You can find references to genealogy everywhere in America these days. In a current Capital One TV commercial, Alec Baldwin and “the boys” use their double miles to fly home for their family reunion. Family Reunion Capital One Venture Card Commercial So opens the familiar Capital One ad—this works because of the underpinning of... (Read More)
Alex Haley (1921-1992) was a famous African American author who had more impact on genealogy than any other person in the past 50 years. He was born 11 August 1921. Haley would be almost 92 years old if he were alive today. After the release of his book Roots: The Saga of an American... (Read More)
Genealogists are relying on newspaper archives more and more to document the stories of their ancestors and trace their family trees. In last night’s episode of Who Do You Think You Are? American actress Christina Applegate used an old article found in GenealogyBank’s Trenton Sunday Times Advertiser (Trenton, New Jersey), 26 August 1934, to... (Read More)
Hat’s off to Mary Belcher. A group she organized has been diligently restoring and documenting upwards of 10,000 persons who were buried in the Adams Morgan section of Walter Pierce Park in the District of Columbia. Over time the old grave markers have deteriorated and been lost. Mary’s group is using the older records... (Read More)
The “Old Man of the Mountain” was a granite rock formation in the White Mountains of New Hampshire that looked like the rugged profile of a man’s face. First discovered in 1805, the 40-foot-high face had been N.H.’s state emblem since 1945. But centuries of freezing and thawing eventually did the Old Man in.... (Read More)
When I was a kid my grandfather would drive us over to see the old family sites in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. I remember grandpa was quite the storyteller. Every corner had a story attached to it, including the story of Joseph Plummer (1774-1862) of Meredith. Why was that story memorable? Because... (Read More)
Gather round the telly, grab some popcorn and let the kids stay up! Special alert to our GenealogyBank members in the United Kingdom and beyond: please pay careful attention to the next television episode featuring Samantha Womack on Who Do You Think You Are? being broadcast on BBC-TV in the UK. We received word... (Read More)
Maybe it was because of Father’s Day, but there were a lot of old western movies on TV this past weekend. Good ones, too, starring Gregory Peck, John Wayne, and more. So, it was no surprise when I was combing through GenealogyBank today that I found this great newspaper article about an old western... (Read More)