John Chapman (1774-1845), aka “Johnny Appleseed,” became famous for planting apple trees in the Midwest and Ontario, Canada.
Are you related to Johnny Appleseed Chapman?
You can find out how here: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/LKKR-FZJ
Click this link and then click “View My Relationship”

Tell us how you are related to this American hero.
Yes, I am: 4th cousin 6 times removed. Common ancestors are Samuel Bloggett (1633-1720) and Ruth Eggleton(1631-1708).
Thanks for sharing Randy – keep up the good work on your blog/research.
It’s always good to hear from you, cousin.
I’m related to Johnny through marriage. Finding a newspaper clipping in documents I inherited after my father’s death gave me the clue to determine the relationship. If you’re interested in more Johnny info – visit my blog, The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree: The Real Life of Johnny Appleseed at GenealogyAtHeart.com.
Thank you for letting us know cousin.
That’s a terrific blog post you wrote about him – full of valuable insights.
You underscore what I find – that families just aren’t able to pass down ‘all’ of their family stories – even the really exciting ones. Like you – I find our old stories again and again – and wonder how it could be that the family didn’t pass along this fact or that fact. Where else we would learn these details, connections – only in newspapers.
Keep up the good work!
My mother was a Chapman and we have traced back to Edward Chapman. He had four sons; one went down to Johnny Appleseed, and one came down to me. I am not a direct line, as Johnny Appleseed never married or had any children. We are cousins, just don’t know exactly how.
I am John Chapman’s cousin.
Am I related to Johnny Appleseed?