Introduction: In this article, to celebrate today being National Arbor Day, Mary Harrell-Sesniak explores the family tree—and some of the stories—of the legendary Johnny Appleseed. Mary is a genealogist, author and editor with a strong technology background.
In honor of today being National Arbor Day, let’s explore the life, legacy and ancestry of John Chapman, who is more widely known by his nickname “Johnny Appleseed” (26 September 1774 – 18 March 1845). Although the famous American arborist never had children of his own, his New England ancestry has several items of interest.
Johnny Appleseed’s Family
Born as John Chapman in Leominster, Massachusetts, Johnny was the son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Simonds) Chapman, who married on 8 February 1770. (See
He had one older sister, Elizabeth, and a younger brother named Nathaniel (or Nathanael), both named after their parents. Johnny shares a name with his grandfather John Chapman (1714 – 1761), who passed away about 13 years prior to his birth.
Johnny’s life with his mother was short-lived. She died in 1776 shortly after giving birth to his brother Nathaniel. has several references to Johnny Appleseed’s family tree in their databases:
- His mother Elizabeth Simonds was born on 2 February 1748/49, the daughter of James and Anna Lawrance (or Lawrence). James and Anna’s marriage occurred in Woburn, Massachusetts, on 12 May 1740. (See and
- Johnny’s father Nathaniel Chapman was born on 13 September 1746 in Tewksbury, Massachusetts, the son of John and Martha Chapman. From other research, we learn that Martha’s maiden name was Perley. (See
- Johnny’s sister Elizabeth was born in Leominster, Massachusetts, on 18 November 1770. Johnny was born there on 26 September 1774. The birth of his brother Nathanael on 26 June 1776 was also in Leominster. (See and
Within the context of history, several events framed the circumstances in the family’s life—most notably the American Revolution and the settling of Ohio.
Johnny’s father Nathaniel was a Minuteman who fought at the Battle of Concord on 19 April 1775, and later served in a more official capacity.
Four years after his mother died, Johnny’s father remarried. On 24 July 1780 Nathaniel Chapman married his second wife: Lucy Cooley, daughter of George and Martha (Hancock) Cooley. Lucy became the maternal figure in Johnny’s life, but since she bore an additional 10 children, her focus may not have been on Johnny. (See
Johnny’s Younger Life & First Plantings
No documents chronicle the facts of Johnny’s younger life, despite much having been written speculating about his passion for apple trees. Some theories are that his father, a farmer, instilled a love of trees in his son—resulting in Johnny becoming the nation’s premier nurseryman/arborist on the frontier.
Johnny lived a life of devout faith and considered himself a missionary of Swedish native Emanuel Swedenborg (1688 – 1772). (See
Some accounts report that Johnny used apple seeds from Potomac cider mills for his first plantings, located in the Wilkes-Barre area of Pennsylvania. He may have lived in Pittsburgh around 1794 during the time of the Whiskey Rebellion—a farmers’ uprising against paying taxes on the whiskey they made from grain and corn.
As land opened up the family ventured west to the frontier of Ohio, settling in Monroe Township. Johnny is thought to have joined them by 1805, although he may have gone there earlier, planting apple trees. Some trees he gave away, or bartered to pioneer settlers for useful implements. When he sold trees, it was reportedly for the sum of a “fippenny” or “fip-penny-bit,” the equivalent of about six cents a tree—as explained in this newspaper article.
Fact or Fiction: Was Johnny Appleseed Truly an Eccentric?
After his death, newspapers described Johnny as an eccentric with shabby dress. Some accounts report that he used a tin pot as a hat, and these descriptions are colorful, if somewhat exaggerated. For example, this 1891 newspaper article states:
One of the quaintest, queerest and most original characters that ever trod the trackless wastes of the western wilderness was Jonathan Chapman, known as old Johnny Appleseed…His pinched and grizzled features were covered by a growth of very shaggy beard. His hair was quite long and very much faded by constant exposure to wind and weather…But old Johnny’s crowning glory was an old tin mush pot that had a long handle. This battered old culinary utensil he wore for a hat.
This 1857 newspaper article describes how Johnny purchased his seeds in large quantities from nurseries near the Ohio River.
