Everyone loves to hear their old family stories. We constantly hear from our GenealogyBank members of the powerful family stories that they have found in old newspapers. Stories drive us to keep researching and piece together the fabric that makes our family histories come alive. It turns out that these family stories are even... (Read More)
In this article, Mary Harrell-Sesniak searches old newspapers to find some cute, funny, and heartwarming letters our ancestors wrote to Santa Claus... (Read More)
Introduction: Gena Philibert-Ortega is a genealogist and author of the book “From the Family Kitchen.” In this guest blog post, Gena addresses the problem that it’s often hard to find information about our ancestors when they were children. One solution? Look for their participation in fashion and coloring paper doll contests run by newspapers.... (Read More)
An article showing how old newspapers can help genealogists learn more about the life of a youngster in their family tree who passed away... (Read More)
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega writes about the family history challenge of researching your ancestors’ lives when they were children... (Read More)
Happy Mother’s Day! Clementine (Robicheaux) Breaux, the widow of Paul Breaux, must have set a record. As of March 19, 1915 – she was still going strong at age 110 – the mother of 13 children and the matriarch of more than 1,000 descendants born in her lifetime. She lived in... (Read More)
“I’ve been having a ball finding articles about my family. The biggest find for me … was discovering my gr-grandfather’s uncle in Congressional records as well as in newspapers. He had left home as a child and didn’t return home again until after his father died. It was reported in the newspapers that his... (Read More)
Happy Mother’s Day! Clementine (Robicheaux) Breaux, the widow of Paul Breaux, must have set a record. As of March 19, 1915 – she was still going strong at age 110 – the mother of 13 children and the matriarch of more than 1,000 descendants born in her lifetime. She lived in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana... (Read More)