Library of Congress Adds Large Photochrom Collection
By Thomas Jay Kemp on November 18, 2016
An article about the Library of Congress putting online over 6,000 full color “photochroms” that are of high interest to genealogists... (Read More)
An article about the Library of Congress putting online over 6,000 full color “photochroms” that are of high interest to genealogists... (Read More)
Introduction: Mary Harrell-Sesniak is a genealogist, author and editor with a strong technology background. In this guest blog post, Mary talks about how valuable state archives can be for your family history research, and describes how to access them. If you’re looking for an exciting resource to help with your genealogical research, I recommend... (Read More)
Get the most out of GenealogyBank! (Illustration – US Soldiers’ Home – Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division – Digital ID: npcc 18971) GenealogyBank has more than 250,000 historical documents and reports – like the Annual Reports of the War Department. The War Department, like all US Government Agencies issues an annual... (Read More)
A: Great question. GenealogyBank makes it easy to enlarge any page or article. Newspapers over the past 4 centuries have been printed in all shapes and sizes. That is particularly true of Colonial American newspapers. GenealogyBank captures each article and page and displays them for you online – making it easy for you to... (Read More)
After 15 years of planning, four years of construction and a million artifacts moved, Elder Marlin K. Jensen from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints placed the last historical item on the shelf in the new Church History Library in front of local media. Jensen, the historian and recorder of the Church,... (Read More)
Alexandra Alter reports in today’s Wall Street Journal on global projects to digitize and make available the world’s ancient manuscripts that have long been unreadable. Click here to read her article: The Next Age of Discovery. (Wall Street Journal, 8 May 2009). “Archivists at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore used multispectral imaging to... (Read More)
Sunday September 29, 1901 Josephine Ormsby (1871-) gave birth to children number eleven, twelve, thirteen and fourteen – three boys and one girl. The proud mother Josephine Ormsby said “These are the dearest little things” as she was “propped up in the bed with the three boys in her arms and the little girl... (Read More)
When Abraham Lincoln gave his stirring remarks at Gettysburg in 1863 word spread quickly across the nation. The San Francisco (CA) Daily Evening Bulletin of 18 Dec 1863 captured the impact of Lincoln’s words that still move us today. Newspapers report what happens every day giving each of us the emotion, context and impact... (Read More)
The first genealogy published in America appeared in a newspaper 284 years ago – today – May 7, 1724. It appeared in the American Weekly Mercury. It was a genealogy of King Philip V of Spain. Genealogy articles routinely appeared in colonial newspapers. The first genealogy published in book form was in 1771... (Read More)