Jans Family Uses Genealogy to Pursue 300-Year Land Claim

The family of Anneke Jans has been pursuing a genealogy project for over 300 years.

During all this time the family has been working hard to track down every single one of Jans’s descendants.

They are doing this not so much from a love for family history—but rather, to sort out the heirs to a contested land grant that was given to Jans by Britain’s Queen Anne in 1697!

collage of newspaper clippings about the 300-year land claim pursued by descendants of Anneke Jans
Collage of newspaper clippings about the 300-year land claim pursued by descendants of Anneke Jans

These three newspaper clippings from GenealogyBank’s historical newspaper archives help tell this unusual genealogy story.

The historical newspaper article on the right outlines the disputed property. It was published in the Cabinet (New York City, New York), 14 August 1833, page 3.

In 1888 the family intensified their efforts by organizing an unusually-named genealogical society, the “Anneke Jans Bogardus Literary Association,” which gathered all of the genealogical records of the family to help them properly document the descendents of the family.

The old newspaper article on the left reports on this incorporated genealogical association. It was published in the Evening Repository (Canton, Ohio), 20 June 1888, page 6.

Almost one hundred years later a descendant, William Brower Bogardus, placed a notice in a Texas newspaper announcing that he “has extensive collections” of records on the descendants of Anneka Jans Bogardus. That notice was published in the Dallas Morning News (Dallas, Texas), 20 October 1983, page 50-A.

Hmm…I wonder if William has all the records of the “Anneke Jans Bogardus Literary Association” since it started in 1888?

20 thoughts on “Jans Family Uses Genealogy to Pursue 300-Year Land Claim

  1. Willis Timothy Gridley is one of the lawyers who brought suit against the Trinity Church. For his troubles he got disbarred, but he did write a book about it "Trinity, Break Yes My Commandments" which is an interesting read. Two other lawyers had also brought suit, Spencer V. Gardner and Frank A. Travers. They eventually joined the suits together. My library holds a lot of their papers, including hundreds of affidavits showing lineage. They all have the link to Webber and royalty which has been disproven, but the lines up to Jans seem to be solid. If you go to my library website http://www.chaseyourtale.com and follow the links from Bogardus Papers to Frank A. Travers I have transcribed a small portion of the letters. A monumental task I really need to get back to someday. Often the lawyers are mentioned at making millions off the suit while the family got nothing. Reading the letters and looking at the account books, the family members only paid a few dollars each, and the lawyers were barely scraping by. This was definitely a David vs Goliath lawsuit.

  2. I am a direct descendent of Anneke Jane Bogartus. I am the 18th generation. My mother’s aunt had the genealogy trassed through the Dutch Reform Church and the DAR. If anyone is interested in these documents please email or Facebook me. Thank you Miss Judy beyrer

    1. Judy-
      I recently discovered that I also may be a descendent of Anneke Jane Bogartus. I would love to have access to the information you have to help verify! Thank you!

    2. Hi! I believe I may be related to Anneke Jans. My grandmother wrote down a lineage that went back to her but I haven’t been able to document any of it. I would love to see anything you have to see if there is indeed a connection. Thanks so much.

  3. Hi Judith I have discovered my bloodline is that of the Annake Jans webber descendants. I would like the documents to see what were they match with mine.

    1. According to my family history that was passed down to me over 25 years ago, William Bogardus married Wyntie Sybrant and one of their children was Anne E. Anne E. Married Jacob Browers and one of their sons was Adam Browers. Adam married Eve Wyntie. One if Adam and Eve’s (funny right?) children was Hannah Browers that married James Lafetra. James and Hannah had James Lafetra that married Meribah Wolcott in 1792. Does all of this look correct?

  4. Hi Judy

    It appears that I descend from Anneke Jans, Everardus Bogardus, and Adam Brouwer, among others. I would be interested in receiving any information you may have.


  5. Hi Judith
    I believe my bloodline is that of the Annake Jans webber descendants. I would like the documents to see how they match with mine.
    Thank you

  6. My mother and aunt as well as my grandfather were of the bogardus family and he told us his father and grandfather both were descendants but there was nothing you could do about it.

  7. I am a descendant of Anneke’s. My sister has a really old book we found in our grandfather’s basement about Anneke and her land, which was written by the attorney involved. The attorney did end up in jail or prison; I’m not sure of the details because my sister has the book. I would love any information about Anneke. Thanks.

  8. Bonny,
    As mentioned by Thomas Jay Kemp, the family association is still researching this family. You can contact them at: http://bit.ly/Kdvl7j
    GenealogyBank.com also has newspaper articles regarding the family, with over 2000 results on the name Anneke Jans going back to 1833.
    There are also many family tree sites that have information as well. Try doing a Google search for Anneke Jans.

  9. I am a direct descendant (11 generations) of Anneke Jans Bogardus, I have documentation. I bet there are thousands of us.

  10. She was my 10th grandmother. There is a street in upper Manhattan- Inwood called Bogardus Place.

    1. Aside from the contested land in Manhattan, or perhaps part of the overall lawsuit, there also seems to be a trust in Holland that was established by William of Orange in the latter part of the 16th century. It was specifically left for the sixth and seventh generations of his family. Income collected from certain properties was to be placed in the Orphan’s Chamber and accumulated at 6% interest until the time for distribution to the heirs. The money was never disbursed. The funds are held by the Bank of Holland (successor to the Orphan’s Chamber). William of Orange had two children, one of which was Wolpert Weber, the next King of Holland after William, and also the father of Anneka Jans. In 1895, a lawsuit was brought by the government of Holland requesting the court to confiscate the money, stating that the time had passed for distribution. However, the bank contested the case and won. The courts stated that the heirs still had rights to the money. This ruling was in July of 1895.

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