Are You Related to George Washington?

Introduction: In this article, to help celebrate the federal holiday Washington’s Birthday, Gena Philibert-Ortega searches old newspapers to find claims of relation to George Washington. Gena is a genealogist and author of the book “From the Family Kitchen.”

One of the legends on my dad’s side of the family is that we are related to President George Washington through his sister Betty Washington Lewis. Now to be honest, I have never seen any evidence that this is true – but we can go into that family legend in another blog article. Having had this claim in my own family, I started to wonder about other people’s claims of Washington relationships.

Illustration: portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart, 1796
Illustration: portrait of George Washington by Gilbert Stuart, 1796. Credit: Clark Art Institute; Wikimedia Commons.

Historical newspapers contain numerous mentions of people claiming a familial relationship to George Washington. Whether these people’s stories are fact or fiction requires further research, but just the newspaper articles themselves provide for some fascinating reading.

Related to Washington

This 1898 newspaper article about Major Ebenezer Burgess Ball states that he had been declared by the lineage society “Sons of the American Revolution” to be the nearest living relative of Washington, and that he had a “remarkable personal resemblance.” The newspaper reports:

“At first sight his picture is nearly always taken for a likeness of General Washington. Mary Ball, the mother of Washington, was a cousin of Col. Burgess Ball, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch.”

In addition to his famous family, Major Ball also led an interesting life; he “went west and became famous as an Indian fighter and California pioneer” as well as serving in the Confederate Army during the Civil War.

An article about a relation to George Washington, Butte Weekly Miner newspaper article 24 February 1898
Butte Weekly Miner (Butte, Montana), 24 February 1898, page 8

When Ball died two years later, his relationship to Washington was mentioned again in obituaries.

An article about a relation to George Washington, Dallas Morning News newspaper article 13 April 1900
Dallas Morning News (Dallas, Texas), 13 April 1900, page 1

Another lineage society, “Society of the Cincinnati,” had their own claim to a Washington descendant in one William Lanier Washington. William Washington’s descent was from Augustine Washington 2nd, the eldest half-brother of George Washington. This 1915 newspaper article reports that:

‘The genealogical table of William Lanier Washington shows that he is the ninth in direct male descent from Colonel John Washington, the first American member of the family.”

The article ends by stating that although William was married, he had no sons to “inherit his status.”

An article about a relation to George Washington, Evening News newspaper article 19 February 1915
Evening News (San Jose, California), 19 February 1915, page 4

Obviously, depending on the lineage society, tracing one’s self back to American colonial days is important. This Washington relative, Mrs. C. E. Buck of Texas, was a member of “Colonial Dames of the 17th Century” and “Daughters of the American Revolution.” She claimed to be George Washington’s third cousin, three times removed. Her 4X great aunt, Ann Pope, was married to Col. John Washington. Their son, Lawrence Washington, was grandfather to the president. Mrs. Buck was a genealogist, and this 1948 newspaper article ends with saying that: “Tracing her ancestry is Mrs. Buck’s No. 1 hobby and consumes a great deal of her time.” I think many of us can relate to that!

An article about a relation to George Washington, Corpus Christi Caller-Times newspaper article 22 February 1948
Corpus Christi Caller-Times (Corpus Christi, Texas), 22 February 1948, page 20

Even in Death

A relationship to Washington wasn’t something that only the living bragged about. It was also mentioned in death notices of the recently deceased. Take for example this 1903 mention of Maryland resident Mrs. Louise Ancrum Cruger in a Nebraska newspaper:

“Her father was the late James Hassell Ancrum, and her mother was Miss Jane Washington, a great granddaughter of Colonel William Washington, a first cousin of George Washington.”

An article about a relation to George Washington, Omaha World-Herald newspaper article 4 February 1903
Omaha World-Herald (Omaha, Nebraska), 4 February 1903, page 5

How Do You Know You’re Related?

