreciated. Thank you!

  44. Hello, My name is Tonia White married name McFerin. I have traced my father’s family from Gallia County, Ohio to Baltimore, Maryland. Then I hit a wall. My 4th Great Grandfather was Job White. He was not with the family when they migrated to Ohio in the mid 1800’s. I do believe his birthdate was August 21, 1781. I have no idea where he was born, or who his parents were. He was Caucasian. I have a strong feeling we descended from the Pilgrim William White. Maybe if I could find some of the 6th generation?
    Any help truly appreciated!

  45. I believe this may help someone who has posted on here to trace to William White. My paternal tree back to the Mayflower. My name is Ernest White and it starts at my father, Benjamin White 1904-1967, Earnest White1876-1933. George White1850-1888, Benjamin White1823-1909, William White 1794-1863, John Jack White 1775-1865, John Wesley White 1744-1781, William White 1718-1766, Jonathan White 1658-1737, Peregrine White 1620-1704, William White 1591-1621. I believe this is accurate. I have the spouses also from my Ancestry account.

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