Jane Hampton searches old newspapers to learn about Washington’s crossing of the Delaware River and the Battle of Trenton during the Revolutionary War... (Read More)
In this article, Jane Hampton Cook writes about an example of press freedom in early America, involving George Washington and James Rivington... (Read More)
Melissa Berry writes more about the warning that “the British were coming” that the history books forgot – not Paul Revere’s ride, but Ebenezer Todd’s... (Read More)
Melissa Berry writes about the ride warning that the British were coming that the history books forgot – not Paul Revere’s ride, but Ebenezer Todd’s... (Read More)
Melissa Davenport Berry searches old newspapers to learn details about the life of American Revolutionary War hero Brigadier General Enoch Poor... (Read More)
In this article – to help celebrate tomorrow’s Fourth of July festivities – Gena Philibert-Ortega reminisces about the U.S. Bicentennial in 1976... (Read More)
An article by Thomas Jay Kemp about Revolutionary War documents and records included in GenealogyBank’s Historical Documents & Records collection... (Read More)