In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega discusses—and provides links to—seven top online resources for researching your American Revolutionary War ancestors... (Read More)
Introduction: Gena Philibert-Ortega is a genealogist and author of the book “From the Family Kitchen.” In this guest blog post, Gena shows how to use the information you find in old newspapers to conduct Google searches that help your genealogy research. So you just found “the” newspaper article about your ancestor that you were... (Read More)
Here are the top two websites that will save you time and get you 24/7 access to online genealogical libraries with more than one million books: Google Books and Internet Archive. These are digital books that you will rely on to document your family tree, such as published family histories, local histories and historical... (Read More)
Millions of books are going online. Entire libraries – that never close; available 24/7. It is now possible for genealogists to read, download and keep genealogies, local histories – publications of all types and sizes. Instantly accessible online and easily stored on your personal laptop or handheld computer. Donald Lines Jacobus (1887-1970) – well... (Read More)
Thousands of city directories are going online. City directories are a basic tool for genealogists. City directories are like an annual census of the cities and towns across America. Now – thousands of them are being digitized and put online. Read about the history of city directories here: Williams, A.V. Growth and Development... (Read More)