Our nation has long been grateful to our veterans, starting with the American Revolutionary War. When Amos Barnes died in 1840 newspapers remembered him – giving the details of his life, his family and his service to the nation in a detailed obituary. He died 6 December 1840 in Conway, New Hampshire He had... (Read More)
Did your ancestor fight at the Battle of Monmouth during the Revolutionary War? My cousin Joel Pratt (1752-1844) did and his obituary records some of his personal recollections of that battle. We learn that in the Battle of Saratoga and the Battle of Monmouth, “…he carried the colors of his regiment.” At the battle... (Read More)
GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives have not only the stories of our Revolutionary War ancestors – but daily news reports of the war itself. With newspapers in GenealogyBank’s collection spanning the entire 1700s, you can find thousands of exclusive historical news articles about Revolutionary War battles, politics and day to day life as it was... (Read More)
Introduction: Gena Philibert-Ortega is a genealogist and author of the book “From the Family Kitchen.” In this blog article, Gena searches old newspapers to find stories of some brave American women and their deeds during the Revolutionary War. When we think of the American Revolutionary War we reflect on the sacrifices and bravery exhibited... (Read More)
From its earliest days, the U.S. government has granted pensions to soldiers or their surviving relatives in cases where the soldier was killed or “disabled by known wounds in the…war.” Those early pensions were not granted for a lifetime of service in the military – as we think of pensions today – but instead... (Read More)
I found this interesting obituary for John Baker (1741-1826). It says that Baker: was a native of Hungary, came to this country with [British General John] Burgoyne, and deserted from his army and joined the Americans, in whose service he continued his aid till the close of the revolution. Is there more to know?... (Read More)
GenealogyBank has a strong collection of Revolutionary War records. We have thousands of newspapers that were published before, during and after the war that permanently recorded the troops that served: their battles during the war, and their accomplishments throughout the rest of their lives. The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) was founded in... (Read More)
When I am gone, beat the drum and fire the guns. ~ Captain and Chief Tishomingo As we get closer to July 4th, we think back on the stories of our American ancestors who fought for our freedom in the Revolutionary War. This old newspaper obituary tells us about the story of one of... (Read More)
I found this obituary for Linus Lounsbury, a veteran of the American Revolutionary War, by searching in GenealogyBank’s Historical Newspaper Archives. He died on 15 July 1836. He was a pensioner. He was in the Siege of Fort Johns in Newfoundland, Canada – 17 September 1775 to 3 November 1775, and was in the... (Read More)