Johnny’s Death
Johnny Appleseed died on 18 March 1845, at the age of 70. A transcription of his obituary from the Fort Wayne Sentinel of 22 March 1845 was located at the Obit of the day website. It seems to confirm that the old adage from Benjamin Franklin was really true: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”
Appleseed’s obituary states:
In the most inclement weather he might be seen barefooted and almost naked except when he chanced to pick up articles of old clothing. Notwithstanding the privations and exposure he endured, he lived to an extreme old age, not less than 80 [70] years at the time of his death—though no person would have judged from his appearance that he was 60.
Are You Related to Johnny Appleseed?
If you’re a plant lover or self-described arborist, I’d like to plant some seeds about kinship to Johnny Appleseed. He has ancestral connections to many early American settlers of the Northeast. According to numerous online family trees, the surnames in Johnny’s extended family include:
- Barker
- Blodgett
- Carter
- Chandler
- Chapman
- Davis
- Dresser
- Eggleton
- Fowle
- Green
- Jasper
- King
- Lawrence
- Morse
- Perley
- Phippen or Phipping
- Richardson
- Simonds or Symonds
- Smith
- Stearns
- Stone
- Tarbell
- Thorley
- Trumbull
- Walter
And if you explore reports of his famous cousins, Johnny Appleseed is connected to many former residents of our nation’s White House, including: First Lady Abigail (Smith) Adams, John Quincy Adams, Barbara (Pierce) Bush, George H. W. Bush, George Bush, Calvin Coolidge, Lucretia (Randolph) Garfield, Richard Nixon and William Howard Taft.
In addition, reports a kinship relationship with suffragette Susan B. Anthony, nurse Clara Barton, Wild Bill Hickok, actress Raquel Welch, and Walt Disney, among others.
For more information on John Chapman’s life, see:
- The Johnny Appleseed Education Center & Museum
- Findagrave memorial for Johnny Appleseed
Johnny Appleseed’s Last Surviving Tree
Since Johnny had no progeny of his own, it seems appropriate to commemorate his last surviving tree. This 1961 newspaper article has a long feature on Johnny which I recommend reading, including a picture of “the last surviving apple tree planted by Johnny Appleseed.”
I hope you’ll celebrate National Arbor Day by eating an apple or drinking cider. Who knows—the fruit may be a descendant from one of Johnny Appleseed’s famous trees!
If you’re related to John Chapman, please tell us how your family is connected in the comments section.
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I am a 6th cousin 4x removed to Johnny Appleseed. My 8th great grandfather Thomas Richardson was a brother to John Chapman’s ancestor, Samuel Richardson.
Thank you for sharing your connection to John Chapman.
Johnny Appleseed is my great 5x uncle.
What an exciting connection. Thank you for sharing this.
Actuly great x5 to
Me too!
I’m… related to you? Your my cousin. He was my 5x great grandpa
He is my great great great uncle
Johnny Appleseed is listed in a sketch of his father’s family in WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS FAMILIES OF 1790 (Boston: New England Historic Genealogical Society, 2012), pp. 74-80.
Thank you very much for this reference from NEGHS.
My family descends from his sister Elizabeth Chapman Rudd.
Elizabeth Chapman is my great great grandmother on my fathers side. Charles Fleming, mother was Audrey Dovenberger, her mother was Eva Davis, her father was Jacob Miles Dovenberger, son of Elizabeth Chapman and Jacob Dovenberger.
so we are related. have you done 23 and me yet? I’m on there and finding lots of relatives.
Virginia S. Fleming
My grandmother was a Chapman, and the family alway claimed some relation to Johnny. There are many John and Nathaniel Chapmans in the family tree, going all the way back to Sir Robert Chapman b 1615. Still trying to make the connection! ha ha
Very interesting and thank you for sharing. Sounds like a lot of research has been done on your family tree. Hope you establish your connection to Johnny Appleseed.
I am a direct descendant of Robert Chapman of Saybrook, CT. There are thousands of Chapmans living throughout the world today and the Chapman Family Assn. has a wealth of material of many. If you look carefully at the other family intermarriages you should be able to find a number of interconnections as there just were not that many people around then. Good Luck,
Do you know if Johnny Appleseed was related to Dr. Alvan Wentworth Chapman, the famous botanist? He was born in Southampton, MA in 1809 and died in Apalachicola, FL in 1899. He was a friend of Asa Gray and wrote one of the first books on plants in the southern part of the United States:
I can help you, email me
Johnny Appleseed is my great great great great cousin my grandma was Phyllis smith who married Floyd Chapman my dad is Robert Chapman.
It’s says that John did not have any kids? My genealogy says He had a son name Benjamin. Please could you confirm it. Thank You.
