It was six years ago that the Old Man of the Mountain fell. His passing is as deeply felt today as when I heard the shocking news in 2003. It came across as a cable news bulletin. Hikers had heard the awful rumble in the early hours while it was still dark and when... (Read More)
Remembering one of our own: Linda Fay Kaufman, genealogist, 1940-2009 Enthusiastic genealogist Linda Fay Kaufman (1940-2009) has passed away. She put her family history research online and actively corresponded with genealogists across the country. A search of the genealogy lists shows her posts as recently as the last few months. Star Tribune: Newspaper of... (Read More)
“Family Historian” Susan Boyle wows them on UK “Idol” TV Show! Susan Boyle is the woman with a dream that lives in Blackburn, in West Lothian near Edinburgh – a short distance from East Lothian, Scotland where my Kemp family hails from. Now 47, she lives at home with her cat Pebbles. All her... (Read More)
Early this morning we got the news of the earthquake in L’Aquila, Italy. Klaus Graf sent me these before and after pictures of the Archivio di Stato (State Archive) there in L’Aquila, Italy. .. (Read More)
Lawrence Corbett, Watertown, NY family historian, has been researching since 1976 when his mother compiled their family history and published it in a spiral bound book. He is the Corresponding Secretary of the Jefferson County (NY) Genealogical Society. Click here to see the article about Corbett’s research experience and advice. The article appeared in... (Read More)
Speaking of unusual obituaries. See this one from GenealogyBank – published in today’s (3 April 2009) Boston Globe. Sir Sacheverell Reresby Sitwell, son of the late Sir George Sitwell (author of The History of the Fork and inventor of a revolver for shooting wasps).Boston Globe, (MA) – April 3, 2009Sacheverell Reresby Sitwell; restored hall... (Read More)
GenealogyBank is off to a great start this month. It added 2.9 Million new records and documents – bringing the collection to well over 216 Million documents – that’s an estimated 1.5 Billion names. GenealogyBank added content for 41 newspapers from 20 States including titles like: Springfield (MA) Republican 1861-1909 Boston Journal (1870-1899)Philadelphia North... (Read More)
Newspapers are terrific! They give us the real details of our ancestor’s lives. This week I found an article about the estate sale for my first cousin, Thomas Huse (1742/43-1816). It was published in the Newburyport (MA) Herald, 16 July 1816. Everything was being sold – his household effects; a covered sleigh; ox cart,... (Read More)