A few weeks ago I wrote about online cemetery records (See: Top Genealogy Websites, Pt. 3: Burial & Cemetery Records). In that article I wrote about the U.S. Veterans Administration’s Nationwide Gravesite Locator, Find-A-Grave, and BillionGraves. Now I want to show how you can help your family history research by using information from these... (Read More)
Scott Phillips shows the method he uses at the end of each year to evaluate the genealogy tools and resources he used, to help prepare for the new year... (Read More)
It’s the start of a new year, a time when many people think about making some changes. Here are four suggestions I have; I hope that genealogists take to heart these New Year’s resolutions for 2013. Use Newspapers for Genealogy Research Search through historical newspaper archives for each of your ancestors and find those... (Read More)
After doing family history research for awhile, genealogists reach the point where they ask themselves: I have gathered all this information—now, what do I do with it? Genealogists are the family hunter/gatherers, sifting through family obituaries, photographs and birth certificates. We take that information and organize it on our home computers in family tree... (Read More)
For most searches on GenealogyBank it is easy to find your ancestor. You type in their name and in an instant you spot them in the search results list. So – what do you do when your ancestor’s name doesn’t come right up in the search hits?Just like any other genealogical resource you need... (Read More)