Hi Maeva,
Thank you for writing. I don’t have information on Benjamin Chapman, but if you have documentation supporting his birth, I would love to read it.
Mine as well. my grandmother is actually directly related to his son Benjamin and has “pictures” of family all the way up to Johns parents
I was born in Fort Wayne, IN, in 1953. My maternal grandmother’s maiden name was Ella Chapman. She always told us that we were related to Johnny Appleseed. My Great Aunt Virginia, who had been married to my Great Uncle Clyde, told us the same. She found a large cache of a small book called “Genealogy of the Chapman Family, Relatives of John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed)” in her attic after Uncle Clyde’s death, and my brothers and sisters and I all received a copy. This book was compiled by Lizzie Roebuck (Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Roebuck) and published in 1947. The cabin that Johnny Appleseed was living in when he died, as well as his grave, were, apparently on the property which later became the Roebuck farm of Lizzie Roebuck’s husband’s family. My grandmother’s name, along with the names of her siblings are listed in this book. However, some of the information contained therein is at odds with what I am finding on the internet. I do remember that my Aunt Virginia had a long-standing disagreement with the Fort Wayne Historical Society over the location of Johnny Appleseed’s grave. It is purported to be in Archer Park, near the Coliseum, but she insisted that it was on the grounds of what is now the Canterbury Green apartment complex. She tried to prevent the developers from building the apartment complex on that site. They resolved the matter back then by placing a marker in the apartment complex and putting quotation marks around the word gravesite on the headstone in Archer Park. However, the quotation marks are not there anymore. Perhaps they removed them after my Aunt Virginia passed away. I am interested in learning more. Anything I can learn from you would be much appreciated.
I.m curious. I’m from Ft, Wayne, IN. I was always told that we were related to Johnny Appleseed thru the Chapman’s I wondered if you would share any of your information.
Hi Laura,
Thank you for commenting about your possible connection to Johnny Appleseed.
I can’t tell whether or not you are related, as the GenealogyBank bloggers aren’t equipped to work on personal lineages. However, there is a network of family history consultants which can be reached at 1-866-641-3297, Mon–Fri 10am–7pm ET. Try working with them or visiting the wonderful genealogy library for assistance.
Good luck with your research and please let me know if you make the connection.
Mary Harrell-Sesniak
I’m related directly under Chapman. The name John Paul Chapman is still used today in my family. My uncle’s name is John Paul Chapman and his grandson is named Xander John Chapman. My grandfather was Richard Dean Chapman.
Cool! My paternal grandmother Jesse Chapman is from the Huntington, WV area. Her brother Don has two sons, Paul and John Chapman.
I was born in Hammond.
I was told growing up that Johnny was in our family tree, a great, great, great, great uncle. But I’m not sure if it’s true.
Hi Michael,
Thank you for writing.
Your aunt apparently believed that a ‘grave mistake’ had been made in regards to Johnny Appleseed /John Chapman’s burial site. I searched for clues, but didn’t find anything concrete.
To resolve this controvery, try researching her efforts. Did she file court documents? Are there minutes from the Historical Society or family correspondence? Were there any local articles published?
If you find clues, please share them. They would make for interesting reading, no matter what conclusions our readers make!
Mary Harrell-Sesniak
My father is in the Roebuck book. He was 3rd out of 5 siblings, born in 1944.
He is John Richard Chapman, son of Charles Richard Chapman & Mary Madelyn VanZile.
I was also born in 1953 in Omaha. My grandmother always said we were related to Jonny Appleseed. How can I get a copy of your book?
Hello. I’ve always been told I’m related to Johnny Appleseed. My great grandmother was a Chapmsn. I went looking online on the book you mentioned. Any idea of anywhere I can find a copy of it? I’ve been trying to work on my family tree and I’m curious to see it. Thanks.
Has your book been digitized?
I am a Chapman family descendent. Henry Charles Chapman born January 11, 1825 in Upham, Cambridgeshire, England. Died in North English, Iowa, May 29th, 1894.
Thank you for your comment. You come from exciting lineage.
he was my 5th great uncle. one of his sisters was my great grandmas grandma
What an exciting relative. Thanks for letting me know.
