Archivio di Stato (State Archive) L’Aquila, Italy Destroyed by Earthquake
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NY genealogist featured in newspaper article
Lawrence Corbett, Watertown, NY family historian, has been researching since 1976 when his mother compiled…
Thank you Tom, for posting this photo. Those of us with Italian heritage, and living relatives today, are saddened by the events of this morning…As more reports come out, it appears much worse than it did when I heard initial reports this morning (EST).
Apparently San Bernardino and Santa Maria di Collemaggio suffered a great deal of damage. We’ve been in contact with the family in L’Aquila and the devastation is everywhere. I am fortunate to have seen the beauty and splendor of L’Aquila before this horrible destruction. The photos I snapped are now treasures. The people of L’Aquila are living in tent communities outside of the city until homes that didn’t collapse are deemed structurally safe. Keep the people of L’Aquila in your prayers.
Pittsburgh, PA
Harry – That’s awful. Our hearts and prayers go out to your family and the people of the area.
We are searching for information about our family in L'Aquila. We have been unable to reach anyone by phone and no requests for names of casualties have yielded any results. We are looking for Vera & Guiseppe Camizzi and their children Sara, Francisco and Fabrizio. Also, a cousin, Dr. Marcus Tiberi. Can anyone help?
Thank you,
Linda O. Carducci
Hello Ms. Carducci
I assume the reference below is your Giuseppe.
His phone rings. If you do not speak italian, we could call him for you.
Camizzi Giuseppe
Via Moscardelli Nicola, 13/D
67100 L’Aquila (AQ) –
Via Moscardelli Nicola, 13/D
Distinti saluti
Anthony Alioto
San Francisco
I have relativesin L'Aquila who have apparently fled to an old family home in Capestrano. I don't speak Italian and have been unable to make contact.
Following the site: – The L'Aquila Earthquake – The Big Picture, was a lead with all the names of the dead listed. Perhaps this could help. Also the National Italian American Foundation has set up a special Abruzzo Relief fund. You can contact them at: J. Staser
excuse me: the NIAF address is:
J. Staser
most interesting posting. i liked it.