Groundbreaking Study Tracing Back DNA 210,000 Years!

The Scotsman newspaper recently reported that the company ScotlandsDNA “has completed the first stage of…research tracing the beginnings of a family tree for ‘all men on Earth.’”

masthead for the newspaper "The Scotsman"
Source: The Scotsman (Edinburgh, Scotland), 7 August 2015

This important new DNA study shows that the branching of the DNA tree evolved slowly over time – but then that evolution abruptly changed. According to the article:

About 4,500 years ago, many new branches suddenly appear over a very short period.

illustration of a section of DNA
Illustration: a section of DNA. Source: Wikipedia.

According to Alistair Moffat who ran this study:

DNA research showed this was highly likely to indicate an invasion by a warrior elite, small bands of highly aggressive and sexually predatory men sailing by small boats to Britain and Ireland over a short space of time around 2,500 BC from Spain, Portugal and southern France.

He went on to say:

This is noticeable across the whole Tree but particularly clear under the very British and European Y chromosome haplogroup, R1b S145, where a staggering 25 new branches are found.

map showing the spread of European Y chromosome haplogroup, R1b S145
Source: Wikipedia

According to Wikipedia the R1b line “is believed to have originated in Asia” and “had been in Europe before the end of the Ice Age.”

ScotlandsDNA’s study of the “Y” chromosome DNA concludes that all “men” descend from a common ancestor.

chart showing the evolutionary tree of human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroups
Source: Wikipedia

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