The Family Bible I bought on eBay has arrived and I have been going through the family registry pages name by name, sorting out how each person is related and fits into the family tree.
Here is the entry for William Richmond’s son, Horace William Richmond, born October 2nd 1852.

Tracing My Family Tree with the Census
With the names from the family registry in hand, I began by orienting myself to the family in the census.
I found Horace Richmond—then 8 years old—living with his family in Cedar Rapids, Linn County, Iowa.
See: FamilySearch 1860 Census page here:
Here he is again in the 1870 Census, still living in Cedar Rapids.
See: FamilySearch 1870 Census page here:
By 1900 he is living in Maryville, Nodaway County, Missouri.
See: FamilySearch 1900 Census page here:
Turning to Old Newspapers for Family Stories
Now that I know a little more about Horace, I looked in GenealogyBank to see what I could learn about him in our Historical Newspaper Archives.
I quickly found this story about Horace Richmond that made the front page of the Kansas City Times.

Horace Tricked by a Bond Scam
This 1800s newspaper reported that Horace Richmond was working as a clerk at E.K. Hurlbut’s store in Maryville, Missouri.
One day Eugene Evans tricked Richmond into cashing a $50 bill which “on close investigation on the following Monday morning, proved to be a $50 Missouri defense bond issued during the [Civil] war.” Evans was arrested and soon confessed what he had done and appealed for the mercy of the court. The court accepted “a plea of petit larceny, and Evans told the court he would never be caught again.”
Here is an example of what that bond looked like:

Horace Wins Whist Tournament
Here is another article that reported on Horace Richmond.

He won the whist tournament sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. I.V. McMillan of North Maryville, Missouri.
Whist was a popular card game of the 19th century with origins back to the 16th century in England.
To Be Continued…
I’ll continue looking for personal stories about the family members listed in the Bible, and report back to you on what I find.
Related Family Bible Articles:
- Finding Family Heirlooms & Artifacts with eBay
- Family Bibles for Genealogy Research: What to Look For