Introduction: In this article, Scott Phillips decides to add some of his family’s superstitions to his family tree to make it more complete—and searches old newspapers to find more information about those superstitions. Scott is a genealogical historian and owner of Onward To Our Past® genealogy services.
I would not be surprised if every family that ever lived had one superstition or another that was “believed in.” Maybe not 100%, but at least to the point that the superstition cropped up each time the subject was broached. For instance, when my wife was well overdue with our first child, she was told: “Eat Chinese takeout food and your labor will start.” I also well remember my grandmother’s constant admonition to “Find a pin and pick it up and all the day you’ll have good luck,” and her commandment “Sing at the dinner table and you’ll marry a drunkard.”
My family folklore included many superstitions and my wife’s family added a few more that I was not familiar with, so I thought to make my family tree even more interesting and complete, I’d look into a couple of the superstitions that were amongst the strongest in our families. So off I went to to see what I could discover and add to our family tree.
Fact or Myth? Snakes Don’t Die until Sundown
First up was a superstition that still haunts me to this day. It is that a snake does not die until sundown. Actually, the way it was related to me by my father was this: “The only way to kill a snake is to cut off its head and then leave it be, since it will not die until sundown.” Well, let me tell you, that was more than enough to instill a fear of snakes that exists in me to this very day, which you can see in this photo.

My father’s “wisdom” about snakes was imparted to me frequently back in the 1950s. Imagine my surprise when I found this 1906 Pennsylvania newspaper article that addressed my dad’s snake superstition.

In this old newspaper article a zoologist debunks many of the myths regarding snakes, and there in the list at #12 is this: “It isn’t true that when snakes are killed their tails do not die until the sun goes down or until it thunders.” Good grief! If I had ever heard that “thunder” part I might still be in my old backyard waiting!
Open the Doors & Windows before Midnight on New Year’s Eve
I then recalled the first New Year’s Eve I celebrated when I was dating my future wife. Just before the stroke of midnight she began going around my parents’ home opening the windows and doors—during a Minnesota winter! As we all stood there shivering, watching our breath indoors, she explained her superstition that in order to have a good New Year, you needed to let the old air, spirits, year, etc., out and the new year in.
I married her anyway and then, 38 years later, I found this 1954 Washington newspaper article that gives instructions for doing exactly this. It was interesting for me to learn that my Italian wife had evidently picked up a Danish superstition, which we still follow.

No Hats on the Bed or Chair!
Next up, I took on another one of my wife’s oft-cited superstitions from her Italian family. I can still hear my wife’s grandparents saying “Don’t ever put your hat on a bed or a chair!” While there were some strong rules in my home about never, ever wearing a hat in the house, I was not aware of anything like this Italian hat superstition that it is bad luck to lay your hat on a bed or chair. Then I found this 1938 Nebraska newspaper article, in which the columnist not only discusses this mysterious hat superstition—he also explains how he and his family still don’t abide seeing any hats on a bed.

Bury a Statue of Saint Joseph to Sell Your Home
Then I laughed out loud at myself as I came across an article in a 1991 Alabama newspaper. It verified that I am as “guilty” of following superstitions as anyone else!

You see, just as this newspaper article explains, my wife and I have always buried a statue of St. Joseph in our yard every time we were in the process of selling a home. I’ll just add here that with my wife being an architect/designer, this burial ritual happened fairly often! It did my heart good to see that this tradition started, according to this article, “hundreds of years ago in Europe.” I take issue with the company selling these St. Joseph statue kits, though! While they do get the part right about burying him on his head and facing the street, he must be buried in a piece of linen from your house!
After reading the “error” in this newspaper’s account of a superstition that I personally follow, I became all the more resolved to add our folklore and superstitions to my family tree. Someone has to be sure everyone gets it “right” in the future!
What kinds of superstitions have been handed down in your family? Post a comment and let me know about your traditions and rituals rooted in superstition. I’d love to learn more about your family’s folklore!
I found this interesting. My dad always had to eat black-eyed peas on New Year’s Day for good luck. If we were misbehaving, he always threatened to sell us to the gypsies. Around Christmas, this switched to getting “sticks and stones and crocodile bones” instead of presents. I’ve often tried to find out which ethnic group or region had such a tradition. I assume it was some area with swamps.
Those are some great ones! I love the black-eyed peas! We always have fish for good luck! Go figure!
I’m intrigued with the crocodile bones. I have never heard that one, so will have some fun looking into it! We were always promised a lump of coal rather than presents, which came from an old superstition in Bohemia (Czech Republic now).
No matter what, they sure are a fun part of family history!
Thanks for reading. Now I am off to look for those croc bones!
I was told never to put shoes on the table – even new shoes that were still in the box. Eat Lentil Soup on New Year’s Day for good luck. Put scissors under the bed to cut the pain during childbirth. Never make an enemy of a schoolmate or a neighbor, you’ll end up marrying them!
Barb, Those are great ones! I, too, recall now that you mention it, the shoe superstition! But the others are all new to me! More to investigate, but with a niece who is about to give birth this week, I better send her a pair or scissors ASAP!
Thanks for the great new ones to learn about!
Cheers to you!
My mother’s mother told her that if you dream about dead people and they try to hug you in the dream, don’t let them or they will take you with them.
Wow, Tara! That one could keep me up nights now! That is one I’d rather not find out if it is true or not! I’ll just hope not to have that kind of dream!
Thanks for the new one! I had not heard that one …. thank goodness!
My Norwegian grandmother told me to never ever put shoes on the table. My brother in law scoffed at this superstition and put his new shoes (still in the box) on the table. The first time he wore them, he stepped in doggie do-do. We all laughed at him – grandma was right!
She also told us that if a bird pecked on the window, someone close to you would die.
Crystal, My shoes are staying OFF the table! Too many dogs in our neighborhood to take a chance!
Plus …. I am moving our bird feeder this afternoon! It is right outside our kitchen window and a gold finch was flying right at our window yesterday! Good news … she didn’t peck at it! Whew!
Thanks for the great superstitions and as your brother proved…. Grandma knows best … and superstitions CAN be true!
My mother and grand mother always said dont put your purse on the floor because it would bring you bad luck with money