Genealogy 101: #5 Death Certificates
By Gena Philibert-Ortega on November 16, 2016
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega discusses how helpful death certificates can be for your family history research, and where to find them... (Read More)
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega discusses how helpful death certificates can be for your family history research, and where to find them... (Read More)
In this article – part of an “Introduction to Genealogy” series – Gena Philibert-Ortega discusses how to actually begin your family history research... (Read More)
In this article, Duncan Kuehn describes the different kinds of obituary-type newspaper articles that can help fill in the details on your family tree... (Read More)
An article about the necrology reports of Harvard alumni – detailed obituaries by Harvard University that have a lot of genealogical information... (Read More)
An article showing how newspaper articles can fill in the details only hinted at in some records, such as morgue documents... (Read More)
An article about using the Social Security Death Index to find the death date of an ancestor you're researching for your family history... (Read More)
FamilySearch International (FamilySearch.org) and GenealogyBank (GenealogyBank.com) today announced an agreement to make over a billion records from historical obituaries searchable online. It will be the largest—and perhaps most significant—online U.S. historical records access initiative yet. Find out more at: https://www.genealogybank.com/family-search/ The tremendous undertaking will make a billion records from over 100 million U.S. newspaper... (Read More)
A growing number of states in the U.S. are putting their vital records online, making it easier for genealogists to obtain these records. The West Virginia Division of Culture and History is a prime example of how these state projects are revolutionizing family history research in the 21st Century. West Virginia has put up... (Read More)
Keep your research simple. Knowing the first step to take when doing your family history searches can save you time and effort. Here’s one good genealogy search tip to keep in mind: target your relatives using GenealogyBank’s online Social Security Death Index. What if you know that your family has lived in a certain... (Read More)
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