This photograph was taken in March 1881 of a train passing through snow-covered Minnesota in the worst snow season ever recorded there. The snow season started with a storm in October 1880 and it just kept on snowing until March of 1881. It was one of the Midwest’s worst-ever snow seasons, with multiple blizzards... (Read More)
We’ve all heard that saying before. Conventional wisdom tells us: “you can’t take it with you when you go.” But Nelson A. Brucker of Deadwood, South Dakota, did. He made arrangements before he died to have his money buried with him in an unmarked grave “in a secluded spot in the hills near his... (Read More)
Wild Bill Hickok – James Butler Hickok – was born on May 27, 1837 in Troy Grove, Illinois. Famous in movies, films and hundreds of newspaper articles – he is central to the legends of the Old West. Newspapers serialized his story and pictured him fighting bears, outlaws and Confederate agents. Images by Van... (Read More)
“What have I done I asked myself, to deserve to be remembered by strangers in a town in which I had never been…” You can almost hear him ask that now, over 100 years later as we remember him. Corporal Wilson Mcpherson Osbon (1877-1899) wrote the letter on 28 Dec 1898, in... (Read More)