Finding Military Records for Veterans Day – Part 1

When it comes to military records in GenealogyBank, we often think of the obituaries and articles that appeared in America’s newspapers over the past three centuries.

Montage: Army Registers from GenealogyBank
Source: GenealogyBank

I have written many times about the millions of newspaper articles reporting stories of our military ancestors that have served, from the Colonial wars down to the present.

But wait, there’s more.

Photo: Army Register from GenealogyBank
Source: GenealogyBank, U.S. Army Register, 1958

GenealogyBank includes the series of Army Registers, Navy Registers, etc., that were published annually from the mid-1800s to modern times.

Each annual Register gives detailed information about the officers who served the nation – with important core facts about their lives: information like their date and place of birth; dates of service; rank advancement; duty stations; and similar information.

I have taken the Official Army Register for 1910 as an example and extracted the basic information for 2,000 of the officers that were serving that year as a Veterans Day tribute to them – and as a reminder to family historians to dig into all of the sources contained in GenealogyBank.

Here is a partial list of those officers – more to come.

Name Date of Birth Birth Place Service Register Page
Abbot, Frederic V. 4 March 1858 Massachusetts Corps of Engineers 1910. page 75
Abbott, James E. 16 August 1872 Maryland Signal Corps 1910. page 99
Acher, Albert H. 6 June 1885 Pennsylvania Corps of Engineers 1910. page 87
Adair, George F. 14 April 1878 Texas Medical Department 1910. page 60
Adair, Henry R. 13 April 1882 Oregon 10th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 159
Adams, Edward M. 22 October 1877 Michigan Corps of Engineers 1910. page 81
Adams, Lewis M. 22 May 1882 Pennsylvania Corps of Engineers 1910. page 84
Adams, Paul A. 24 August 1875 Massachusetts Medical Department 1910. page 69
Adams, Sterling P. 24 January 1866 Alabama 14th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 174
Addis, Emmett 28 February 1879 Connecticut 10th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 159
Ainsworth, Fred C. 11 September 1852 Vermont Adjutant General’s Department 1910. page 10
Aleshire, James B. 31 October 1856 Ohio Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 19
Aleshire, Olan C. 25 June 1878 Illinois 12th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 168
Alexander, Roger G. 1 August 1883 Missouri Corps of Engineers 1910. page 86
Allen, Charles M. 29 December 1880 Ohio Ordnance Department 1910. page 92
Allen, Henry T. 13 April 1859 Kentucky 8th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 146
Allen, James 13 February 1849 Indiana Signal Corps 1910. page 95
Allen, John H. 20 October 1873 Tennessee Medical Department 1910. page 44
Allen, William H. 10 June 1885 Washington, D.C. Medical Department 1910. page 66
Allison, James N. 4 September 1848 Kentucky Subsistence Department 1910. page 29
Altstaetter, Fred’k W. 11 December 1875 Ohio Corps of Engineers 1910. page 80
Alvord, Benjamin 15 May 1860 Washington Adjutant General’s Department 1910. page 11
Ames, Thales L. 19 September 1869 Wisconsin Ordnance Department 1910. page 91
Amory, Charles B., Jr. 5 March 1882 Louisiana 9th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 154
Amos, Frank P. 19 June 1875 Wisconsin 11th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 162
Anderson, Alvord Van P. 10 April 1872 New York 6th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 137
Anderson, Edward 31 May 1864 Virginia Subsistence Department 1910. page 32
Anderson, Edward D. 22 January 1868 Tennessee Pay Department 1910. page 73
Anderson, Everett A. 27 September 1867 Kentucky Medical Department 1910. page 61
Anderson, George S. 30 September 1849 New Jersey 9th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 151
Anderson, William D. A. 6 January 1881 Virginia Corps of Engineers 1910. page 84
Anderson, William T. 20 August 1859 Texas Chaplains 1910. page 102
Andrews, Frank M. 3 February 1884 Tennessee 8th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 150
Andrews, George 26 August 1850 Rhode Island Adjutant General’s Department 1910. page 10
Andrews, Henry M. 13 November 1850 New York 1st Regiment of Field Artillery 1910. page 182
Andrews, Lincoln C. 21 November 1867 Minnesota 15th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 179
Andrus, Edwin P. 17 November 1851 New York 2nd Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 118
Appel, Aaron H. 3 April 1856 Pennsylvania Medical Department 1910. page 35
Appel, Daniel M. 28 October 1854 Pennsylvania Medical Department 1910. page 34
Archer, William M., Jr. 6 August 1878 Virginia Medical Department 1910. page 63
Ardery, Edward D. 12 July 1884 Nevada Corps of Engineers 1910. page 86
Armstrong, Eugene V. 18 December 1882 Pennsylvania 13th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 172
Armstrong, Frank S. 18 November 1868 Indiana 9th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 151
Arnold, Daniel W. 11 September 1848 Ohio Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 23
Arnold, Frederick T. 9 October 1871 Iowa Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 26