There’s no doubt that many Americans claim to be related to President George Washington, but even non-Americans can claim familial relationships. For example, Queen Elizabeth in this 1957 newspaper article is said to be Washington’s “second cousin seven times removed.”

An article about a relation to George Washington, Knoxville News-Sentinel newspaper article 17 October 195
Knoxville News-Sentinel (Knoxville, Tennessee), 17 October 1957, page 13

So, you’ve heard the stories and you’re wondering if you are related to George Washington, or for that matter any president of the United States. What do you do? You’ll want to take some time to trace your family lineage and the family tree of the president. In the case of presidents, there are a lot of online family trees and resources to help you.* One book you may wish to consult is Gary Boyd Roberts’ Ancestors of American Presidents. Just remember that as you work on proving (or disproving) this connection, you will need to verify and evaluate all facts, especially those without a source citation.

Note: An online collection of newspapers, such as GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives, is a great way to research your own family history, and investigate some of those rumors of famous connections. Does your family lore include a possible link to George Washington?

* “Presidential Family Trees,” ThoughtCo ( accessed 3 February 2020).

58 thoughts on “Are You Related to George Washington?

  1. Also, Eugenia Washington, one of the founders of the Daughters of the American Revolution, was a great grand niece of Washington.

  2. If the Queen of England is related to Robert E. Lee, I’d like to know if I also am related to her on that line. I descend from Anne Fairfax Washington Lee (widow of Lawrence Washington and then George Lee). My Lee line then goes: Lancelot Lee, Sarah Fairfax Lee, Mary Ann Sangster, Sarah Fairfax Irvin, Benjamin W. Chapman Sr., Benjamin Washington Chapman Jr., Catherine Chapman (my mother), then me.

    Sarah Fairfax Lee (m Sangster) was a first cousin of Robert E Lee.

    That makes me a first cousin 4 times removed (I think).

    Note: All 4 of Anne Fairfax and Lawrence Washington’s children, nieces of the president, died by the age of 4, so there are no descendants from that marriage.

  3. One of my family members about 20 years ago researched my mother’s family tree and says we are related to George Washington. So, can there be money waiting for us?

    1. Wouldn’t that be great Marlana? I think a lot more people would be doing family history research if that was the case!

  4. I am related to his mom and the Ball Family. Colonel William Ball was one of my great great long ago great grandfathers. He was the first Ball to come to the United States from England.

    1. Dillon, it sounds like you’ve done your family history research. Great discovery! Thanks for sharing that.–Gena

  5. I’m related to George Washington! My grandpa had the proof in his books — I need to get ahold of them!

    1. Great! But make sure you double check the research and confirm that it’s that George Washington. Good luck!–Gena

  6. We are related to the tapscott family and somehow they are related to the Ball family. Mary Ball to be presise

    does this mean im related to George Washington?

  7. My cousin was researching a bit of family history and discovered that my sibs and I could be 2nd cousins 6x removed.
    My dad is Donald Wright
    Eagle Rock, VA
    His dad William Jackson Wright
    Allegheny County, VA
    His dad Miles Lathwood Wright
    Allegheny County, VA
    His dad George Washington Wright
    Allegheny County, VA
    His dad John Wright
    Allegheny County, VA
    His dad Peter Wright
    Oyster Bay, LI, NY
    His dad Justice John Wright
    Prince William, VA
    His mother Ann Pope Washington, daughter of Lawrence Washington and Ann Pope

  8. My family has the same story regarding Mary Ball, George’s mom. Genealogy was done in the late 40s. My mom was in the DAR and they could not prove or disprove.
    I suspect we are half-cousins.
    I have my genetic testing but I am not sure what to do next?!

    1. Peggy, DNA is a good step forward. Even though you have that 1940s research, you might want to revisit it since our access to sources has increased and in some cases, those early genealogies aren’t correct. Good luck!

        1. George Washington is my 2nd cousin 10x removed. His grandma Mildred Warner was sisters with my 10x gramma Elizabeth Warner.

