Happy Father’s Day …..You can read about how Father’s Day came to be in this clipping from the Dallas Morning News – 13 Jun 1963.Whether you are searching for your ancestor’s in today’s newspaper or the last century you will depend on GenealogyBank to get the job done. Over 3,800 newspapers, all 50 States,... (Read More)
Tip: “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” – but newspapers very often have the same or similar names. Be sure to carefully document your sources so that your descendants and other genealogists will know which “Daily Globe” newspaper that article came from. There were two “Daily Globe” newspapers published in... (Read More)
Ever wonder who the streets in your town were named for? The Oregonian (Portland, OR) newspaper ran a regular series giving the history of the names of the streets in Portland, Oregon. Read these street histories in GenealogyBank.com Tip: Find these articles quickly by going to the special site we’ve created for searching just... (Read More)
GenealogyBank.com has over 7,000 funeral sermons – full text digital copies and excerpts. These are a core source for genealogists searching for the details of their ancestor’s lives in Colonial America and the early Federalist period. (Photo, Ian Britton. FreeFoto.com). It was common in Colonial America to have a funeral sermon printed and distributed... (Read More)
Newspapers routinely published the list of passengers on board ships bound to and from America. Here are just a few examples of the thousands of passenger lists published in newspapers that can be found in GenealogyBank. Newspapers published not just lists of immigrants coming to America but also regularly published passenger lists of American’s... (Read More)
Remembering one of our own: Linda Fay Kaufman, genealogist, 1940-2009 Enthusiastic genealogist Linda Fay Kaufman (1940-2009) has passed away. She put her family history research online and actively corresponded with genealogists across the country. A search of the genealogy lists shows her posts as recently as the last few months. Star Tribune: Newspaper of... (Read More)
“Family Historian” Susan Boyle wows them on UK “Idol” TV Show! Susan Boyle is the woman with a dream that lives in Blackburn, in West Lothian near Edinburgh – a short distance from East Lothian, Scotland where my Kemp family hails from. Now 47, she lives at home with her cat Pebbles. All her... (Read More)
“I’ve been having a ball finding articles about my family. The biggest find for me … was discovering my gr-grandfather’s uncle in Congressional records as well as in newspapers. He had left home as a child and didn’t return home again until after his father died. It was reported in the newspapers that his... (Read More)
Today’s Chicago Tribune has an interesting article by Steve Mills about Mary and Chuck Schantag of the P.O.W. Network who say they have exposed close to 1,900 people who have falsely claimed to be prisoners of war. Click here to read the article “Hunt is on for Phony POW’s“. A quick check of GenealogyBank... (Read More)