Arnold, Percy W. 22 May 1874 New York 7th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 142
Arnold, Samuel B. 6 August 1867 New York 1st Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 114
Artaud, Frank E. 25 January 1869 New York Medical Department 1910. page 56
Arthur, William H. 1 April 1856 Pennsylvania Medical Department 1910. page 35
Ashburn, James K. 11 September 1877 Ohio Medical Department 1910. page 60
Ashburn, Percy M. 28 July 1872 Ohio Medical Department 1910. page 41
Ashford, Bailey K. 18 September 1873 Washington, D.C. Medical Department 1910. page 40
Ashford, Mahlon 24 March 1881 Washington, D.C. Medical Department 1910. page 53
Atkisson, Earl J. 12 August 1886 Nebraska Corps of Engineers 1910. page 86
Austin, Fred T. 28 December 1866 Vermont 3rd Regiment of Field Artillery 1910. page 189
Austin, Thomas C. 29 July 1880 South Carolina Medical Department 1910. page 65
Austin, William A. 6 December 1870 Ohio 4th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 129
Averill, Nathan K. 23 October 1872 Michigan 7th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 142
Axton, John T. 28 July 1870 Utah Chaplains 1910. page 104
Aydelotte, John T. 28 August 1884 Maryland Medical Department 1910. page 66
Babbitt, Edwin B. 26 July 1862 New York Ordnance Department 1910. page 89
Babcock, Walter C. 16 August 1870 Massachusetts 13th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 170
Bach, Christian A. 3 December 1870 Minnesota 7th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 143
Bader, Albert J. 24 September 1859 New York Chaplains 1910. page 103
Baer, Joseph A. 29 April 1878 Pennsylvania 6th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 137
Bailey, Edward 23 September 1862 Indiana Medical Department 1910. page 58
Bailey, George F. 24 July 1871 Massachusetts 2nd Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 120
Bailey, George G. 14 March 1861 New York Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 22
Bain, Jarvis J. 2 May 1880 Indiana Corps of Engineers 1910. page 85
Baird, George H. 23 November 1876 Kansas 11th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 163
Baird, Henry W. 13 August 1881 Maryland 5th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 135
Baker, Charles L. 16 February 1872 West Virginia Medical Department 1910. page 58
Baker, Charles T. 27 October 1870 South Carolina Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 23
Baker, David 22 August 1871 Illinois Medical Department 1910. page 41
Baker, Frank 29 October 1849 Massachusetts Ordnance Department 1910. page 88
Baker, Frank C. 9 November 1877 Washington, D.C. Medical Department 1910. page 43
Baker, Jesse M. 1 March 1856 Pennsylvania Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 23
Baker, Scott 1 December 1881 Indiana 2nd Regiment of Field Artillery 1910. page 187
Ball, Louis R. 14 January 1875 Ohio 6th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 137
Ballard, James C. 17 January 1866 Mississippi Medical Department 1910. page 63
Bamberger, Raymond S. 29 October 1877 Kentucky 2nd Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 121
Bane, Thurman H. 12 June 1884 California 14th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 177
Banister, John M. 17 August 1854 Alabama Medical Department 1910. page 35
Banister, William B. 14 October 1861 Alabama Medical Department 1910. page 37
Banta, William P. 17 November 1873 Kentucky Medical Department 1910. page 49
Barber, Alvin B. 19 May 1883 Oregon Corps of Engineers 1910. page 85
Barber, John R. 26 February 1878 Oregon Medical Department 1910. page 52
Barden, William J. 9 September 1870 Connecticut Corps of Engineers 1910. page 79
Barnard, Joseph H. 11 January 1877 Illinois 5th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 134
Barnes, Joseph F. 15 September 1878 Washington, D.C. 2nd Regiment of Field Artillery 1910. page 186
Barney, Charles N. 19 August 1872 Ohio Medical Department 1910. page 44
Barney, Frederick M. 13 April 1863 New York Medical Department 1910. page 57
Barney, James P. 1 April 1875 Ohio 8th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 148
Barnhardt, George C. 28 December 1868 North Carolina 15th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 178
Barnum, Malvern-Hill 3 September 1863 New York 8th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 146
Barriger, William S. 9 December 1875 Nebraska 8th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 149
Barroll, Morris K. 31 December 1865 Maryland Pay Department 1910. page 71
Barry, John A. 27 January 1880 Tennessee 2nd Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 121
Barry, Thomas H. 13 October 1855 New York General Officer 1910. page 6
Bartlett, Cosam J. 4 May 1874 California Medical Department 1910. page 46
Bartlett, William K. 28 March 1878 New York Medical Department 1910. page 52
Barton, Frank A. 23 July 1869 Washington, D.C. 3rd Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 123
Barton, Robert M. 14 July 1877 Tennessee 5th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 134
Bastlon, Joseph E. 27 March 1883 Massachusetts Medical Department 1910. page 63
Bateman, Cephas C. 16 May 1857 Michigan Chaplains 1910. page 102
