A surprising tale of the Civil War: the 1st deaths occurred in a federal city between Union troops and civilians – the Baltimore Riot of 19 April 1861... (Read More)
Q:The person I’m searching for is James Francis Fewster b.1867. I know that there was an article published about him in the Baltimore Sun – 12 August 1889 – but I can’t find it. What am I doing wrong? When I browse GenealogyBank I find NOTHING – but I know this article exists. Please... (Read More)
Washington, DC was captured and burned August 24-25th, 1814. Illustration: National Archives Identifier 531090 With British troops overwhelming the city “…a retreat was ordered, when the President, who had been on horseback, with the army the whole day, reared from the mortifying scene, and left the city on horseback accompanied by Gen. Mason and... (Read More)
Get the most out of GenealogyBank! (J. Stewart wedding – 1903, Nekoma, ND. LOC.gov) Whether you’re looking for a wedding announcement published on July 22, 1802, July 22, 1862 or July 22,1962 – GenealogyBank is your comprehensive source. I didn’t know that was in... (Read More)
Alexandra Alter reports in today’s Wall Street Journal on global projects to digitize and make available the world’s ancient manuscripts that have long been unreadable. Click here to read her article: The Next Age of Discovery. (Wall Street Journal, 8 May 2009). “Archivists at the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore used multispectral imaging to... (Read More)
Remembering one of our own: Linda Fay Kaufman, genealogist, 1940-2009 Enthusiastic genealogist Linda Fay Kaufman (1940-2009) has passed away. She put her family history research online and actively corresponded with genealogists across the country. A search of the genealogy lists shows her posts as recently as the last few months. Star Tribune: Newspaper of... (Read More)
Patty Barthell Myers died 9 October 2008, at the home of her daughter, Lucy Bonnington. Her obituary (San Antonio Express-News (TX) – October 13, 2008; Philadelphia Inquirer, 13 Oct 2008) simply stated her “life’s work was genealogy.” Well said. She was the author of numerous compiled genealogies and reference works including: Female index to... (Read More)
Obituaries can give us the details of our ancestor’s lives that we just don’t find anywhere else. Today I found this obituary in GenealogyBank for Judith Tormey (1800-1898) who died in Newark, NJ. Baltimore Sun 4 July 1898 This obituary article gives us lots of details and clues to fill in the family tree.... (Read More)
GenealogyBank is off to a great start this month. It added 2.9 Million new records and documents – bringing the collection to well over 216 Million documents – that’s an estimated 1.5 Billion names. GenealogyBank added content for 41 newspapers from 20 States including titles like: Springfield (MA) Republican 1861-1909 Boston Journal (1870-1899)Philadelphia North... (Read More)