Hello. Yes. I am also a blood relative of John Chapman, Johnny Appleseed. It is interesting to trace this family branch to the family of T. E. Lawrence (Lawrence of Arabia), and through that, to the family tree of Diana Spencer (Princess Diana), and through that, to the modern and ancient kings and queens of Europe, and through that, all the way back to King David of Israel, and then of course it is easy to trace that in the Bible back to Adam and Eve. I suppose our family tree goes back to as far as it is possible to go. We still love to go for a hike. We still do well with animals. We still have gardens. One would be hard pressed to find one of us that is not intelligent. We still love Jesus our maker and stake our lives on Him. He has blessed us and are nurtured by His love.
We are nurtured by His love.
Thank you for your comments. It is always exciting to make connections to interesting people.
I am related to John Chapman through his father’s second marriage. My 4x’s great grandfather, Perley Chapman, was John Chapman’s half brother, so John Chapman is my 5x’s great uncle.
Thank you for sharing this exciting connection.
Can you clarify if Jonathan Cooley Chapman, half brother of Johnny Appleseed died in 1799, a year after his birth in 1798? I need clarification on this part since some sources said he died in Ohio. I find it odd so I need some clarifications. Thanks!
Historical Researcher
I married a Chapman whose family resided, and perhaps established, Chapmanville, West Virginia. Do you have any information as to wether or not any Chapmans kin to Johnny Appleseed settled there? Interesting reading to be sure!
Hi Stephanie,
I haven’t followed these Chapmans, but what an interesting challenge.
Sounds like your spouse might be related to Ned Chapman who founded the town around 1800. Reconfirm the link generation by generation, starting with the current generation and working backwards. You might contact various historical societies and genealogy libraries to see what research has already been done and if they have connected him to Johnny Appleseed.
Good luck with your research.
Nathaniel Chapman is buried in Mound Cemetery in Marietta , Ohio. The extended family lived near Duck Creek in Washington County Ohio. A good source for tracing relationships to John Chapman are is
Thanks Donna!
I am looking for the Chapman family in Michigan. I have a very old photo collection in a leather bound book that I got at a photography store in the 1970’s. It has tin types and other very old photos going back to the 1800’s. Some of the Photo’s have the names of Chapman hand written on the back. The photo’s were taken by professional photographers in several cities in Michigan. Kalamazoo, Detroit, Romeo, Three Rivers, Ypsilanti, Pontiac, Flint. There is a Memoriam paper for William Chapman. Born October 1, 1848 – Died June 1, 1926. A couple photo’s with handwritten notes on the back from 1906. There are photo’s of Mrs. Lincoln, General George Custer, Major General Kilpatrick (sp) Hard to read the writing on that one. A bunch of very old tintypes are in this collection. Please contact me if this may be of interest to you.
HI, I believe this also! My grandmother is from the Hastings are and we were always told we were related to him.
Sally Scott
iloveyousallycat@gmail Michigan Chapman here with a gold mine of information. Ionia, Descended from John Enoch Chapman bor in Cambridgeshire England, circa 1841 to Enoch. Haplogroup R m512., Ashkenazi Levites. Crypto-Jews. see for yourself!
Greetings to you Doug Hoffman,
I am interested in the Chapman families from Oakland Mich. My Ancestor is Sylvester Chapman, born. In PA. April 1818-and died in Sandusky , Ohio in 1899. His parents it was said, were born in MA. He lived in the Troy Two, Oakland Co. Mich area in the 1830’s. He married his first wife, Matilda Haight in 1840 in Oakland, Mich. before moving to Sandusky Ohio.
Trying to find the connection to who his parents were, and his other siblings.
Alysia Tromblay
I am a Chapman, related to many Chapman’s in Michigan and all over the east coast.
My grandmother was a Lewis. There is a family book that was published showing the connection between the Lewis family (in Vandalia, MI) and the Chapman family. My grandmother always said that we were related. I am going to try and get my hands on the book and then I can update where the connection is.
I am married to a Chapman and he was always told he was related to Johnny Appleseed. The Chapman names from his father’s genealogy are;
Nathaniel, John, Thomas, Benjamin, Welcome and Samuel Welcome.
Do any of these names ring a bell with realatives of Johnny Appleseed?
Some lived and died in Vermont, but Welcome Chapman follow and joined the Mormon church to Utah.
I forgot one, Throop Chapman (father of Benjamin )
My grandfather, Percy Chapman, wrote my son a letter in 1980, stating that yes we are related to Johnny Appleseed. As it happens, my brother’s named John Chapman Dixon. We’re all gardeners. I grow apple trees from seeds.
