Got Genealogy Questions?

Do you have a genealogy question? Have you hit a brick wall in your genealogy research? Need help? Write our free “Ask the Genealogist” service and let’s see what we can find out for you about your family history. And, hey—would you help us out and “Like” us on Facebook, and ask your friends... (Read More)

How Did You Get Started as a Genealogist? Share Your Story with Us!

A Louisiana newspaper in 1853 said of family historians that “their memory is a forest planted with genealogical trees.” How true that is!Daily Picayune (New Orleans, Louisiana), 25 October 1853, page 5. After years of family history research many genealogists have had all types of “Eureka!” moments and breakthroughs, when they found a particular... (Read More)

Books of the Week – Donald Lines Jacobus

Millions of books are going online.Entire libraries – that never close; available 24/7. It is now possible for genealogists to read, download and keep genealogies, local histories – publications of all types and sizes. Instantly accessible online and easily stored on your personal laptop or handheld computer. Donald Lines Jacobus (1887-1970) – well known... (Read More)

RFK Dies 41 years ago today

Robert F. Kennedy died 41 years ago today. With you can read the newspapers just as your ancestors did. It has the stories of your ancestor’s lives – the famous or the obscure – whether it is 40 years ago or over 300 years ago GenealogyBank has the coverage genealogists rely on to... (Read More)

Space age technology unraveling ancient manuscripts

Alexandra Alter reports in today’s Wall Street Journal on global projects to digitize and make available the world’s ancient manuscripts that have long been unreadable. Click here to read her article: The Next Age of Discovery. (Wall Street Journal, 8 May 2009). “Archivists at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore used multispectral imaging to... (Read More)

This just in – Viewer Mail

Hi Tom, I really do need to share with you GenealogyBank‘s latest contribution to my family history research! I really do love GenealogyBank. Without it, I would not know about the accident that caused the death of my grandmother’s youngest brother. Nor would I have known when it occurred. Nor would I have found... (Read More)