    2. Hi Peggy, My Great nan was a Sewell, Edith Sewell (b1885-1940) who married Walter Davy (b1885-1957) – I take it one of your 2/3 X Great Grandparents was George Sewell who Married Mary Washington? (My 3 x Great)

      George W was my 4th Cousin 7 x removed = My 10th Great Grandparents Lawrence Washington and Lady Margaret Butler was George’s 3rd Great Grandparents.

      I have read on a few Sites that George’s 13th Great Grandfather was King Edward 1st – I checked the Line (to see if it is on my side) and it does go up through Margaret Butler. From what I worked out Edward 1st was my 20th Great Grandfather.

  9. My grandmother had her and my grandfather’s genealogy printed in a huge binder from a certified genealogist back in the 90s, and Thanksgiving of 2019, I found an entry that stated her husband (my grandfather) was 1st cousin 11 times removed to Gen. George Washington. Now this is extra special because my grandfather passed away in September and my grandmother passed in 2016. So I hold it very dear to my heart.

      1. Cool indeed. My research indicates he is our second cousin. A long journey through our Rush Family and lots of William Rush’s, down to The old Trooper John Rush. History is living and we still have a love of the land on a small family farm. Blue Ox Farms, Kelliher Mn. Embracing our Scottish Roots raising Highland cattle. Currently retired, in the Red River Valley. Greetings all who seek.

    1. Hello Stephanie. My grandmother always said she was a direct defendant of Mary Ball Washington. My grand dad wanted to disprove this notion and went on a gen ill pity journey. This was during the 1940 or the 1960. I do not know. But he came up with the fact that she was indeed a direct defendant of our famous first presidents mother. My grandmother Eleanor did very much resemble Queen Elizabeth. My grandmother was born in 1888.

    1. Jon-David, great! Lots of research out there that can help document that line. Thanks for reading my article!

  10. George Washington is my 4th cousin 8x removed. My 11th great Grandparents Lawrence Towneley and Jennet Halstead Towneley are George Washington’s 2nd great Grandparents. My maiden name is Bonner and one of my great Grandfather’s (George Washington Bonner) was named after him.

  11. George Washington is my 1st cousin 9X removed. His grandfather, Captain Lawrence Washington, is my 9th great grandfather. Then through his son, Colonel John Washington, my 8th great grandfather, and his daughter, Catherine Washington, my 7th great grandmother. Continuing down to the maternal side of my family.

  12. George Washington had a 1st cousin, Mary Washington, whom we are related to, and we share the same grandparent as George Washington — so yes, we are related to him somehow through Mary Washington. We are still doing research at this point.

    1. Brett, judging from the comments on this article, it looks like you’re in good company!

      Thanks for sharing your discovery!

  13. George Washington was my 4th cousin 7x removed; his 3rd great grandfather, Lawrence Washington of Sulgrave, was my 10th great grandfather.

  14. We too are related to George Washington, on our Rush side of the family. He is our second cousin something like 5-8 removed. From the John Rush, Trooper John line, William Rush Gr. Grandfather, his brother Benjamin Rush MD our uncle.

    1. Michael, there are definitely some interesting ancestors on that line. Thanks for taking the time to share that with us!

  15. He is my 2nd cousin 10 times removed. My 11th great-grandmother is George Washington’s great-grandmother. I’m related to him through his mom, Mary Ball. 🙂

    1. Great Alyssa! Now you need to write up some narratives for your family to enjoy on their illustrious ancestor.
      Thanks for commenting!

    2. mildreade reade was george’s geat grandmother, she was my 2nd cousin 9x removed also ben franklin’s wife deborah reade was my 4th cousin 7x removed ben and george was cousins.. nelly custis 6th cousin 5x removed she married lawence lewis alson in my family line

  16. Augustine Washington and Mary Ball are my great grandparents, 8 generations removed, so does that make George Washington my first cousin 9 times removed? I am not sure about the counting — if I am to start with my grandparents or my great grandparents as 1. So, I have started with my grandparents as 1. If anyone knows whom I start counting with, please let me know.