Shirley, Percy is my great grandfather, Ralph is my grandfather
Thanks for letting me bend your ear
What a great story and family treasure. Thanks for carrying on the seed planting tradition!
I was always told my family was related to Johnny Appleseed Chapman. My paternal grandmother was Dorothy Chapman and her father was Henry Shuler Chapman. I can’t find a connection anywhere that proves I am related. Can you help?
There are several different clans of unrelated (DNA ) Chapman’s
That’s correct. Thanks for your input.
Hi Jane,
Thank you for writing.
GenealogyBank blog articles are designed to help researchers learn how to improve research skills, so I am not able to assist directly unless you wish professional services. However, I do have some suggestions. Try connecting with other interested Chapman researchers and also consider participating in a DNA study.
Jane, perhaps we are related. I have the same story and can not find the connection. My maternal grandmothers parents were Chapman-morey.
If these are your relatives, I would love to exchange information.
Jonny Appleseed was my great uncle.
Thank you for sharing your exciting connection to John Chapman.
My uncle Martin Frederick Chapman told me time and again that I was related to “Johnny Appleseed” and I have tried, so far unsuccessfully, to confirm a blood line, but will continue trying to unravel the family fable. I am a Son of the American Revolution (SAR) by way of my direct blood relationship with Uriah Chapman, Sr. of New London, Connecticut (born 01 June 1731 and died 22 April 1816). Those who came before Uriah Sr., arrived on the shore of the “New World” with the early Puritans (not the Mayflower Pilgrims). In the years after arriving, the Chapman family migrated from Connecticut to Ohio, to Illinois to Kansas. The mystery as yet remains unsolved.
Although you haven’t been able to connect to Johnny Appleseed, it sounds like you have an exciting lineage.
My father has an extensive family tree including John Chapman, Charles Lucius Chapman and a lot of the other extended families mention here. He’s worked on it for 20 years
That’s exciting. Thank you for letting me know.
My grandmother Edna Chapman would tell us stories how Johnny Appleseed was my cousin. She married Roy Davis and both passed in the 80s; I would love to see if this is true. Help point me in the right direction, thanks.
Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman) is my Great Great Grandfather.
Interesting to say the least.
That is an interesting ancestor. Thank you for letting me know.
Not sure if all of this is accurate, but according to my elder family, I am John Chapman’s 13x great-granddaughter. And other ties to John Chapman are the Schwitzer, Brown, Roediger, Havner, Luthi, and many others.
According to my grandmother, John Chapman (Johnny Appleseed) married an American Indian and his family shunned him in some way for it because it was considered shameful, which is why history states that he was not married. According to my grandmother, he did have children – I do not know how many – and I believe I would be his 7th great grandchild. But I do not know how to go about proving that. If you go back in some of the documents, there seems to be a point where one James T. Chapman does not seem to have any documentation regarding his parents. I would like to find out who his parents are! He was born in 1834 in Kentucky.
Rebekah, go to 23andMe and give DNA. There are many of us on there who are related by blood to Johnny Appleseed.
I’m also related to John Chapman and I’m the sixth great-granddaughter of John Adams.
I am trying to figure out more on it, but my great grandfather was Charlie Chapman! My aunt just told me tonight that he’s on the family tree another aunt made before she passed! I’m waiting for her to send it to me! How exciting! My great grandma was a Chapman: Eleanora Chapman.
My grandmother told me 63 years ago that we are related to Johnny Appleseed (John Chapman) and I think she said that we’re first cousins five times removed. I have letters that I have kept all these years and they’re all addressed to Precinda Chapman. (I just re-read one of the letters to Pricinda Chapman. This letter Is from her brother, Dr. Byron Chapman, from the Cleveland Medical School.) I’m not sure how she’s related to John Chapman. I know I love nature and spend as much time outdoors as possible. I also never killed anything not even an insect. I would appreciate knowing for sure how my sister and I are related to this wonderful man who was such a blessing to so many people during the years he was alive, as well as his legacy of values and apple orchards. My grandmother’s maiden name I’m pretty sure is Mary Mitchel, and I believe she was from Mansfield. She ended up in Akron until she died about 1959. If anyone could shed some light on this quest to know, I truly would appreciate it. My email address is
Thank you so much for all your work and effort to connect us all!
Hi Patricia,
Thank you for contacting me in regards to your Chapman connections.
