Genealogists and the curious have been touring cemeteries since time immemorial. Here is a newspaper article about a 1913 tour of Portland’s pioneers buried in the Lone Fir Cemetery in Oregon. That cemetery is still actively offering tours today: see Friends of Lone Fir Cemetery – 2012 Calendar of Events. Be sure to check... (Read More)
Do you have a genealogy question? Have you hit a brick wall in your genealogy research? Need help? Write our free “Ask the Genealogist” service and let’s see what we can find out for you about your family history. And, hey—would you help us out and “Like” us on Facebook, and ask your friends... (Read More)
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Who is my grandfather?” If so, you are not alone. Every day we receive hundreds of questions from our members regarding their family history searches. Many of these inquiries are just looking to find any references that can give them a glimpse of their grandparents past. At GenealogyBank,... (Read More)
I found one of my ancestors in the 1881 Canadian census on – What do I do now? Good work. is a terrific free site – with helpful indexes like the 1881 Canadian census index. You may see the original census page at a website put up by the The Library... (Read More)
GenealogyBank is 3 years old today!Wow – and has it grown. GenealogyBank has gone from 1,300 newspapers to over 3,800 newspapers – that’s the equivalent of going from 160 million articles to 346 million articles, documents and reports – GenealogyBank now has more than 130 million obituaries and death records. If you haven’t checked... (Read More)
I met a couple with a new baby boy. They decided to name him for his mother’s brother – They call him: Uncle. Smitty – a rimshot. Not only does have over 130 million obituaries and death records it has tens of millions of birth announcements as well. (Columbus... (Read More)
12 genealogists in 7 States have passed away. Baker, Francis J. (1916-2009) News Journal (Mansfield, OH). May 1, 2009 Beeson, Myron. (1926-2009) Salt Lake Tribune (UT). May 3, 2009 Cantwell, Nancy Carolyn McKissack. (1933-2009) Denton Record-Chronicle (TX). May 3, 2009 Clever, Evelyn L. (1910-2009) Deseret News (Salt Lake City, UT). May 2, 2009 Davis,... (Read More)
Remembering one of our own: Linda Fay Kaufman, genealogist, 1940-2009 Enthusiastic genealogist Linda Fay Kaufman (1940-2009) has passed away. She put her family history research online and actively corresponded with genealogists across the country. A search of the genealogy lists shows her posts as recently as the last few months. Star Tribune: Newspaper of... (Read More)