Genealogists who made a difference William Montgomery Clemens (1860-1931) was a prolific genealogist and writer. Nephew to the more famous Samuel Clemens (1835-1910) – he was also a newspaper man and author. William M. Clemens started writing for the Pittsburgh Leader in 1879 and continued his research & writing for more than five... (Read More)
The London Daily Telegraph (9 June 2009) is reporting that it was John Moffat, an RAF pilot, who dropped the torpedo that led to the sinking of the Bismarck on May 28, 1941. (Click here to read the entire article Dallas Morning News 31 May 1941). The sinking of the Bismarck is a powerful... (Read More)
This month a Canadian dive team is expected to search the water near Kingston, Ontario for the wreck of the HMS Wolfe, later renamed the HMS Montreal. Battle of the USS General Pike & HMS Wolfe Archives of Ontario, Image S 1431. Launched 5 May 1813 the HMS Wolfe was the flagship of... (Read More)
Tip: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” – but newspapers very often have the same or similar names. Be sure to carefully document your sources so that your descendants and other genealogists will know which “Daily Globe” newspaper that article came from. There were two “Daily Globe” newspapers published in... (Read More)
The popular British TV series – Who Do You Think You Are? is now in it’s seventh season. It has focused on tracing the family history of UK movie stars and celebrities. In sifting through the old newspapers I found this regular column – Whom Did He Marry? by Mary Adrian. Was it... (Read More)
The Episcopal Church (ECUSA) has purchased site for their national historical archives in downtown Austin, Texas. The Episcopal Church has bought a block in downtown Austin where it plans to build a facility to house its national archives and provide space for meetings, exhibits, research and other purposes. The church purchased the block,... (Read More)
Elizabeth Gladys Dean was born on 12 Feb 1912. Her parents sold their family business in England and planned to emigrate to America like so many others from the UK before them. Along with her mother Georgette Eva Dean, father Bertram Frank Dean and brother Bertram Dean they boarded the Titanic just a few... (Read More)
Yesterday the GenealogyBank Blog wrote about using the old documents in the “Serial Set” that are in It has been very popular. Today I received this note from a genealogist about what she found on her Revolutionary War ancestor – Captain William York. Tom – We used this set (Serial Set) to prove... (Read More)
Newspapers routinely published the list of passengers on board ships bound to and from America. Here are just a few examples of the thousands of passenger lists published in newspapers that can be found in GenealogyBank. Newspapers published not just lists of immigrants coming to America but also regularly published passenger lists of American’s... (Read More)