Here’s a 19th century mystery concerning a certain Matthew Brayton, who disappeared as a small boy, was held an Indian captive for 34 years, then one day reappeared. But, was it really him? This is a gripping story about a young boy being kidnapped and then returning home as an adult. You will want... (Read More)
This decisive battle of the Civil War was fought in and around Nashville, Tennessee, 148 years ago, on 15-16 December 1864. Union General George H. Thomas, the “Rock of Chickamauga,” commanded the Federal troops who soundly defeated the Confederate army under the command of General John Bell Hood. The Battle of Nashville was the... (Read More)
Breaking News: The Federation of Genealogical Societies has announced that Archivist of the US David Ferriero, will be speaking at the annual FGS Conference – on Wednesday August 18th in Knoxville, TN. He will be the luncheon speaker at the Focus on Societies Luncheon. His topic will be The Citizen-Archivist. He will also speak... (Read More)
A: Great question. GenealogyBank makes it easy to enlarge any page or article. Newspapers over the past 4 centuries have been printed in all shapes and sizes. That is particularly true of Colonial American newspapers. GenealogyBank captures each article and page and displays them for you online – making it easy for you to... (Read More)
Newspapers are packed with the stories documenting our ancestors. Thankful Taylor of Murfreesboro, TN had quite a story to tell her grandchildren. Her story appeared in the Inter-Ocean (13 July 1874) and the Indianapolis Sentinel (10 July 1874). Here is just the first few paragraphs from the Inter-Ocean (13 July 1874). Click on the... (Read More)
Bock, Terri Ann (Van Sickler) (1956-2009). Kalamazoo Gazette (MI): May 3, 2009 Gooch, Jane Bradford (1912-2009). New York Times: 3 May 2009 McCullough, Frederick Charles (1914-2009). Oak Ridger (TN): April 29, 2009 Price, Oberia Garrett Estrada (1926-2009). Alexandria Daily Town Talk (LA): 27 Apr 2009.. (Read More)