“I’ve been having a ball finding articles about my family.
The biggest find for me … was discovering my gr-grandfather’s uncle in Congressional records as well as in newspapers.
He had left home as a child and didn’t return home again until after his father died.
It was reported in the newspapers that his elderly mother (my gr-gr-gr-grandmother!) almost went into shock after not seeing him for nearly 37 years. GenealogyBank gave me great insight into his life as a fisherman turned world traveler and the names of his children that he had with his Russian wife and his locations in Russia and Japan back in the 1800’s! How cool is that???
I can’t wait to see what papers you will put up next.
Keep up the great work!
Have a great weekend!”
Sincerely, Catherine “Casey” Zahn
Find and document your ancestors in GenealogyBank – the best source for old newspapers on the planet. Period!
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