“I’ve been having a ball finding articles about my family. The biggest find for me … was discovering my gr-grandfather’s uncle in Congressional records as well as in newspapers. He had left home as a child and didn’t return home again until after his father died. It was reported in the newspapers that his... (Read More)
We wish all of you the very best! It has been a wonderful year for us here at GenealogyBank. Everyday we receive notes and cards from genealogists sharing their appreciation for what they’ve found in GenealogyBank – like this comment we received yesterday: Thanks also for the new additions to the... (Read More)
It’s a great day for genealogy! And, it’s a particularly good day for me too!Today marks exactly 43 years since I started working in genealogy. Wow, it’s been fun. It was 26 July 1965 – in Stamford, CT – George B. Everton, Sr. (1904-1996) and his wife Ellen (Nielsen) Everton (1902-1987) were conducting a... (Read More)
We all heard the stories of Jim Thorpe – the world’s greatest athlete – while we were growing up. The newspapers & movies regularly carried stories about him and he was even featured on a box of Wheaties. (photo – NC Museum of History). He loved to compete. He enjoyed the battle... (Read More)
The War of 1812 ended 193 years ago with the US ratification of the Treaty of Ghent on 12 Feb 1815. But even before the war was over the two sides were exchanging prisoners of war. One of the problems and underlying causes of the war was British impressments of former British subjects who... (Read More)