Are you attending the upcoming RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, 3-6 February, 2016? If so, be sure to check out tomorrow’s genealogy presentation:
- Title: “Facts, Photos & Fugitives – Using Online Newspapers”
- Speaker: Scott M. Spencer, GenealogyBank VP, Customer Experience
- Time & Place: Wednesday, February 3, 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM, Room 155D

Objective: Newspapers are one of the most underutilized resources in family history research – and yet they can be one of the most valuable. Attendees will learn more about how newspapers can take them far beyond the names and dates of their ancestors by enriching their research with unique stories and details that can only be found in newspapers.
Whether the challenge is overcoming a brick wall or learning more about the life of an ancestor, this class will teach you practical tips on how to discover articles of all types including birth, marriage, death, military, passenger lists and more!
Participants will hear inspirational stories and learn about the more than 7,000 online newspaper titles, published from 1690-today, in GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives – while walking away with knowledge and resources that will allow them to immediately begin making discoveries of their own. Examples will be taken from
Uncover the facts…
Newspaper birth, marriage and death notices provide much more than just a name and date. They can often provide more information than a vital record itself. Learn tips and tricks on how to discover these on your own.
Discover the photos…
In addition to names, dates and other facts contained in articles, newspapers provide invaluable images of our ancestors, their homes, and the towns in which they lived. Come see examples of photos you can find in newspapers.
Find the family fugitive…
Newspapers contain a treasure trove of stories and details that helped shape the lives of our ancestors, some of which may have involved a run-in with the law. Learn how uncovering the past by using newspapers can help you understand the future.
Are you attending the RootsTech Genealogy Conference?
GenealogyBank is helping to sponsor the upcoming RootsTech conference in Salt Lake City, Utah, 3-6 February, 2016. If you’re attending, come visit us at booth #523 to discuss genealogy in general, or any specific questions you have about your own family history research.
For more information about RootsTech, visit the website at:
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