Hat’s off to the: East Central Georgia Regional Library. They have put their African American Funeral Program Collection online. This impressive collection has more than 1,000 funeral programs from the greater Augusta, Georgia area. They date from 1933 to 2008, with the bulk of the collection starting from 1960 to 2008. According to the... (Read More)
Get the most out of GenealogyBank! (Illustration – US Soldiers’ Home – Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division – Digital ID: npcc 18971) GenealogyBank has more than 250,000 historical documents and reports – like the Annual Reports of the War Department. The War Department, like all US Government Agencies issues an annual... (Read More)
“What have I done I asked myself, to deserve to be remembered by strangers in a town in which I had never been…” You can almost hear him ask that now, over 100 years later as we remember him. Corporal Wilson Mcpherson Osbon (1877-1899) wrote the letter on 28 Dec 1898, in... (Read More)