A Louisiana newspaper in 1853 said of family historians that “their memory is a forest planted with genealogical trees.” How true that is! Daily Picayune (New Orleans, Louisiana), 25 October 1853, page 5. After years of family history research many genealogists have had all types of “Eureka!” moments and breakthroughs, when they found a... (Read More)
Sometimes when researching your family history, it is difficult to find a relative—they just seem to have fallen off the face of the earth. Did they go into the witness protection program? Were they abducted by aliens? Did they go on a cruise through the Bermuda Triangle? Maybe they simply changed their name. After... (Read More)
Q:The person I’m searching for is James Francis Fewster b.1867. I know that there was an article published about him in the Baltimore Sun – 12 August 1889 – but I can’t find it. What am I doing wrong? When I browse GenealogyBank I find NOTHING – but I know this article exists. Please... (Read More)
Genealogists rely on multiple sources to document a family tree. One source does not give all of the facts – so researchers must look at multiple family history records to gather the details for each family. For example – James Edwin Ayres (1817-1893) and his wife Ann (Ford) Ayres (1817-1901) are listed... (Read More)
(CNN Photo of a slave cabin) CNN has produced Tracking Michelle Obama’s slave roots – a video tour of Friendfield Plantation in Georgetown, South Carolina – where Michelle Obama’s 2nd Great-Grandfather James Robinson was a slave. At least one President has been to Friendfield Plantation – in 1894 President Grover Cleveland hunted there. Read... (Read More)
I am often asked: Do you have Canadian newspapers in GenealogyBank? Well, no we don’t – but that’s not the question you want to ask. GenealogyBank has over 3,800 newspapers – all of them published in the United States – but it has several million articles, records and documents on Canadians. Tip: I have... (Read More)
President James K. Polk died June 15, 1845. GenealogyBank let’s you read the newspapers when he was elected and the accounts of his death. (Macon Telegraph – 19 June 1845) Whether you want to read about the lives of the Presidents or your ancestors – GenealogyBank has the best coverage – 1690 to Today.... (Read More)
Robert F. Kennedy died 41 years ago today. With GenealogyBank.com you can read the newspapers just as your ancestors did. It has the stories of your ancestor’s lives – the famous or the obscure – whether it is 40 years ago or over 300 years ago GenealogyBank has the coverage genealogists rely on to... (Read More)
313-year-old English silver sixpence, likely once owned by Rev. John Avery (1685/6-1754) found in Truro, Massachusetts. The coin dates from 1689-1702 The Boston Globe is reporting this unusual find of an early British coin found by Truro resident Peter Burgess while working in his garden. “At first, I wasn’t sure what it was,” said... (Read More)