Why Are You Compiling Your Family History?
By Thomas Jay Kemp on January 18, 2017
An article about an elderly gentleman who gave a poignant answer when asked why he was compiling his family history... (Read More)
An article about an elderly gentleman who gave a poignant answer when asked why he was compiling his family history... (Read More)
An article about David Keith Batts, based on information in his obituary... (Read More)
An article about a genealogist finding the story of his 3rd Great-Grandfather, who ran away as a 10-year-old indentured farmworker in 1818... (Read More)
An article about descendants of the Mayflower Pilgrims celebrating their heritage... (Read More)
An article about an astonishing accident that happened with a scythe, as reported in an 1860 newspaper... (Read More)
In this article, Mary Harrell-Sesniak uses old newspaper articles to help tell the story of one of her treasured pieces of memorabilia... (Read More)
An article about the Cleveland family reunion in 1866, the first time the family was all together since 1835... (Read More)
An article about finding Merton Chesleigh Lane and other Mayflower descendants by searching old newspapers... (Read More)
An article featuring the obituary of Rebecca (Priest) Wadsworth (1838-1906), who was a descendant of Mayflower passenger Degory Priest... (Read More)
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