How wonderful for you to have family letters. Unfortunately, I am not equipped to address individual questions on this forum, but can provide some direction. A brief search of GenealogyBank uncovered some references to a Dr. Byron Chapman from Akron including an obituary from 1902. It unfortunately doesn’t name his parents but there are references to children.
After Genealogybank, I would also consult, (WorldConnect trees), and The first three are free and you can usually go to a library to access Ancestry. If these do not help, please write back and we can discuss details of doing a professional search.
Please vary the spelling of Pricinda in your queries. There is a Precinda Chapman born in Mansfield around 1802.
Good luck with your search.
I am related to Johnathan Chapman by this line: Ronald Alan Chapman (Me), Ronald Arlen Chapman, (My Father), Richard Ambrose Chapman (GF), Andrew Jackson Chapman (GGF), Timothy Chapman (GGGF), Daniel Abner Chapman (GGGGF), Nathaniel Chapman (GGGGGF), whose wife was Lucy Cooley. So I am a direct descendant of his father’s son Daniel, his half brother.
Thank you for sharing your connection to John Chapman.
I am related to Johnny through the Jasper line. I also have many of his famous relatives on my tree too.
My eighth great grandparents were Edward Chapman and Mary Symonds.
I’m in John’s family.
We are cousins couple times removed. Through my great grandmothers sister. Love it
I am connected with John Chapman because my grandma’s last name is Chapman. Also I have a connection with Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson.
Thank you for sharing this information. You are related to some interesting people.
I am curious to know about any particular orchards that may actually have been planted by John Chapman. I am from Van Wert, Ohio. I was told when I was younger that a small apple orchard on Jennings Road was part of his plantings. It was on the property of the nun’s convent for St. Mary’s Catholic Church. They had the BEST apples! So sweet! My sister used to live in the convent when it was sold as a house. Other builders built houses on that property, so no more apples.
Hi Kathy,
What a nice memory. Thank you for sharing. To locate orchards, I would contact a local historian either through the library or a historical society.
I have a paperbound book titled “Genealogy of the Chapman Family/Relatives of John Chapman (Jonny Appleseed” compiled by Lizzie Roebuck (Mrs Mary Elizabeth Roebuck). In the back of the book it shows a family tree. My brothers and I are listed, but I can’t figure out the relationships. Have you heard of this book? My name is Sally Ann Chapman Shriner Rhodes. My brothers are William and Ronald.
I am related to John Chapman through the Lawrence line. My gr grandmother was Margaret Lawrence born in Paulding OH and died in Perrysburg OH.
Kathy Wenzlick
Hello! My great grandmother, Dora Chapman [husband Samual Franklin Chapman (2/19/84-2/15/43)] told stories of being related to Johnny Appleseed and has Johnny listed in our family tree. I’m not sure if this is the famous John Chapman or another. Is there any way to confirm a relation with the information provided above? Thank you!
Kevin, the best way to verify your information is to start with what you know, and go backward. Start by confirming your parents’ information, grand parents, etc. Look at the birth records, marriage records, census records. Anything that can verify the correct information and if it makes sense. Does the date match with the age range? Are the names matching? Don’t jump to conclusions just because someone has put the family tree together; look at the sources they site. Verify that the links are the same person. If it doesn’t have a source (document), it’s only an opinion, or family lore.
My great – grandfather was Caleb Whims Chapman. I understand his family was told that Johnny Appleseed was an uncle to them. We have shared that information with our children but are unable to confirm it. I have seen some places that Caleb’s father, Samuel Chapman, was a brother to Johnny, but I see nothing to indicate. I wish we could verify any relationship to our current children. If anyone can shed light on this, I’d love to hear from you
My Grampa always told us we were related to Johnny Appleseed. We’re from MA (Boston area) so it’s definitely possible. I’m interested in connecting more with some of you if you’re interested. I’d love to hear more about your connections!
My wife is a Chapman and her father did extensive research on his ancestry. The paternal ancestry for her family is as follows:
George Washington Chapman unknown (spouse Prince)
John James Chapman (S. Carolina) b.1800 – d.1866 (spouse Bennett)
Thomas Cooper Bennett “C.B” Chapman (Alabama) b. 1847 – d.1920 (spouse Tyson)
John JT Chapman (Oklahoma) b. 1878 – d.1956 (spouse Stubblefield)
Thomas Robert Chapman (Oklahoma) b.1907 – d. unknown
We would love to make a connection back to Johnny Appleseed Chapman or others in this lineage.
