Hi Tom, I really do need to share with you GenealogyBank‘s latest contribution to my family history research! I really do love GenealogyBank. Without it, I would not know about the accident that caused the death of my grandmother’s youngest brother. Nor would I have known when it occurred. Nor would I have found... (Read More)
We all heard the stories of Jim Thorpe – the world’s greatest athlete – while we were growing up. The newspapers & movies regularly carried stories about him and he was even featured on a box of Wheaties. (photo – NC Museum of History). He loved to compete. He enjoyed the battle... (Read More)
Family Bibles have been treasured by families for generations, but finding them today can be difficult. It was common for families to have a family Bible – a large bound book that was prominently displayed in the family parlor – “…a large octavo volume, with a more or less ornate binding, with blank... (Read More)
Halvor Moorshead after a lifetime of publishing in the genealogy industry is retiring. Join us in person, by e-mail or blog to honor Halvor Moorshead on his retirement. Dinner 7 pm Thursday, 15 May 2008 at the Hyatt Regency’s Crown Center Peppercorn restaurant. On a budget? No problem, we’re ordering from the... (Read More)
The first genealogy published in America appeared in a newspaper 284 years ago – today – May 7, 1724. It appeared in the American Weekly Mercury. It was a genealogy of King Philip V of Spain. Genealogy articles routinely appeared in colonial newspapers. The first genealogy published in book form was in 1771... (Read More)
Joy Rich, Editor, Dorot: The Journal of the Jewish Genealogical Society (New York), contacted me with the sad news that B-Ann Moorhouse has passed away. She was a terrific genealogist. When I began researching in the 1960s I got to know her and always appreciated her kindness and assistance. With permission I am reposting... (Read More)
For more than two decades Halvor Moorshead has been in the forefront of genealogy. Consistently on target his four publications Family Chronicle, Internet Genealogy, History Magazine and his newest title Discovering Family History are the best in the field. Readable and useful, you save each issue, mark them up and act on the suggestions,... (Read More)
Finding people with unusual names can be very difficult but it is easy to find them on GenealogyBank. Today I was looking for Henry B. Platter and his good wife, Rachel (Bittinger) Platter. The Bittingers are my cousins and many of them are from Garrett County, Maryland. Now, Platter is an unusual name. It... (Read More)
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