Bateman, Harold H. 30 September 1887 California 1st Regiment of Field Artillery 1910. page 184
Bayley, Edmund W. 2 December 1875 Massachusetts Medical Department 1910. page 62
Bayly, Rozier C. 18 August 1881 Italy Medical Department 1910. page 55
Beach, Francis H. 4 April 1864 New York 7th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 141
Beach, Lansing H. 18 June 1860 Iowa Corps of Engineers 1910. page 76
Beach, William D. 18 June 1856 New York 11th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 161
Beavers, George W., Jr. 31 December 1884 New York 2nd Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 122
Beck, Paul W. 1 December 1876 Texas Signal Corps 1910. page 98
Beck, Robert McC., Jr. 9 May 1879 Maryland 12th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 167
Beery, Harry R. 29 June 1882 Ohio Medical Department 1910. page 67
Beeuwkes, Henry 29 August 1881 New Jersey Medical Department 1910. page 66
Bejamin, Julian A. 21 January 1877 Washington, D.C. 3rd Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 124
Bell, George, Jr. 23 January 1859 Maryland Inspector General’s Department 1910. page 15
Bell, J. Franklin 9 January 1856 Kentucky General Officer 1910. page 5
Bell, James F. 9 November 1876 Pennsylvania Corps of Engineers 1910. page 83
Bell, Leonard P. 30 April 1871 Indiana Medical Department 1910. page 59
Bell, Ola W. 13 May 1871 Michigan 14th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 174
Bell, Samuel H. 15 November 1849 North Carolina Chaplains 1910. page 102
Bell, Verne R. 15 December 1877 Michigan 1st Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 117
Bell, William H., Jr. 3 October 1874 Washington 11th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 163
Bellinger, John B. 15 April 1862 South Carolina Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 20
Benét, J. Walker 16 July 1857 Kentucky Ordnance Department 1910. page 89
Benson, Harry C. 8 December 1857 Ohio 5th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 132
Berkeley, Hugh D. 13 July 1871 Virginia Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 25
Bernard, Thomas P. 25 December 1880 Nevada 7th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 144
Berry, Lucien G. 29 November 1863 New York 3rd Regiment of Field Artillery 1910. page 189
Bertsch, William H. 5 January 1869 Michigan Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 24
Bessell, William W. 25 January 1864 England Signal Corps 1910. page 99
Besson, Frank S. 12 May 1886 Pennsylvania Corps of Engineers 1910. page 87
Bethel, Walter A. 25 November 1866 Ohio Judge Advocate General’s Department 1910. page 18
Bethel, Walter A. 25 November 1866 Ohio Military Academy 1910. page 108
Betta, Charles A. 7 June 1873 Michigan Medical Department 1910. page 64
Bevans, James L. 29 April 1869 Wisconsin Medical Department 1910. page 46
Bickham, Abraham S. 28 August 1860 Ohio Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 22
Biddle, David H. 3 September 1867 New Jersey 6th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 138
Biddle, John 2 February 1859 Michigan Corps of Engineers 1910. page 76
Biegler, George W. 31 May 1868 Indiana 12th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 167
Bierbower, Henry C. 10 May 1874 Pennsylvania Medical Department 1910. page 62
Bigelow, Mortimer O. 5 November 1870 Michigan 8th Regiment of Cavalry 1910. page 147
Billingslea, Charles C. 16 March 1878 Maryland Medical Corps. 1910. page 47
Bingham, Ernest G. 17 July 1876 Alabama Medical Department 1910. page 50
Bingham, Gonzalez S. 10 October 1857 Florida Quartermaster’s Department 1910. page 20
Birmingham, Henry P. 15 March 1854 New York Medical Department 1910. page 36
Birnie, Rogers 5 April 1851 Maryland Ordnance Department 1910. page 88


Here is how I found that annual register. First, on the GenealogyBank home page, select “Government Publications” under the “Collections” tab.

A screenshot of GenealogyBank's home page showing the various collections available
Source: GenealogyBank

Then, on the Government Publications search page, type “official army register for 1910” in the keywords box and hit the search button.

A screenshot of GenealogyBank's Government Publications search page showing a search for "Army Register, 1910"
Source: GenealogyBank

This brings up the complete Official Army Register for 1910.

Note: the exact title of the Army Registers varied over the years, but the phrase “army register” is the key.

One thought on “Finding Military Records for Veterans Day – Part 1

  1. Thank you for clarifying and debunking one of the most common myths in genealogy–The Ellis Island Name Change! I found your comment about name changes occurring at the request of the immigrant also interesting. I once knew a gentleman, long since deceased, who emigrated from Hungary during the Revolution in 1956. He knew his surname would be hard for Americans to pronounce, and he wanted a “fresh start”. When he asked the immigration official to suggest a new surname, the reply was, “Just pick a name at random.” And so, he became George RANDOM. He had no family, and, alas, probably no one will ever search for him.

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