An article (with a complete title list) about the 272 South Carolina newspapers available in GenealogyBank’s online Historical Newspaper Archives... (Read More)
An article about the first shot fired in the Civil War: the attack upon the ship “Star of the West” in Charleston Harbor on 9 January 1861... (Read More)
In 1853, centenarian William Wicker passed away in Pike County, Alabama. He was 106. This American Revolutionary War veteran had been one of the first settlers to move to Alabama after its introduction into the union on 14 December 1819. Wicker enlisted into the military at 17, along with his father Robert Wicker. They... (Read More)
Fort Johnson in South Carolina was no different from Army bases across the country. From time to time soldiers deserted, as these men did on 3 January 1810. Captain A.B. Armistead wanted them back—and so he ran a newspaper ad offering “ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD for six Deserters, who deserted from this post on... (Read More)
Georgia Family History Expo – Duluth, Georgia 2011 Over 400 genealogists gathered in Duluth, Georgia, for the annual Family History Expo held at the Gwinnett Center on Nov. 11-12, 2011. Now in its second year, this conference has the size and feel of a national conference. There were over 60 informative family history sessions... (Read More)
Joel Munsell was an active genealogist, publisher, printer and journalist. He’s always been one of my “heroes” for his legendary contributions to genealogy and local history. (Photo – Munselle’s Picassa Gallery) I was looking on GenealogyBank and found his marriage to Jane Caroline Bigelow (1812-1854) 17 June 1834 Independent Inquirer 28 Jun 1834 ... (Read More)
(CNN Photo of a slave cabin) CNN has produced Tracking Michelle Obama’s slave roots – a video tour of Friendfield Plantation in Georgetown, South Carolina – where Michelle Obama’s 2nd Great-Grandfather James Robinson was a slave. At least one President has been to Friendfield Plantation – in 1894 President Grover Cleveland hunted there. Read... (Read More)
Yesterday the GenealogyBank Blog wrote about using the old documents in the “Serial Set” that are in It has been very popular. Today I received this note from a genealogist about what she found on her Revolutionary War ancestor – Captain William York. Tom – We used this set (Serial Set) to prove... (Read More)
Patty Barthell Myers died 9 October 2008, at the home of her daughter, Lucy Bonnington. Her obituary (San Antonio Express-News (TX) – October 13, 2008; Philadelphia Inquirer, 13 Oct 2008) simply stated her “life’s work was genealogy.” Well said. She was the author of numerous compiled genealogies and reference works including: Female index to... (Read More)