John’s brother Simon is my eighth great–grandfather. Johnny Appleseed is my first cousin 9x removed.
Hello…I was told too, like many others on this site, that I was related to Johnny Appleseed, but through my mom’s line…My great grandmother was Elizabeth Chapman married to Jacob Snyder in Dark County Ohio…Lived from (1830-1870) and her parents; Ephriam Chapman; born (1805) in Washington Twp, Orange, Vermont and died (1871) in Mercer,Ohio married Mary Hardin (1808-1877)…My Chapman line covers the borders of Ohio/Indiana state lines…Any information is much appreciated!!…Thanks!!
My Great Great Great Aunt was married to John Chapmans brother. So hes my Great Great Great Uncle.
According to my mom. He was my great x5 uncle.
I’m Joan Chapman Greene of Columbia, SC. My father was John Dewitt Chapman, born in Chreraw, SC, in 1917. Member of DAR in the Chapman line. Also could have been in DAR from the Huntleys. Jane Custis married a Huntley and Elizabeth Huntley married Ebenezer Chapman. I have always had a garden and still have one. Winter crops planted turnips, mustard greens, collards, cabbage, lettuce and Brussel sprouts. I didn’t know where I got the urge to always have a garden, now I know. My great grandfather was Duncan McNair Chapman of Cheraw, SC, and grandfather was Allen Dewitt Chapman of Cheraw. They are all buried at the Old David’s Church in Cheraw, as are my parents. Are you related to me?
Is my family: 4× uncle. My mom is Grace Chapman from Massachusetts.
I am a Chapman and was told by my Grandmother, that we are related to Johnny Appleseed. My Grandfather was born in W. Virginia and raised across the river in Ohio.
My Grandfather was Charles Chapman and Dad Charles T. Chapman Jr. My Grandfather was in the gold rush and went as far as Nome Alaska. He settled in Canon City, Colorado, and became a market gardener. Coincidentally, Canon City was an apple tree center years ago. Grandpa married Jessie Aleshire from Illinois. His Father’s name was George Chapman. I wish II knew if we are truly connected to Johnny Chapman
I am a Descendant of Johnny’s half Brother Perley Chapman > Sally Chapman Rowlands > Permelia Rowlands Murray-Gay > William H. Murray > Bertha Grace Murray Jones, my Great Grandmother. Johnny is my 6th great Uncle and His father Nathaniel is my 6th Great Grandfather.
My uncle’s mother was Elizabeth Chapman, born in the 1890’s. They were told that they were related to Johnny Appleseed. Any suggestions to research?
According to the genealogy research my granny did, Johnny was my 7*great uncle. She was Muriel Chapman.
I was always told I was related to Johnny Appleseed. My grandmother was a Chapman. She married Fres Eugene Morey. Her father was Henry Shuler Chapman. I can’t find any relation to John Chapman on so not sure I really am related to him. How can I find this out?
I think I’m related to him, I’ve been told he’s an uncle. All the first sons in my family, until my little brother, have had the first name John. Our last name is Chapman.
Johnny Appleseed is my great great great great great great uncle
Does anyone know if the name Tronolone is related? We were told we were relatives of Johnny Appleseed.
I am also related to Johnny Appleseed…. My grandfather is a Chapman and his favorite story to tell me would be how we are related to Johnny Appleseed that’s all he would talk about
I was born in Ft. Wayne, IN in 1957. My paternal grandmother (Olive Blanch (Nequette) Senseny)) always said we were related to Johnny as well. Never quite believed it, since almost everyone seems to have that claim. However, since I have started to do some genealogical research on my family, I have found that my paternal great-grandmother’s name was Mary Jane (Jennie) Chapman. She was born in Ft. Wayne 12-20-1863, married Martin O. Senseny in 1883?, and died on 2-13-1907. Both great-grandparents are buried in Lindenwood cemetery in Ft. Wayne. Jennie Chapman’s father was Solomon Chapman (born in Ohio 5-18-1838, died in Ft. Wayne 11-29-1919). Solomon married Hannah H. Horn on 12-10-1861 (Allen Co.). Thats as far as I have gotten with my feeble attempt at genealogical research.
Curious as to wether anyone reading this may be able to help me connect the dots. Feel free to contact me at: Any help is appreciated!
BTW, is there a way to attach photos on this forum?
Hi, I am related to John Chapman because on my mom’s side of the family, her last name was Chapman. I do not know how to make a family tree.