Memorial Day: Honoring a Civil War Soldier
By Melissa Berry on May 27, 2022
In this article – for Memorial Day – Melissa Davenport Berry writes about the life and service of Civil War veteran Captain Samuel Judson Fletcher... (Read More)
In this article – for Memorial Day – Melissa Davenport Berry writes about the life and service of Civil War veteran Captain Samuel Judson Fletcher... (Read More)
A surprising tale of the Civil War: the 1st deaths occurred in a federal city between Union troops and civilians – the Baltimore Riot of 19 April 1861... (Read More)
An article showing the letters between two Scotch friends in Charleston, right before the attack on Fort Sumter on 12 April 1861 started the Civil War... (Read More)
Melissa Davenport Berry writes about the Bruner brothers, who survived the Civil War and lived long enough to celebrate Christmas together in 1919... (Read More)
Confederate engineer Horace Hunley, who invented the submarine that made the 1st successful attack, died on 15 October 1863 during a training run... (Read More)
In this article, Melissa Davenport Berry writes about researching a Civil War photo of one of Gloria Vanderbilt’s ancestors... (Read More)
Melissa Davenport Berry writes about Joseph Short’s key invention during the Civil War: a knapsack that didn’t wreck Union soldiers’ backs and shoulders... (Read More)
The last Confederate army to surrender in the Civil War was not one of Southern whites: it was the Cherokee army of Brigadier General/Chief Stand Watie... (Read More)
Melissa Davenport Berry tells a heartwarming story about Israel Broadsword, a 100-year-old Civil War vet who, in 1946, received a new Civil War uniform... (Read More)