To help celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, Gena Philibert-Ortega searches old newspapers to find Irish recipes beyond the traditional corned beef and cabbage... (Read More)
Got Irish roots? Since March is Irish American Heritage Month and we are celebrating St. Patrick’s Day today, everyone is feeling a wee bit Irish this time of year. For Irish Americans, however, that sentiment is year-round, as feeling connected to Ireland is part of their family history. Have you been tracing your Irish... (Read More)
Got Irish roots? Since March is Irish American Heritage Month and we celebrated St. Patrick’s Day last Monday, everyone is feeling a wee bit Irish this time of year. For Irish Americans, however, that sentiment is year-round, as feeling connected to Ireland is part of their family history. Have you been tracing your Irish genealogy,... (Read More)
I love it that the Irish Nation newspaper routinely published lists of all arriving passengers from Ireland. These lists gave the names of the passengers, where they were from in Ireland, and where their destination was in the United States. This is an excellent resource to find what often can be a very difficult... (Read More)
Genealogists know the frustration of tracking down your Irish immigrant ancestor’s birth, marriage or death certificate, hoping that it will be the document that finally tells you where in Ireland your family came from—only to be disappointed once again. So many census registrars simply wrote “Ireland” on the form, giving no additional clues about... (Read More)
What do you know about your ancestors from Éire? Are you as cute as the fox of Ballybotherem? Put your Irish ancestry prowess to the test. Take this Irish trivia quiz and provide answers to these 10 questions about Irish family history, counties in Ireland and other fun facts about the Old Country now!... (Read More)
Breaking News! The National Archives of Ireland has just put the complete Irish 1901 Census online. More Irish genealogy resources: GenealogyBank – is packed with Irish American newspapers as well as birth announcements, marriage notices and obituaries. GenealogyBank keeps on growing. Search it now!.. (Read More)
Newspapers routinely published the list of passengers on board ships bound to and from America. Here are just a few examples of the thousands of passenger lists published in newspapers that can be found in GenealogyBank. Newspapers published not just lists of immigrants coming to America but also regularly published passenger lists of American’s... (Read More)
An Irish student’s fake quote on Wikipedia has been used in newspaper obituaries around the world.Like putting a note in a bottle, Shane Fitzgerald, 22, a student studying sociology and economics at University College, Dublin wanted to see how far his fake quote would spread – on the Internet. According to the Australian (7... (Read More)