Commemorating V-J Day: 14 August 1945
By Scott Phillips on August 14, 2014
In this article, Scott Phillips searches old newspapers to find stories about the day Japan announced its surrender, ending World War II... (Read More)
In this article, Scott Phillips searches old newspapers to find stories about the day Japan announced its surrender, ending World War II... (Read More)
In this article, Scott Phillips searches old newspapers to find out more about the Allied attacks on German-held beaches in France on D-Day, 6 June 1944... (Read More)
In this article, Scott Phillips commemorates V-E Day—the day Nazi Germany surrendered in WWII—and reminisces about his father’s involvement in the war... (Read More)
Introduction: Mary Harrell-Sesniak is a genealogist, author and editor with a strong technology background. In this guest blog post, Mary searches old newspapers to find the stories of women who served during some of our nation’s earlier wars—as army nurses, camp followers, and Red Cross volunteers. There are numerous groups that celebrate the lives... (Read More)
No, I don’t mean Robin Hood’s love interest from the 16th century. I’m referring to my cousin Marion Morgan Kemp (1862-1963) who owned villas in France, New York and Rome. Years ago I contacted the authorities in Osmoy, France, where she died and received a copy of her death certificate. Since Marion lived most... (Read More)
I. D. Lilly, a retired trucker and promoter of the largest family reunion ever held, died in March of this year. He was an active participant in the famous West Virginia family’s gatherings, and served on the Lilly Family Reunion Board of Directors. In 2009 some 2,585 Lilly relatives gathered in Flat Top, West... (Read More)
Scott Phillips writes about his many surprises when he researched a remarkable member of his extended family: the brilliant scientist Cledo Brunetti... (Read More)
For 27 years she wrote a daily newspaper column. Today, 'My Day' provides insights into the daily life and issues of the time... (Read More)
How did your parents meet? My Dad told me recently how he met Mom over 70 years ago at the University of New Hampshire. The students were going to Thanksgiving dinner. Since it was a special occasion, they had the men and women eat together. They each filed in separately, sat down—and there she was,... (Read More)