What Else Can I Learn about Their Trip to America?
By Thomas Jay Kemp on September 17, 2019
In this article, Thomas Jay Kemp searches old newspapers to learn about his ancestor William Kemp’s voyage from England to America in 1853... (Read More)
In this article, Thomas Jay Kemp searches old newspapers to learn about his ancestor William Kemp’s voyage from England to America in 1853... (Read More)
In this article, Thomas Jay Kemp searches old newspapers to discover when his ancestor William Kemp left England to come to America in the 19th century... (Read More)
An article providing search tips for when you encounter in your genealogy research two different ships that have the same name... (Read More)
An article showing how you can use old newspapers to trace the movements of a sailing ship, in this case the ship Hector in 1834... (Read More)
I knew my ancestor William Kemp had come to America – but I didn’t know anything about the trip itself. What was it like for him as an immigrant traveling by passenger ship across the ocean to the new frontier? Could GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives help me find the answer? I knew that William... (Read More)
An article about using passenger lists published in old newspapers to learn more about your ancestor's arrival in America... (Read More)
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega shows how old newspapers can help you learn about your immigrant ancestors and their immigration experiences... (Read More)
In this article, Mary Harrell-Sesniak explains nautical terms and phrases you may encounter in your family history research... (Read More)
One of the oldest newspapers published in America was the Boston News-Letter. The origins of this historical newspaper were detailed, handwritten reports by John Campbell. In 1702, John Campbell became the Postmaster in Boston. “As part of his job, Campbell had the official task of writing letters of important information to the main office.” (Sloan,... (Read More)