  17. I am George Washington’s 3rd cousin seven times removed. I am a direct descendant of Colonel Nathaniel Pope, thru his son Nathaniel Pope Jr.’s line.

  18. We discovered in the 90s that George Washington’s grandmother is my great, great, etc., grandmother. My grandad was mayor in the 90s and was presented a plaque that traced our family trees back to the same woman.

  19. Supposedly, according to family research, I’m related thru Lawrence Townley and Jennet Halsted — my 4th cousin 8x removed. I was impressed to find that out.

  20. Dear Folks,

    George Washington is my 3rd cousin, 7 times removed through my mother’s side. Our common ancestors are Col. William Ball (1573-1648) and his wife Alice Waltham (1607-1667). Am I technically a relative of Pres. Washington or not?

  21. George Washington is my 4th cousin. I believe that I am related to all the U.S. presidents…

  22. My Great-Grandmother, Kate Lewis, was the Great-Granddaughter of Betty Washington, George’s sister. I have the genealogy that traces the line. We lovingly referred to George as Uncle George 🙂

  23. My 9th great-grandfathers, Augustine Warner (1610–1674), and Col. George Reade (1608-1671), were both George Washington’s great-great grandfathers.

  24. I just got an alert that I’m George Washington’s 4th cousin 8 times removed. Not sure what that means. I only filled in up to my grandmother’s name and the rest of her ancestors were already on the family tree, so I don’t even know if it’s right.

  25. According to Mormon ancestry research, I am a 1st cousin, 7 times removed. My line is through, 2nd wife of Joseph Matthaus Ball. Their granddaughter married Galbreath Falls Neill, my great, great, great, great grandfather. Joseph Matthaus Ball is George Washington’s grandfather. His mother, Mary Ball, is by the first wife, Mary Bennet. I believe she was the only living child.

  26. If my Great x10 Grandmother Anne Washington Wright is President George Washington’s Great Aunt, does that make me his distant cousin? Just surprised to see him pop up as family on my Ancestry.

  27. George Washington is my 5th cousin 8 times removed so says DNA &
    It also states Walt Disney is my 9th cousin twice removed!

  28. I’m supposedly a 2nd cousin 10× removed with the same common ancestors, Col. William Ball and Hannah Atherold. I’ve been trying to confirm but haven’t found anything solid to compare my DNA to. I’ve done an Ancestry DNA test — would any confirmed descendants be willing to compare DNA somehow?

  29. Well, since I am not hiding under a rock anymore, I guess I will post a big hello. My name is Jeffery “Mark” Washington, and I am George Washington’s 6th great nephew by way of Charles, George’s youngest full-blooded brother. I started getting curious in my 20s about my last name… then I went to visit grampa (Big Floyd I called him because he’s a senior, and my father is a Junior), and I asked him are we related to George? Grampa just got this hard look on his face and said “Well, I had heard we had family in Virginia” and that was it. He didn’t know… Therefore, that prompted me to take a DNA test. Two of them to be exact, and then I found out. Through testimony of a family member and through genetic matches from documented descendants. So from my early 20s to my age now, 49, I didn’t know who I was… now I know. God bless all of you, and George — what were you doing at all those houses in the Rev. War? : ) I’ll never know : )

  30. I just found out my 12th great parents were George Washington’s 4th , he is my 5th cousin 8times removed.

  31. I did a DNA ancestry test and found out I’m related to George Washington as well. He is my 2nd cousin 7x removed. I am related to him through Augustine Warner, my 8th great grandfather on my mom’s side who is George Washington’s great grandfather. I had no idea my whole life. The crazy thing is I’m Black so I doubt anyone would believe me lol. Honestly, I am proud and was overjoyed when I found out.

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