The old Colonial newspapers let us look back and see our country’s news as it happened. We get to see the early American history as it unfolded in our ancestors’ day. Imagine the utter shock in 1799 upon hearing the grim news that General George Washington was dead—America’s military leader during the Revolutionary War... (Read More)
We hear from GenealogyBank researchers all the time about their success in finding their family in historical newspapers and documents. Do you have an interesting story to tell?Would you be willing to be interviewed about it?If so, please contact me directly at: We want to hear from you. Here is what others have... (Read More)
Top Ten Reasons to get GenealogyBank: 10. Content you won’t find anywhere else 9. 4 times as many Newspapers as Ancestry 8. Military Records: All Wars – Colonial to Today 7. US Army, Navy, Air Force Registers 6. No clutter – just records you will use & rely on 5. Revolutionary War Soldier Burial... (Read More)
George Washington gave his farewell address September 17, 1796. Think of it. He had led the nation in war and unified us as a new and separate country. He had served as President since April 30, 1789 and now he was leaving office. He was the image of stability, security, a father... (Read More)
A: Great question. GenealogyBank makes it easy to enlarge any page or article. Newspapers over the past 4 centuries have been printed in all shapes and sizes. That is particularly true of Colonial American newspapers. GenealogyBank captures each article and page and displays them for you online – making it easy for you to... (Read More) has over 7,000 funeral sermons – full text digital copies and excerpts. These are a core source for genealogists searching for the details of their ancestor’s lives in Colonial America and the early Federalist period. (Photo, Ian Britton. It was common in Colonial America to have a funeral sermon printed and distributed... (Read More)
Newspapers routinely published the list of passengers on board ships bound to and from America. Here are just a few examples of the thousands of passenger lists published in newspapers that can be found in GenealogyBank. Newspapers published not just lists of immigrants coming to America but also regularly published passenger lists of American’s... (Read More)
Lawrence Corbett, Watertown, NY family historian, has been researching since 1976 when his mother compiled their family history and published it in a spiral bound book. He is the Corresponding Secretary of the Jefferson County (NY) Genealogical Society. Click here to see the article about Corbett’s research experience and advice. The article appeared in... (Read More)
We routinely hear from genealogists telling about their success – “Wow, look what I found!” We really love to hear those stories and today it is my turn. Last week I was stunned to find that one of my cousins had posted early photographs of our family online. There they were – the actual... (Read More)