Introduction: Scott Phillips is a genealogical historian and owner of Onward To Our Past® genealogy services. In this guest blog post, Scott tells about finding the only-known photos of two of his ancestors in old newspaper wedding announcements—and a surprising engagement notice that told him something he never knew about his own mother! Summertime!... (Read More)
Joel Munsell was an active genealogist, publisher, printer and journalist. He’s always been one of my “heroes” for his legendary contributions to genealogy and local history. (Photo – Munselle’s Picassa Gallery) I was looking on GenealogyBank and found his marriage to Jane Caroline Bigelow (1812-1854) 17 June 1834 Independent Inquirer 28 Jun 1834 ... (Read More)
Get the most out of GenealogyBank! (J. Stewart wedding – 1903, Nekoma, ND. Whether you’re looking for a wedding announcement published on July 22, 1802, July 22, 1862 or July 22,1962 – GenealogyBank is your comprehensive source. I didn’t know that was in... (Read More)
Newspaper marriage announcements can give you important clues for your family history. Boston Journal – 2 May 1877 This one tells us where & when the marriage took place; the name of the minister; the names of the bride & groom and where they were from. This marriage notice from the Public Ledger... (Read More)
I am often asked: Do you have Canadian newspapers in GenealogyBank? Well, no we don’t – but that’s not the question you want to ask. GenealogyBank has over 3,800 newspapers – all of them published in the United States – but it has several million articles, records and documents on Canadians. Tip: I have... (Read More)
Prominent Nashville, TN genealogist, Mary Sue Green Smith (1933-2009) has passed away. She was President of the Middle Tennessee Genealogical Society. She published eight books between 1994 and 2006; mostly reference works to be used in tracing one’s roots in Nashville. She indexed tens of thousands of pre-Civil War civil court records, which added... (Read More)
We routinely hear from genealogists telling about their success – “Wow, look what I found!” We really love to hear those stories and today it is my turn. Last week I was stunned to find that one of my cousins had posted early photographs of our family online. There they were – the actual... (Read More)
GenealogyBank is celebrating its second year of service to genealogists! Join with us and celebrate! We’ll be “Two” on October 18th. How time flies. It has been a wonderful two years! We have loved receiving your fan mail and sharing in your success stories. We’re happy for your amazing finds and knowing the special... (Read More)
GenealogyBank is off to a great start this month. It added 2.9 Million new records and documents – bringing the collection to well over 216 Million documents – that’s an estimated 1.5 Billion names. GenealogyBank added content for 41 newspapers from 20 States including titles like: Springfield (MA) Republican 1861-1909 Boston Journal (1870-1899)Philadelphia North... (Read More)