Scott Phillips looks up news stories in old newspapers to learn more about these three famous entertainers who died this week in American history... (Read More)
How did your parents meet? My Dad told me recently how he met Mom over 70 years ago at the University of New Hampshire. The students were going to Thanksgiving dinner. Since it was a special occasion, they had the men and women eat together. They each filed in separately, sat down—and there she was,... (Read More)
This decisive battle of the Civil War was fought in and around Nashville, Tennessee, 148 years ago, on 15-16 December 1864. Union General George H. Thomas, the “Rock of Chickamauga,” commanded the Federal troops who soundly defeated the Confederate army under the command of General John Bell Hood. The Battle of Nashville was the... (Read More)
Fred Q. Bowman (1916-2009) Frederick Quimby Bowman, 93, passed away in Albany, NY earlier this week. Well known genealogist and author – Fred was a relied upon source of early New York vital records. He was a genealogist who made a lasting difference. Obituary: Times Union (Albany, NY) – November 9, 2009 He is... (Read More)
I was alerted to John Fuller’s passing by DearMYRTLE. Others in the genealogy community have sent me items to include in writing about him. His complete obituary will be posted later this weekend. John Fuller was well known in the genealogy community for his landmark website – Genealogy Resources on the Internet – that... (Read More)
“What have I done I asked myself, to deserve to be remembered by strangers in a town in which I had never been…” You can almost hear him ask that now, over 100 years later as we remember him. Corporal Wilson Mcpherson Osbon (1877-1899) wrote the letter on 28 Dec 1898, in... (Read More)