What Were Your Ancestor’s Last Words?
By Mary Harrell-Sesniak on February 3, 2015
In this article, Mary Harrell-Sesniak takes a fascinating look at some of the last words people said before they died – both famous and not-so-famous... (Read More)
In this article, Mary Harrell-Sesniak takes a fascinating look at some of the last words people said before they died – both famous and not-so-famous... (Read More)
Like detectives, we approach family history by gathering all of the clues and making a case for who our relatives were: their names, when and where they were born, pushing through all of the activities of their lives until their deaths. Pulling all of the facts and clues together helps us rediscover who each... (Read More)
Scott Phillips looks up news stories in old newspapers to learn more about these three famous entertainers who died this week in American history... (Read More)
No, I don’t mean Robin Hood’s love interest from the 16th century. I’m referring to my cousin Marion Morgan Kemp (1862-1963) who owned villas in France, New York and Rome. Years ago I contacted the authorities in Osmoy, France, where she died and received a copy of her death certificate. Since Marion lived most... (Read More)
During this September week in American history three famous octogenarians died who had a big impact on America: Daniel Boone, American explorer, died at 85 on 26 September 1820 Theodor Seuss Geisel (better known as “Dr. Seuss”), American children’s book author, died at 87 on 24 September 1991 Paul Newman, American actor, died at... (Read More)
Introduction: Gena Philibert-Ortega is a genealogist and author of the book “From the Family Kitchen.” In this guest blog post Gena provides some search tips, and shows some resources available on the GenealogyBank website, to help her readers better understand how to use GenealogyBank with their family history research. What are you doing this... (Read More)
A growing number of states in the U.S. are putting their vital records online, making it easier for genealogists to obtain these records. The West Virginia Division of Culture and History is a prime example of how these state projects are revolutionizing family history research in the 21st Century. West Virginia has put up... (Read More)
I recently wrote the article Top Genealogy Websites, Pt. 3: Burial & Cemetery Records, which included a discussion of BillionGraves.com. This handy website provides an app that can be used to find the burial site of a relative. Let’s look into this a little more. BillionGraves is a free Internet site that encourages genealogists,... (Read More)
New Mexico Governor Susan Martinez is pushing to increase the number of federal military cemeteries in her state from two to ten. New Mexico is the fifth largest U.S. state in land mass, with 122,000 square miles. Given the long distances most state residents must travel to visit the two existing federal military cemeteries,... (Read More)
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