Genealogy 101: Genealogy Societies
By Gena Philibert-Ortega on September 25, 2017
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega describes some of the many benefits to joining a genealogy society... (Read More)
In this article, Gena Philibert-Ortega describes some of the many benefits to joining a genealogy society... (Read More)
Are you looking to revitalize your genealogical society in 2015? Looking for a project that will make a landmark contribution to family history with strong appeal to the members of your society? Pay it forward and document a local cemetery in your area—and put that information online. Make it a team effort to record... (Read More)
Alex Haley (1921-1992) was a famous African American author who had more impact on genealogy than any other person in the past 50 years. He was born 11 August 1921. Haley would be almost 92 years old if he were alive today. After the release of his book Roots: The Saga of an American... (Read More)
The Reading Eagle (Reading, Pennsylvania) ran an interesting article about the dropping membership of the Berks County Genealogical Society. According to the article this local genealogical society is feeling the impact of dropping memberships at the same time interest in genealogy is soaring. Instead of joining local genealogical societies, new genealogists seem to be... (Read More)
The family of Anneke Jans has been pursuing a genealogy project for over 300 years. During all this time the family has been working hard to track down every single one of Jans’s descendants. They are doing this not so much from a love for family history—but rather, to sort out the heirs to... (Read More)
Being a genealogy site, most people use GenealogyBank by searching on the name of an ancestor. But there are other ways to search for genealogical information in GenealogyBank’s online database. Did you realize that you can search using any topic or search terms? It is not necessary to always enter an ancestor’s name for... (Read More)
Breaking News: The Federation of Genealogical Societies has announced that Archivist of the US David Ferriero, will be speaking at the annual FGS Conference – on Wednesday August 18th in Knoxville, TN. He will be the luncheon speaker at the Focus on Societies Luncheon. His topic will be The Citizen-Archivist. He will also speak... (Read More)
Genealogists who make a difference Doris Cozart, of Chillicothe, Texas has spent the past 40 years in genealogy – as a publisher, author and researcher. Active in multiple genealogical societies she is quick to help others find the information they are looking for. Times Record News (Wichita Falls, TX – 21 June 2009). She... (Read More)