President James K. Polk died June 15, 1845. GenealogyBank let’s you read the newspapers when he was elected and the accounts of his death. (Macon Telegraph – 19 June 1845) Whether you want to read about the lives of the Presidents or your ancestors – GenealogyBank has the best coverage – 1690 to Today.... (Read More)
The popular British TV series – Who Do You Think You Are? is now in it’s seventh season. It has focused on tracing the family history of UK movie stars and celebrities. In sifting through the old newspapers I found this regular column – Whom Did He Marry? by Mary Adrian. Was it... (Read More)
Happy Mother’s Day! Clementine (Robicheaux) Breaux, the widow of Paul Breaux, must have set a record. As of March 19, 1915 – she was still going strong at age 110 – the mother of 13 children and the matriarch of more than 1,000 descendants born in her lifetime. She lived in... (Read More)
You will want to read this terrific article about Paula Todd, long time genealogist and volunteer librarian at the John McIntire Library in Zanesville, Ohio – part of the Muskingum County (OH) Library System. I was at the (Family History Center in Zanesville) I walked in not knowing what I wanted to find out,... (Read More)
This weekend’s Wall Street Journal (February 14-15, 2009 pp. R6) has a terrific article by Kathleen A. Hughes – “The Person over the Mantle”. Hughes tells the experiences of families in preserving and displaying their old family portraits and her own change of heart in displaying the image of her 3rd Great Grandmother,... (Read More)
“I’ve been having a ball finding articles about my family. The biggest find for me … was discovering my gr-grandfather’s uncle in Congressional records as well as in newspapers. He had left home as a child and didn’t return home again until after his father died. It was reported in the newspapers that his... (Read More)
We wish all of you the very best! It has been a wonderful year for us here at GenealogyBank. Everyday we receive notes and cards from genealogists sharing their appreciation for what they’ve found in GenealogyBank – like this comment we received yesterday: Thanks also for the new additions to the... (Read More)
Genealogies often begin with the comprehensive statement that “the first (insert surname here) to come to America was…”. In our family that would be Captain James Garcelon born in 1739 on the Channel Island, Guernsey, England. However in searching old newspapers you can find the details that just might change family traditions... (Read More)
I paused this week to remember Carole Callard – she was a terrific genealogist, teacher, librarian and friend. Carole passed away 3 years ago this week. Her obituary appeared in several newspapers including the Lansing State Journal (MI) – December 12, 2005 Carole Crawford Callard Lansing, MI Age 64, died December 10, 2005; born... (Read More)